> Martyn Wyndham-Read > Chronological Discography

Martyn Wyndham-Read Chronological Discography


Folk Songs of Australia (Delta DRX-080) Various Artists: Folksongs of Australia (Vol. 1), EP, Delta DRX-080, 1963

Brian Mooney, Martyn Wyndham-Read, David Lumsden: Moreton Bay (Score POL 031) Brian Mooney, Martyn Wyndham-Read, David Lumsden: Moreton Bay, LP, Score POL 031, 1963


Martyn Wyndham-Read: Folk Songs (WG-E-2326) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Folk Songs, EP, W&G WG-E-2326, 1964

Australian Folk Festival (Score POL 035) Various Artists: Australian Folk Festival, LP, Score POL 035, 1964

Australian Folk Night (WG-25/5043) Various Artists: Australian Folk Night, LP, W&G WG-B-1827, 1964, W&G WG-25/5043, 1966?


Martyn Wyndham-Read, Brian Mooney, Glen Tomasetti: Will Ye Go Lassie Go? (W&G WG-B-2465) Brian Mooney, Glen Tomasetti, Martyn Wyndham-Read: Will Ye Go Lassie Go?, LP, W&G WG-B-2465, 1965


Martyn Wyndham-Read: Australian Songs (W&G WG-B-2597) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Australian Songs, LP, W&G WG-B-2597, 1966

Martyn Wyndham-Read, Danny Spooner, Gordon McIntyre, Peter Dickie: A Wench, a Whale and a Pint of Good Ale (Score POL 038) Martyn Wyndham-Read, Danny Spooner, Gordon McIntyre, Peter Dickie: A Wench, a Whale and a Pint of Good Ale, LP, Score POL 038, 1966


A.L. Lloyd: Leviathan! (Topic 12T174) A.L. Lloyd: Leviathan! (Topic TSCD497) A.L. Lloyd: Leviathan! Ballads & Songs of the Whaling Trade, LP, Topic 12T174, 1967, CD, Topic TSCD497, 1998

Martyn Wyndham-Read, Phyl Vinnicombe, Peter Dickie: Bullockies, Bushwackers & Booze (Score POL 039) Martyn Wyndham-Read, Phyl Vinnicombe, Peter Dickie: Bullockies, Bushwackers and Booze, LP, Score POL 039, 1967


Martyn Wyndham-Read: Ned Kelly and That Gang (Trailer LER 2009) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Ned Kelly and That Gang, LP, Trailer LER 2009, 1970

The Folk Trailer (Trailer LER 2019) Various Artists: The Folk Trailer, LP, Trailer LER 2019, 1970


A.L. Lloyd et al: The Great Australian Legend (Topic 12T203) A.L. Lloyd, Trevor Lucas, Martyn Wyndham-Read: The Great Australian Legend: A Panorama of Bush Balladry and Song, LP, Topic 12TS203, 1971

Martyn Wyndham-Read: Martyn Wyndham-Read (Trailer LER 2028) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Martyn Wyndham-Read, LP, Trailer LER 2028, 1971

Martyn Wyndham-Read, The Druids, Gerry Fox: Songs and Music of the Redcoats (Argo ZDA 147) Martyn Wyndham-Read with The Druids: Songs and Music of the Redcoats, LP, Argo ZDA 147, 1971


Martyn Wyndham-Read: Harry the Hawker Is Dead (Argo ZFB 82) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Harry the Hawker Is Dead, LP, Argo ZFB 82, 1973

Frankie Armstrong, Roy Harris, A.L. Lloyd, Martyn Wyndham-Read: The Valiant Sailor (Topic 12TS232) Frankie Armstrong, Roy Harris, A.L. Lloyd, Martyn Wyndham-Read: The Valiant Sailor: Songs & Ballads of Nelson's Navy, LP, Topic 12TS232, 1974

The World of Folk Vol. 2 (Argo SPA-A 307) Various Artists: The World of Folk Vol. 2, LP, Argo SPA-A 307, 1973


Roy Harris, A.L. Lloyd, Ian Manuel, Bernard Wrigley, Martyn Wyndham-Read: Sea Shanties (Topic 12TS234) Roy Harris, A.L. Lloyd, Ian Manuel, Bernard Wrigley, Martyn Wyndham-Read: Sea Shanties, LP, Topic 12TS234, 1974


Martyn Wyndham-Read, Geoff & Pennie Harris, Arky’s Toast: Maypoles to Mistletoe (Trailer LER 2092) Martyn Wyndham-Read, Geoff & Pennie Harris, Arky’s Toast: Maypoles to Mistletoe, LP, Trailer LER 2092, 1975


The Second Folk Review Record (Folksound FS 107) Various Artists: The Second Folk Review Record, LP, Folksound FS 107, 1976


The High Level Ranters, Martyn Wyndham-Read: English Sporting Ballads (Broadside BRO 128) The High Level Ranters, Martyn Wyndham-Read: English Sporting Ballads, LP, Broadside BRO 128, 1977


Martyn Wyndham-Read: Ballad Singer (Autogram ALLP-218) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Ballad Singer, LP, Autogram ALLP-218, 1978


Martyn Wyndham-Read: Andy’s Gone (Broadside BRO 134) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Andy’s Gone, LP, Broadside BRO 134, 1979


Martyn Wyndham-Read: Emu Plains (Fellside FE027) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Emu Plains (Fellside FECD27) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Emu Plains, LP, Fellside FE027, 1981; CD, Fellside FECD27, 2001


Seven Creeks Run (Larrikin LRF 118) Various Artists: Seven Creeks Run: Songs of the Australian Bush, LP, Larrikin LRF 118, 1982


Martyn Wyndham-Read: A Rose From the Bush (Greenwich Village GVR 222) Martyn Wyndham-Read: A Rose From the Bush, LP, Greenwich Village GVR 222, 1984

Martyn Wyndham-Read: The Rose / The Queensland Shed’s Begun, single, Greenwich Village GVRS 222, 1984

Martyn Wyndham-Read et al.: The Old Songs (Greenwich Village GVR 225) Martyn Wyndham-Read, Martin Carthy et al.: The Old Songs, LP, Greenwich Village GVR 225, 1984

Chants de Marins IV (Le Chasse-Marée SCM 005) Various Artists: Chants de Marins IV: Ballads, Complaintes et Shanties des Matelots Anglais, 2 LP, Le Chasse-Marée SCM 005, 1984


Joe Stead: A Baker’s Score (Greenwich Village GVR 227) Joe Stead: A Baker’s Score, LP, Greenwich Village GVR 230, 1986

Martyn Wyndham-Read: Across the Line (Greenwich Village GVR 232) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Across the Line, LP, Greenwich Village GVR 232, 1986

Martyn Wyndham-Read et al.: Yuletracks (Greenwich Village GVR 235) Martyn Wyndham-Read, Martin Carthy et al.: Yuletracks, LP, Greenwich Village GVR 235, 1986

Flash Company (Fellside FE050) Various Artists: Flash Company: A Celebration of the First 10 Years of Fellside Records, LP, Fellside FE050, 1986


Martyn Wyndham-Read, Danny Spooner: All Around Down Under (Sandstock SSM036) Martyn Wyndham-Read, Danny Spooner: All Around Down Under, LP, Sandstock SSM 036, 1989


Martyn Wyndham-Read: Mussels on a Tree (Fellside FECD84) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Mussels on a Tree, CD, Fellside FECD84, 1992

Voices (Fellside FECD87) Voices (Musica Pangaea MP10004) Various Artists: Voices: English Traditional Songs, CD, Fellside FECD87, 1992


A.L. Lloyd: Classic A.L. Lloyd (Fellside FECD98) A.L. Lloyd: Classic A. L. Lloyd, CD, Fellside FECD98, 1994

Ballades et shanties des matelots anglais (Le Chasse-Marée 030) Various Artists: Ballades et shanties des matelots anglais: Anthologie des chansons de mer, Volume 6, CD, Le Chasse-Marée SCM 030, 1994

Banklands (Fellside FECB100) Various Artists: Banklands: The Story of Fellside Records, CD, Fellside FECB100, 1994


Martyn Wyndham-Read: Sunlit Plains (Fellside FECD102) Martyn Wyndham-Read, Sunlit Plains, CD, Fellside FECD102, 1995


Martyn Wyndham-Read: Undiscovered Australia (Musica Pangaea MP10002) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Undiscovered Australia, CD, Musica Pangaea MP10002, 1996


Martyn Wyndham-Read and No Man’s Band: Beneath a Southern Sky (Fellside FECD115) Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man’s Band: Beneath a Southern Sky, CD, Fellside FECD115, 1997

Ballads (Fellside FECD110) Various Artists: Ballads, CD, Fellside FECD110, 1997


Martyn Wyndham-Read and company: Maypoles to Mistletoe (Country Branch CBCD 091) Martyn Wyndham-Read: Maypoles to Mistletoe, CD, Country Branch CBCD 091, 1998


Martyn Wyndham-Read and No Man’s Band: Beyond the Red Horizon (Fellside FECD146) Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man’s Band: Beyond the Red Horizon, CD, Fellside FECD146, 1999

The Folk Collection (Topic TSCD707/8) Various Artists: The Folk Collection, 2 CD, Topic TSCD707/8, 1999


The New Scorpion Band: Viols and Voyages (KPM KPM 435) The New Scorpion Band: Viols and Voyages, CD, KPM KPM 435, 2000


Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man’s Band: Where Ravens Feed (Fellside FECD157) Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man’s Band: Where Ravens Feed, CD, Fellside FECD157, 2001

Flash Company (Fellside FECD156) Various Artists: Flash Company: A Celebration of 25 Years of Fellside Records (1976-2001), 2 CD, Fellside FECD156, 2001

Voices in Harmony (Fellside FECD158) Various Artists: Voices in Harmony: English Traditional Songs, CD, Fellside FECD158, 2001


Roots & Wings (Holmfirth Festival HFRCD25) Various Artists: Roots & Wings: Holmfirth Festival 25 Years Anniversary, CD, Holmfirth Festival HFRCD25, 2 CD, 2003

Song Links (Fellside FECD176D) Various Artists: Song Links: A Celebration of English Traditional Songs and Their Australian Variants, 2 CD, Fellside FECD176D, 2003


Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man’s Band: Oceans in the Sky (Fellside FECD197) Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man’s Band: Oceans in the Sky, CD, Fellside FECD197, 2005

Song Links 2 (Fellside FECD190D) Various Artists: Song Links 2: A Celebration of English Traditional Songs and Their American Variants, 2 CD, Fellside FECD190D, 2005


Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man’s Band: Jackeroo (Wynding Road WR008) Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man’s Band: Jackeroo, CD, Wynding Road WR008, 2008

Martyn Wyndham-Read and Chris Brown: Maypoles to Mistletoe Book Martyn Wyndham-Read: Maypoles to Mistletoe, book w/ CD, Educational Printing Services, ISBN 978-1-905637-35-5, 2008


Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man’s Band: Back to You (Wynding Road WR009) Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man’s Band: Back to You, CD, Wynding Road WR009, 2010


Martyn Wyndham-Read and company: The Seasons of the Year (Wynding Road WR011) Martyn Wyndham-Read: The Seasons of the Year, CD, Wynding Road WR011, 2012


Martyn Wyndham-Read with No Man’s Band & Carolyn Robson: Starlit Skies (Wynding Road WR010) Martyn Wyndham-Read with No Man’s Band & Carolyn Robson: Starlit Skies, CD, Wynding Road WR010, 2013


Celebrating Cicely (Barleycorn BP104) Various Artists: Celebrating Cicely, 2 CD, Barleycorn BP104, 2015


Tony Deane: Last Orders Tony Deane: Last Orders, CD, The estate of Tony Deane, 2016


Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man’s Band: Away to Tintinara (Wynding Road WR012) Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man’s Band: Away to Tintinara, CD, Wynding Road WR012, 2018

Destination: Fellside Recordings 1976-2018 (Fellside FECD282) Various Artists: Destination: The End of an Era for a Leading Folk Music Label, 3 CD, Fellside FECD282, 2018
