> Sandy Denny > Songs > What Is True?

What Is True?

[Sandy Denny]

Sandy recorded this song twice: The first version is a demo recorded at Byfield, Northans in December 1974; Sandy accompanies herself on piano. This recording was released on the Who Knows Where the Time Goes? box set and on the bonus CD of the Fledg’ling Sandy Denny anthology A Boxful of Treasures. The second recording is by Fairport and was released on Rising for the Moon; Sandy plays electric piano on this song and Bruce Rowland plays drums.

Cover Versions

  1. Lynni Treekrem with her Norwegian translation Spindelvev & savn on Tusenfryd (1994)
  2. Linde Nijland on her album Linde Nijland sings Sandy Denny (2003)


Sorry, I can't show the lyrics here as I don't have the copyright owners' permission to publish them. But please feel free and ask me to send you the song's lyrics.