> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes
Index of Songs and Tunes
This (and the similar Index of Child Ballads and Index of Laws Ballads) is a quite crude song list that is automagically generated from the title lines in the song pages. But at least you can search in it for whatever you need. Have fun!
I’ve also added Steve Gardham’s song ‘master titles’ as listed in his Excel sheet linked to in the Mudcat Café thread Origins: Steve Gardham’s ‘Earliest Versions’ as far as possible.
References numbers are given to:
- Steve Roud, Folk Song Index (London, Vaughan Williams Memorial Library),
- Francis James Child, The English & Scottish Popular Ballads (1882-98, reprinted New York, Dover, 1965),
- G. Malcolm Laws jnr., American Balladry from British Broadsides (Philadelphia, American Folklore Society, 1957),
- Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle (editors), The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection Volumes 1-8 (Aberdeen University Press, Mercat Press, 1981-2002),
- Gale Huntington (editor), Sam Henry’s Songs of the People (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1990).
Initial letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > 2
- The 23rd of June (Roud 1808; Henry H490)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > A
- Abe’s Retreat [trad.]
- Above the Hill [Peter Bellamy]
- Abroad As I Was Walking (Roud 578)
- Abroad for Pleasure (Roud 1046; TYG 55)
- Accappella Stella [Rick Kemp]
- According to the Act (Roud 8341)
- An Acre of Land (Roud 21093; TYG 23)
- Across the Blue Mountain (Roud 3132, 25278)
- Across the Hills [Leon Rosselson]
- Across the Line (Roud 8239)
- Across the Western Ocean (Roud 8234)
- Across the Western Plains (Roud 475; G/D 3:580)
- Adam and Eve (Roud 1387)
- Adam Catched Eve (Roud V37609)
- Adam the Poacher (Roud 13907)
- Adieu, Adieu (Roud 30101)
- Adieu, Sweet Lovely Nancy (Roud 165)
- Adieu to Bogieside [John Riddell] (Roud 4593; G/D 8:1517)
- Adieu to Bon County (Roud 15553)
- Adieu to Old England [Gregg Butler]
- Adieu to Old England (Roud 1703; G/D 6:1083)
- Adieu Unto All True Lovers (Roud 22568; G/D 4:783)
- Admiral Benbow (Roud 227)
- Admiral Benbow (Roud 3141)
- Admiral Cole (Roud 2632)
- Adown Winding Nith [Robert Burns] (Roud 2137)
- Adventures of a Penny (Roud 393)
- Ae Fond Kiss [Robert Burns] (Roud 38389)
- The Afro-Dizzy-Yak [Maddy Prior]
- After Aughrim’s Great Disaster [Patrick Augustine Sheehan] (Roud 16907)
- After Halloween [Sandy Denny]
- After the Ball (Roud 4859)
- After the Death [Rick Kemp, Maddy Prior]
- Agamemnon [Hamish Maclaren]
- The Agincourt Carol (Roud V29347)
- Ah Cud Hew [Ed Pickford]
- Aiken Drum (Roud 2571; G/D 8:1694)
- Aiken Drum (Roud 2571)
- The Alabama (Roud 4710)
- Alan Tyne of Harrow (Roud 1553)
- Albion Sunrise [Richard Thompson]
- Al Bowlly’s in Heaven [Richard Thompson]
- Ale, Ale, Glorious Ale (Roud 1512)
- Alex [Maddy Prior]
- Alexander (Roud 6247; G/D 4:829)
- Ali Baba [Maddy Prior]
- Alison and Willie (Roud 245; Child 256)
- Alison Cross (Roud 3212; Child 35)
- Alison Gross (Roud 3212; Child 35)
- Alistair’s [Alistair Anderson]
- All Among the Barley [Elizabeth Stirling] (Roud 1283)
- All Around My Hat (Roud 22518)
- All Bells in Paradise (Roud 1523)
- Allelujah [trad.]
- All for Me Grog (Roud 475; G/D 3:580)
- All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name [Edward Perronet, James Ellor] (Roud 17726)
- All Hail to the Days (Roud V9375)
- All I Have Is My Own (Roud 1667)
- All in a Day [Alex Glasgow]
- All I Need Is You [Dave Cousins]
- All in Green [E.E. Cummings]
- All in the Morning (Roud 287)
- All I Want Is a Little Wine (Roud 29461)
- All Jolly Fellows That Follow the Plough (Roud 346; G/D 3:418)
- All of a Row (Roud 1474)
- All Our Days [Sandy Denny]
- All Round My Hat (Roud 22518)
- All Smiles Tonight (Roud 1034, 803; Henry H504)
- All Things Are Quite Silent (Roud 2532)
- All You That Are to Mirth Inclined (Roud 2431)
- Almost Every Circumstance [Colum Sands]
- Alright Jack [John Tams]
- Altisidora [Lal Waterson, Jo Freya]
- Always on My Mind [Tony Hooper]
- Amang the Blue Flowers and the Yellow (Roud 30; Child 25; G/D 4:843)
- Amazing Grace [John Newton] (Roud 5430; Sacred Harp 45t)
- The Americans Have Stolen My True Love Away (Roud 587, V8363)
- The American Stranger (Roud 1081; G/D 7:1469)
- Among the Green Hay (Roud 965)
- Among the New-Mown Hay (Roud 2941)
- Amsterdam [Jacques Brel]
- Anac Cuan [Anthony Raftery]
- Anchor Song [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- ANC Song (Azicatal)
- And A-Begging I Will Go (Roud 286; G/D 3:488)
- Anderson’s Coast [John Warner]
- Andrew Lammie (Roud 98; Child 233; G/D 5:1018)
- Andrew Rose (Roud 623; G/D 1:6)
- Andrew Ross (Roud 623; G/D 1:6)
- Andro and His Cutty Gun (Roud 2868)
- And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda [Eric Bogle]
- And When They Dance [Roy Abbott]
- And You Need Me [Dave Cousins]
- Andy’s Gone With Cattle [Henry Lawson]
- Angelina Baker [Stephen Collins Foster] (Roud 18341, 17854)
- Angel of Avalon [Charles E. Owston]
- Angels From the Realms of Glory [James Montgomery] (Roud 8358)
- The Angels Took My Racehorse Away [Richard Thompson]
- Annachie Gordon (Roud 102; Child 239; G/D 5:1021)
- Anna Dixie [Lal Waterson]
- Annan Water (Roud 6562)
- Annie Laurie [William Douglas, Lady John Scott] (Roud 8179)
- Another Drink [Maddy Prior]
- Another Fall of Rain [John Neilson]
- Another Man’s Wedding (Roud 567; Laws P31; G/D 6:1199; Henry H60ab)
- The Ant and the Grasshopper [Leon Rosselson]
- The Antarctic Fleet [Harry Robertson]
- Anthem to Failure [Maddy Prior]
- Anti-Carol [John Pole]
- The Anti-Gallican Privateer (Roud 3169)
- The Anvil [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Apple and Potatoes [trad.]
- Apple Tree Wassail (Roud 209)
- Apprenticed in London (Roud 368; Laws P17; G/D 4:788)
- The Apprentice Song [Ian Campbell]
- Arbour [Tim Harries, Gay Woods]
- Archie o’ Cawfield (Roud 83; Child 188; G/D 2:244)
- Arctic City [Marc Brierley]
- ’Ard Tack [trad.]
- Are Ye Sleepin’, Maggie? [Robert Tannahill] (Roud 4897)
- Are You Going to Leave Me? [trad.]
- Arise and Pick a Posy (Roud 193, 2445)
- Arise Arise (Roud 22620, 22621; Laws M4; Henry H722)
- Arise, Arise (Roud 305)
- Around Cape Horn (Roud 2048)
- Arrane Ny Niee [trad.]
- The Arrest of Parnell (Roud 5174)
- Arscott of Tetcott (Roud 6902)
- Arthur McBride (and the Sergeant) (Roud 2355; G/D 1:78)
- Arthur O’Bradley’s Wedding (Roud 365)
- Artichokes and Cauliflowers (Roud 2456)
- As Broad As I Was Walking (Roud 23793)
- Ashen Bowl (Roud 209)
- Ashen Faggot Wassail (Roud 209)
- The Ash Grove (Roud V18199)
- The Ash Plant [trad. tune]
- As I Came in By Fisherrow (Roud 8702)
- As I Came in by Yon Castle Wall (Roud 16906)
- As I Came O’er the Cairney Mount [Robert Burns] (Roud 5524)
- As I Roamed Out (Roud 2512; Laws P19; Henry H794)
- As I Roved Out (Roud 3479; G/D 6:1165)
- As I Roved Out (Roud 419; Henry H593)
- As I Roved Out (Roud 277; Laws O17; G/D 4:791; Henry H152, H793)
- As I Sat on a Sunny Bank (Roud 700)
- As I Set Off to Turkey (Roud 1706; G/D 8:1701)
- As I Stood under My Love’s Window (Roud 21234)
- As I Strolled Out to Aylesbury (Roud 364)
- As I Walked Out (Roud 308; G/D 5:946; Henry H711)
- As I Walked Through the Meadows (Roud 594)
- As Joseph Was A-Walking (Roud 453; Child 54; G/D 2:327)
- As Shepherds Watched Their Fleecy Care [Joseph Key] (Roud 1518)
- As Sylvie Was Walking (Roud 170)
- The Astrologer (Roud 1598)
- As We Were A-Sailing (Roud 492; Laws N4; G/D 1:180)
- At First She Starts [Lal Waterson]
- Atholl Gathering [trad.]
- The Atholl Highlanders [trad. tune]
- At the End of the Day [Sandy Denny]
- Augathella Station (Roud 21114)
- The Auld Beggarman (Roud 212; Child 279 Appendix; Henry H810)
- Auld Lang Syne (Roud 13892)
- Auld Matrons (Roud 3915; Child 249)
- Australia (Roud 1488)
- Autopsy [Sandy Denny]
- Autumn to Spring Medley
- Aux Anciens Parapets [Miles Wootton / Anton Karas]
- Avington Pond (Roud 1654)
- Awake, Arise Good Christians (Roud 17709)
- Awake Awake (Roud 22620, 22621; Laws M4; Henry H722)
- Awake Awake (Roud 2111)
- Awake, Awake [trad. / Bible]
- Awake Awake (New Year’s Carol) (Roud 701)
- Awa Wi Ma Laddie [Mabel Skelton] (Roud 9252)
- Away in a Manger (Roud 25304)
- Away My Brave Boys (Roud V7893)
- Away to the South’ard We Go (Roud 932)
- Away to Tintinara [Mike O’Connor]
- The Aylesbury Girl (Roud 364)
- Ay Waukin, O [Robert Burns] (Roud 6749, V16870; G/D 5:933)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > B
- Baa Baa Black Sheep (Roud 4439)
- Babes in the Wood (Roud 288; Laws Q34)
- Babylon [Richard Nemar] (Roud 13968; Sacred Harp 117)
- Babylon (Roud 27; Child 14; G/D 2:199)
- Bachelor’s Hall (Roud 385)
- Bach Goes to Limerick [trad. tune]
- The Backblocks Shearer [trad.]
- Back o’ Benachie (Roud 406; Laws M13; G/D 5:1012)
- Back of Bennachie (Roud 5404; G/D 6:1223)
- Back to the Army Again [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Bad Girl (Roud 2; Laws Q26)
- Bad News Is All the Wind Can Carry [Richard Thompson]
- The Baffled Knight (Roud 11; Child 112; G/D 2:301)
- Baggy Pants [Maddy Prior]
- A Bagpipe Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- The Bailiff’s Daughter of Islington (Roud 483; Child 105; G/D 1:168)
- Baker’s Oven (Roud 12877)
- The ‘Balaena’ (Roud 285)
- The Bald-Headed End of the Broom [Harry Bennett] (Roud 2129)
- The Ballad of 1891 [Helen Palmer, Doreen Bridges]
- Ballad of Accounting [Ewan MacColl]
- Ballad of Alfie Hinds [David Houlton]
- Ballad of Easy Rider [Roger McGuinn]
- The Ballad of Henry and Susannah [Peter Bellamy]
- The Ballad of Judas [Peter Bellamy]
- The Ballad of Minepit Shaw [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Ballad of Ned Kelly [Trevor Lucas]
- The Ballad of Sammy’s Bar (The Last Boat’s A-Leaving) [Cyril Tawney]
- The Ballad of Springhill [Maurice Ruddick / Peggy Seeger, Ewan MacColl]
- The Ballad of the Butcher and the Bookbinder’s Wife [Gillian Tolfrey]
- Ballina Whalers [Harry Robertson]
- The Ball of Yarn (Roud 1404)
- Ballymurphy Rake [trad. tune]
- Ballyronan Maid [trad.]
- Baloo Baleery (Roud 25914)
- Balter Svens Parapolkett [trad. tune]
- Baltic Street [Violet Jacob]
- Baltimore (Roud 4690)
- Balulalow [James, John and Robert Wedderburn] (Roud 23036)
- Bampton Fair [trad.]
- Bampton Fair [Paul Wilson] (Roud 29978)
- The Band o’ Shearers (Roud 1524; G/D 3:406)
- The Bank of Ireland [trad. tune]
- The Banks [trad. tune]
- The Banks o Doon [Robert Burns] (Roud 13889)
- The Banks of Claudy (Roud 266; Laws N40; G/D 5:1036; Henry H5, H693)
- The Banks of Green Willow (Roud 172; Child 24; G/D 6:1225)
- The Banks of Inverary (Roud 1415; G/D 6:1263)
- The Banks of Inverurie (Roud 1415; G/D 6:1263)
- Banks of Marble [Les Rice]
- The Banks of Newfoundland (Roud 1972; Henry H569)
- Banks of Newfoundland (Roud 1812; Laws K25)
- The Banks of Red Roses (Roud 603; G/D 7:1444)
- Banks of Sicily [words Hamish Henderson, tune PM James Robertson] (Roud 10501)
- The Banks of Sweet Dundee (Roud 148; Laws M25; G/D 2:224)
- The Banks of Sweet Primroses (Roud 586; G/D 8:1841)
- The Banks of the Bann (Roud 3473; Henry H614)
- Banks of the Bann (Roud 889; Laws O2; Henry H86)
- Banks of the Clyde (Roud 3815; Henry H812)
- Banks of the Clyde (Roud 1784)
- The Banks of the Dee (Roud 3484)
- Banks of the Dee (Roud 3814; Henry H583)
- The Banks of the Lee (Roud 6857)
- The Banks of the Mossem/Mossom/Mossing (Roud 1646)
- The Banks of the Nile (Roud 950; Laws N9; G/D 1:99; Henry H238a)
- Banks of the Ohio (Roud 157; Laws F5)
- The Banks of the Roses (Roud 603; G/D 7:1444)
- Banks of the Tees [Graeme Miles]
- Bannero (Roud 397; Laws P15; G/D 2:333)
- Bantry Girls’ Lament (Roud 2999)
- The Barbados Lady [trad.]
- Barbara Allen (Roud 54; Child 84; G/D 6:1193; Henry H236)
- Barbaree (Roud 134; Laws K33; G/D 1:38)
- Barbary Allen (Roud 54; Child 84; G/D 6:1193; Henry H236)
- Barbary Ellen (Roud 54; Child 84; G/D 6:1193; Henry H236)
- The Barley and the Rye (Roud 23268)
- The Barley Mow (Roud 944, 10722)
- The Barley Raking (Roud 1024; G/D 6:1154)
- The Barley Straw (Roud 19112)
- Barnet Fair [Rick Kemp]
- Barney Buntline [Charles Dibdin] (Roud 12825)
- The Barnyards o’ Delgaty (Roud 2136; G/D 3:347)
- The Baron of Brackley (Roud 4017; Child 203; G/D 2:234)
- Barrack Street (Roud 1902; Laws K42)
- The Barring of the Door (Roud 115; Child 275; G/D 2:321)
- Bartholomew Fair
- The Barton Broad Ballad (Roud 1781)
- The Basket of Eggs (Roud 377; G/D 2:307)
- Bath Time [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- The Battle of Alma (Roud 1221)
- The Battle of Evermore [Jimmy Page, Robert Plant]
- The Battle of Harlaw (Roud 2861; Child 163; G/D 1:112)
- The Battle of Otterburn (Roud 3293; Child 161)
- The Battle of Sykehouse Lock [Gerald ‘Gezz’ Overington]
- Battle of the Somme [trad. tune]
- Battle of Waterloo [Jim Malcolm]
- The Battle of Waterloo (Roud 1132, 1106; Henry H608)
- The Battle With the Ladle (Roud 1004; Laws Q7)
- The Baynit and the Butt [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Bay of Biscay (Roud 22567)
- Bay of Fundy [Gordon Bok]
- Beacon Park [Cyril Tawney]
- Beat the Retrat [Richard Thompson]
- Beautiful Nancy (Roud 18525)
- Beautiful Nancy (Roud 1646)
- Beautiful Star of Bethlehem [Adger McDavid Pace, R. Fisher Boyce] (Roud 15755)
- Be Careful in Choosing a Wife (Roud 4744)
- Because My Love Loves Me (Roud 578)
- Bede’s Death Song [Rick Kemp]
- Bedfordshire May Day Carol (Roud 305)
- Bedlam City (Roud 968)
- The Bedmaking (Roud 1631)
- The Bee-Boy’s Song [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Beefcan Close (Roud 866)
- Been on the Road So Long [Alex Campbell]
- The Bee’s Wing [trad. tune]
- The Beggar [William Stevenson] (Roud 1573)
- The Beggar Laddie (Roud 119; Child 280; G/D 2:277; Henry H810)
- The Beggar Man (Roud 118; Child 279; G/D 2:274)
- The Beggar Man (Roud 212; Child 279 Appendix; Henry H810)
- The Beggarman of County Down (Roud 3080)
- The Begging Song (Roud 286; G/D 3:488)
- A-Begging We Will Go (Roud 286; G/D 3:488)
- The Beginning of the Armadillos [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Beg Your Leave (Roud 614; TYG 53)
- Beinn a’ Cheathaich (Henry H535(b))
- The Belfast Mountains (Roud 1062; Henry H519)
- The Belfast Shoemaker (Roud 982; Laws J15; G/D 1:82)
- Bell Bottom Trousers (Roud 269; Laws K43; G/D 7:1429; TYG 10)
- Bellman [trad.]
- The Bellringing (Roud 1515)
- The Bells of Rhymney [Idris Davies, Pete Seeger]
- Bendigo, Champion of England (Roud V7648)
- Beneath the Window of My Cell (Roud 5122, 8122)
- Benjamin Bowmaneer (Roud 1514)
- The Berkshire Tragedy (Roud 8; Child 10; G/D 2:213)
- The Berryfields of Blair [Belle Stewart] (Roud 2154)
- The Besom Maker (Roud 910)
- Best Wishes [Steve Ashley]
- Betsy Baker (Roud 1288)
- Betsy Bell (Roud 5211)
- Betsy Bell and Mary Gray (Roud 237; Child 201; G/D 6:1257)
- Betsy the Milkmaid (Roud 559; Laws O10)
- Betsy the Servant Maid (Roud 156; Laws M20; G/D 6:1094)
- Betsy the Serving Maid (Roud 156; Laws M20; G/D 6:1094)
- Betsy Walton (Roud 1493; G/D 6:1160; TYG 74)
- Between Twa Hills (Roud 380; G/D 6:1187)
- Bewcastle [Maddy Prior, Rick Kemp]
- Beyond the Dreaming Place [Gay Woods, Peter Knight]
- Big Bow Wow (Roud 613)
- Big Poll the Grog Seller [Charles Thatcher]
- Big Rock Candy Mountain [Harry McClintock] (Roud 6696)
- Big Steamers [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Bill ’Awkins [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Bill Driver’s Quickstep [trad. tune]
- Bill Norrie (Roud 53; Child 83; G/D 2:214)
- Bill the Weaver (Roud 432; Laws Q9; G/D 7:1461; Henry H682)
- Billy Barlow (Roud 236)
- Billy Boy (Roud 326)
- Billy Don’t You Weep for Me (Roud V2845)
- Billy Harrison’s Father’s Polka [trad. tune]
- Billy Reilley [Bonnie Shaljean]
- Binnorie (Roud 8; Child 10; G/D 2:213)
- The Bird [Lal Waterson]
- Bird in a Cage (Roud 419)
- The Bird in the Bush (Roud 290)
- Bird on a Wire [Leonard Cohen]
- The Birds in the Spring (Roud 356)
- The Birds Upon the Tree [W.C. Robey] (Roud 1863)
- The Birds Will Still Be Singing [Declan McManus (Elvis Costello)]
- The Birken Tree (Roud 5069; G/D 4:802)
- The Birks of Invermay [David Mallet] (Roud 3858)
- Birmingham Boys (Roud 665)
- Birnie Bouzle (Roud 3343; G/D 4:876)
- The Birth of Robin Hood (Roud 3910; Child 102)
- The Bitter-Sweet Bed [Cyril Tawney]
- The Bitter Whaling Grounds (Roud 2000)
- The Bitter Withy (Roud 452)
- Black & White Rag [George Botsford]
- The Black and Bitter Night [Peter Bellamy]
- The Black Ball Line (Roud 2623)
- The Blackberry Fold (Roud 559; Laws O10)
- The Blackbird (Roud 2375)
- The Blackbird of (Sweet) Avondale (Roud 5174)
- Blackbirds and Thrushes (Roud 12657)
- Blackbirds and Thrushes (Roud 329)
- The Black Cook (Roud 2310)
- The Blackest Crow (Roud 422)
- Black-Eyed Susan [John Gay] (Roud 560; Laws O28)
- The Black Fox [Graham Pratt]
- The Black Freighter [Bertolt Brecht / Kurt Weill]
- Black Horse [Lal Waterson, Christine Collins]
- Black Is the Colour of My True Love’s Hair (Roud 3103)
- Black Jack Davy (Roud 1; Child 200; G/D 2:278; Henry H124)
- Black Joke
- Black Joker (Roud 9212)
- Blackleg Miners (Roud 3193)
- Black Muddy River [Jerry Garcia, Robert Hunter]
- The Black Shawl (Roud 654; TYG 33)
- The Blacksmith (Roud 816)
- A Blacksmith Courted Me (Roud 816)
- Black Swan [Tim Harries]
- The Black Velvet Band (Roud 2146)
- Blackwater Side (Roud 312; Laws O1; Henry H811)
- Blackwaterside (Roud 6319)
- Blackwell Merry Night [Robert Anderson] (Roud 1529)
- Black, White, Yellow and Green (Roud 9212)
- The Blantyre Explosion (Roud 1014; Laws Q35)
- Blaze Away [Abe Holzman, Jimmy Kennedy]
- The Bleacher Lassie of Kelvinhaugh (Roud 3325; G/D 5:1041)
- The Bleaches So Green (Roud 1096; G/D 6:1132)
- The Blind Beggar’s Daughter of Bethnal Green (Roud 132; Laws N27; G/D 5:1061)
- Blind Fiddler (Roud 7833)
- The Blind Harper (Roud 85; Child 192; G/D 2:270)
- Blind Mary [Turlough O’Carolan]
- Blood and Gold [Andy Irvine / Jane Cassidy]
- Blood, Ice and Ashes [Kim Edgar, Karine Polwart, Kenny Anderson]
- Blood Red Roses (Roud 931)
- The Bloody Fields of Flanders [trad. tune]
- The Bloody Gardener (Roud 1700)
- The Bloody Red Hand [Randy Percy]
- Bloody Waterloo (Roud 622; Laws N31)
- Bloomers [Maddy Prior]
- The Blooming Rose of Antrim [John and William Brownlee] (Roud 2928; Henry H612)
- Blow Away (For Bill) [Kate Bush]
- Blow Boys Blow (Roud 703; G/D 1:2)
- Blow Out the Moon [anon.]
- Blow the Candle Out (Roud 368; Laws P17; G/D 4:788)
- Blow the Man Down (Roud 2624)
- Blow the Winds (Roud 11; Child 112; G/D 2:301)
- Blow the Winds High-O [Joseph Bryan Geoghegan] (Roud 1778; G/D 6:1102)
- Blow the Wind Southerly (Roud 2619)
- Blow ye Winds (Roud 2106, 24883)
- Blow ye Winds in the Morning (Roud 2012)
- Blow Your Trumpet, Gabriel (Roud 11860)
- Bluebird (Judy G) [John B. Spencer]
- Blue Bleezin’ Blind Drunk (Roud 6333)
- The Blue-Eyed Lover (Roud 16637)
- Blue-Eyed Nancy (Roud 3870)
- Blue Mountain [Fred W. Keller] (Roud 10861)
- Blue Roses [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Blues Run the Game [Jackson C. Frank]
- Blue Tattoo (Coal Town Road) [Billy Edd Wheeler]
- Bluey Brink (Roud 8838)
- Blythe, Blythe and Merry Was She (Roud 2868)
- Blythe Was She [Robert Burns] (Roud 6123)
- The Boar’s Head Carol (Roud 22229)
- The Boatie Rows (Roud 3095)
- The Boatman (Roud 4356; Henry H834)
- The Boatman’s Cure [George Ward]
- The Boatswain and the Tailor (Roud 570; Laws Q8; G/D 7:1432; Henry H604)
- Bobby Shaftoe (Roud 1359)
- Bodmin Wassail (Roud 209)
- The Bogend Hairst (Roud 3090; G/D 3:348)
- The Bogheid Crew (Roud 5406; G/D 3:409)
- Bogie’s Banks and Bogie’s Braes (Roud 6023; G/D 3:547)
- Bogie’s Bonnie Belle (Roud 2155; G/D 7:1396)
- Bohunkus and Josephus (Roud 6360)
- Bold Archer (Roud 83; Child 188; G/D 2:244)
- The Bold Astrologer (Roud 1598)
- The Bold Benjamin (Roud 2632)
- Bold Carter (Roud 811)
- Bold Doherty (Roud 2992)
- The Bold Dragoon (Roud 321; Laws M27)
- The Bold Dragoon (Roud 162; Child 299; G/D 7:1470)
- The Bold Drover (Roud 311; G/D 7:1463)
- The Bold English Navvy (Roud 516; G/D 4:787)
- The Bold Fisherman (Roud 291; Laws O24; G/D 4:834)
- The Bold Gambling Boy (Roud 393)
- Bold General Wolfe (Roud 624)
- The Bold Grenadier (Roud 140; Laws P14; TYG 34)
- Bold Jack Donahue (Roud 611)
- Bold Keeper (Roud 321; Laws M27)
- The Bold Lieutenant (Roud 396; Laws O25; G/D 5:1056; Henry H474)
- Bold Lovell (Roud 534; Laws L13B)
- Bold McCarthy (Roud 1800; Laws K26)
- Bold Nelson’s Praise (Roud 1574)
- Bold Nevison (Roud 1082)
- The Bold Pedlar and Robin Hood (Roud 333; Child 132)
- The Bold Poachers [Fred Holman] (Roud 902)
- The Bold Poachers (Roud 1686)
- The Bold Princess Royal (Roud 528; Laws K29; G/D 1:47)
- The Bold Privateer (Roud 1000; Laws O32; Henry H514)
- Bold Reynard the Fox (Roud 358, 1868)
- Bold Reynolds (Roud 190)
- Bold Richard (Roud 382)
- Bold Riley (Roud 18160)
- Bold Robinson (Roud 2411)
- Bold Sir Rylas (Roud 29; Child 18)
- The Bold Tenant Farmer (Roud 5164)
- Bold Thady Quill [Johnny Tom Gleeson] (Roud 23572)
- The Bold Trooper (Roud 311; G/D 7:1463)
- Bold William Taylor (Roud 158; Laws N11; G/D 1:169; Henry H213, H757)
- Bold Wolfe (Roud 961; Laws A1)
- Boll Weevil, Holler (Roud 3124; Laws I17)
- The Bonambuie [Cathal Buí Mac Giolla Ghunna] (Roud 5332, 9734; Henry H830)
- Bonaparte’s Lament (Roud 349)
- Bonaparte’s Retreat [trad.]
- The Bone Lace Weaver [Leonard Wheatcroft, Roy Harris]
- Boney (Was a Warrior) (Roud 485)
- The Bonfire Carol [probably Ruth Tongue]
- Bonnets So Blue [trad. tune]
- Bonnie Annie (Roud 172; Child 24; G/D 6:1225)
- The Bonnie Banks of Airdrie (Roud 27; Child 14; G/D 2:199)
- The Bonnie Banks of Fordie (Roud 27; Child 14; G/D 2:199)
- Bonnie Bessie Logan [Alexander Anderson] (Roud 21824)
- Bonnie Gallowa’ [George B. Sproat] (RoudBS B2934)
- Bonnie George Campbell (Roud 338; Child 210)
- Bonnie Hielan Laddie [Robert Tannahill] (Roud V22384)
- Bonnie James Campbell (Roud 338; Child 210)
- Bonnie Jeanie Cameron (Roud 13082)
- The Bonnie Lad [Robert Burns] (Roud 6324; G/D 6:1112)
- Bonnie Laddie Ye Gang By Me (Roud 5530; G/D 6:1136)
- Bonnie Lassie O (Roud 4845; G/D 7:1486)
- The Bonnie Lass of Fyvie (Roud 545; G/D 1:84)
- Bonnie Susie Cleland (Roud 45; Child 65)
- Bonnie Udny (Roud 3450; G/D 6:1089)
- The Bonnie Wee Lassie’s Answer (Roud 3326; G/D 1:98)
- The Bonnie Wee Lassie Who Never Said No (Roud 2903)
- The Bonnie Wee Trampin Lass (Roud 5129; G/D 8:1917)
- An Bonnán Buí [Cathal Buí Mac Giolla Ghunna] (Roud 5332, 9734; Henry H830)
- Bonny at Morn (Roud 3064)
- The Bonny Birdy (Roud 3972; Child 82)
- The Bonny Black Hare (Roud 1656; G/D 7:1427)
- The Bonny Blue-Eyed Lassie (Roud 3870)
- The Bonny Boat (Roud 87; Child 204)
- Bonny, Bonny (Roud 32290; Henry H75b)
- The Bonny Boy (Roud 31; Laws O35; G/D 6:1222)
- Bonny Brown Girl (Roud 889; Laws O2; Henry H86)
- The Bonny Bunch of Roses O [George Brown] (Roud 664; Laws J5; G/D 1:155)
- The Bonny Bunch of Rushes Green (Roud 831, 3380)
- The Bonny Cuckoo (Roud 24351)
- Bonny Earl of Livingston (Roud 59; Child 91)
- The Bonny Earl of Moray (Roud 334; Child 181)
- The Bonny Gateshead Lass [Joe Wilson]
- Bonny Glenshee (Roud 832; G/D 5:1053)
- The Bonny Green Tree (Roud 2512; Laws P19; Henry H794)
- The Bonny Grey (Roud 211; TYG 81)
- The Bonny Hawthorn (Roud 9268; TYG 9)
- The Bonny Hind (Roud 205; Child 50)
- The Bonny House of Airlie (Roud 794; Child 199; G/D 2:233)
- The Bonny Irish Boy (Roud 565; Laws P26; G/D 6:1080; Henry H168)
- Bonny Irish Boy (Roud 5684)
- The Bonny Irish Maid (Roud 6319)
- Bonny Kate (Roud 1633)
- The Bonny Labouring Boy (Roud 1162; Laws M14; Henry H576)
- Bonny Lass of Anglesey (Roud 3931; Child 220)
- The Bonny Lighter Boy (Roud 843; Laws M22; G/D 3:413, 6:1117)
- The Bonny Light Horseman (Roud 1185; G/D 8:1584; Henry H122a)
- Bonny May (Roud 92; Child 217; G/D 4:838)
- Bonny Moorhen (Jacobite Rebellions) (Roud 2944; G/D 7:1426)
- Bonny Moorhen (miners’ fight)
- Bonny Peggy (Roud 3875; Child 298)
- The Bonny Pit Laddie (Roud 3487)
- Bonny Portmore (Roud 3475; Henry H775)
- The Bonny Ship the ‘Diamond’ (Roud 2172; G/D 1:11)
- Bonny Woodhall (Roud 3778; G/D 5:947; Henry H476)
- Book Song [Ian Matthews, Richard Thompson]
- Boomer’s Story [Carson J. Robison] (Roud 24085)
- Boots of Spanish Leather [Bob Dylan]
- Boozing (Roud 30064)
- The Bosnian Hornpipes [trad.]
- The Boston Burglar (Roud 261; Laws L16; G/D 2:260; Henry H691, H202)
- Boston Harbour (Roud 613)
- Botany Bay (Roud 3372)
- Botany Bay (Roud 261; Laws L16; G/D 2:260; Henry H691, H202)
- Botany Bay [Henry Pottinger Stephens, William Yardley] (Roud 3267)
- Both Sides the Tweed (Roud 8913)
- The Bothy Lads (Roud 5138)
- Bottom of the Punchbowl [trad. tune]
- Bow Down to the Bonny Broom (Roud 161; Child 1)
- The Bows of London (Roud 8; Child 10; G/D 2:213)
- Boxful of Treasure [Sandy Denny]
- Boxing Day [Robb Johnson]
- The Box Upon Her Head (Roud 289; Laws L3; G/D 2:268)
- The Boy and the Mantle (Roud 3961; Child 29)
- The Boy in the Bubble [Paul Simon, Forere Motloheloa]
- Boys and Girls Come Out to Play (Roud 5452)
- The Boys’ Carol [trad.]
- The Boys of Barr na Sráide [Sigerson Clifford] (Roud 24291)
- Boys of Bedlam (Roud V53999, V50075)
- The Boys of Kilkenny (Roud 1451)
- The Braes o’ Balquhidder [Robert Tannahill] (Roud 541; G/D 4:862)
- The Braes o Broo (Roud 5572; G/D 3:443)
- The Braes of Galloway [William Nicholson] (Roud V53337)
- The Braes of Strathblane (Roud 1096; G/D 6:1132)
- The Braes o’ Gleniffer [Robert Tannahill] (Roud V5009)
- The Braes o Killiecrankie (Roud 3363)
- The Bramble Briar (Roud 18; Laws M32)
- Branle de l’Officiel [George Ratcliffe Woodward, Thoinot Arbeau]
- Brass Band Music [Leon Rosselson]
- The Brave Dudley Boys (Roud 1131)
- Brave General Wolfe (Roud 624)
- The Brave Old Oak [Henry Fothergill Chorley] (Roud 1281)
- The Brave Ploughboy (Roud 1205)
- Brave Wolfe (Roud 961; Laws A1)
- Braw Lads o’ Gala Water [Robert Burns] (Roud 2578)
- Braw Sailin’ on the Sea (Roud 5537; G/D 6:1217)
- Bread and Roses [James Oppenheim]
- Breakfast in Mayfair [Simon Nicol]
- Brennan on the Moor (Roud 476; Laws L7; G/D 2:258)
- The Bressay Lullaby (Roud 25914)
- The Brewer Laddie (Roud 867; G/D 4:916)
- Brian O’Lynn (Roud 294; Henry H480a; TYG 27)
- The Briar and the Rose [Tom Waits]
- The Bricklayer and the Shipwright (A Truthful Song) [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Bricklayer’s Dream (Roud 971)
- Bride’s Farewell [Peter Knight]
- The Bride’s Favourite [trad. tune]
- The Bride’s Lament (Roud 274; Laws K10; G/D 1:19)
- Bride’s March From Unst [trad.]
- Bridges [Erik Gooding]
- Bridget O’Malley [trad.]
- Bridgwater Fair (Roud 1571)
- Brigg Fair (Roud 1083)
- Bright Morning Star (Roud 18268)
- Bright New Year [Alec Thompson]
- Bright Phoebus [Mike Waterson]
- Bright Rosy Morning (Roud 21097)
- Bright Shining Morning (Roud 21097)
- Bright Shiny Morning (Roud 2; Laws Q26)
- The Brilliancy Medley [Eck Robinson, Tommy Jackson]
- Bring ’Em Down [trad.]
- Bring ’Em Down [Trevor Lucas]
- Bring Hither Now the Holly Bough [Stephen Fawcett, Christopher Edwin Willing]
- Bring Out the Banners [John Warner]
- Bring Us a Barrel [Keith Marsden]
- Bring Us in Good Ale (Roud 32821)
- Brisbane Ladies (Roud 21114)
- Brisk and Bonny Lad (Roud 606)
- Brisk and Lively Lad (Roud 2930; G/D 1:173)
- The Brisk Lad (Roud 1667)
- The Brisk Young Bachelor (Roud 1572; G/D 7:1291)
- The Brisk Young Butcher (Roud 167; G/D 7:1466)
- The Brisk Young Lad (Roud 6139; G/D 4:892)
- The Brisk Young Ploughboy (Roud 1205)
- The Brisk Young Sailor (Roud 60; Laws P25; G/D 6:1169, 6:1170; Henry H683)
- The Brisk Young Widow (Roud 2438)
- The British Man-of-War (Roud 372)
- Broadlan’ Lan’ (Roud 7176; G/D 7:1494)
- A Broadside (Roud 492; Laws N4; G/D 1:180)
- Brockagh Brae (Roud 5171)
- The Broken-Down Gentleman (Roud 383)
- Broken-Hearted I Wander (Roud 1185; G/D 8:1584; Henry H122a)
- The Broken Token (Roud 264; Laws N42; G/D 5:1038, 6:1201; Henry H471, H818)
- The Brookland Road [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Broomfield Hill (Roud 34; Child 43; G/D 2:322; Henry H135)
- The Broomfield Wager (Roud 34; Child 43; G/D 2:322; Henry H135)
- The Broom of Cowdenknowes (Roud 8709)
- The Broom of Cowdenknowes (Roud 92; Child 217; G/D 4:838)
- Brose and Butter (Roud 8552, 12585)
- Broughty Wa’s (Roud 108; Child 258)
- Brown Adam (Roud 482; Child 98; G/D 5:994)
- The Brown and the Yellow Ale (Roud 41143)
- The Brown Girl (Roud 180; Child 295)
- The Brown Hare of Whitebrook [Ammon Wrigley] (Roud 1870, 24902)
- Brown Robin (Roud 62; Child 97; G/D 8:1932)
- Brown Robyn’s Confession (Roud 3882; Child 57)
- Bruton Town (Roud 18; Laws M32)
- Bryan O’Lynn [trad. jigs]
- Bucks A-Hunting Go (Roud 217; G/D 4:727)
- Bully in the Alley (Roud 8287)
- The Bunch of Rushes (Roud 831, 3380)
- The Bunch of Thyme (Roud 3; G/D 6:1180)
- Bungay Roger (Roud 1735)
- Bunker Hill
- Burd Helen (Roud 108; Child 258)
- Burgundian Carol [Bernard de la Monnoye]
- Buried in Kilkenny (Roud 10; Child 12; G/D 2:209; Henry H814)
- The Burning (Roud 45; Child 65)
- The Burning Babe [Robert Southwell S.J.]
- Burning of Auchindoon (Roud 4010; Child 183)
- Bushes and Briars (Roud 1027)
- Bushes and Briars (Thistles and Thorns) [Sandy Denny]
- The Bush Girl [Henry Lawson, Peter Bellamy]
- A Bushman’s Song [A.B. Paterson] (Roud 8399)
- Busk, Busk, Bonnie Lassie (Roud 832; G/D 5:1053)
- The Butcher and the Chambermaid (Roud 167; G/D 7:1466)
- The Butcher and the Parson (Roud 17188)
- The Butcher and the Tailor’s Wife (Roud 1528)
- The Butcher Boy (Roud 409; Laws P24)
- The Butcher Boy (Roud 263; Laws P35; G/D 2:200)
- Butter and Cheese and All (Roud 510; G/D 4:914)
- Buttercup Joe (Roud 1635)
- The Buxom Lass (Roud 833)
- Buy Broom Besoms (Roud 1623; G/D 3:489; Henry H17a)
- By Chance It Was (Roud 6901)
- Bye-Bye My Roseanna (Roud 12380)
- Bye Bye Skipper [trad.]
- Byker Hill (and Walker Shore) (Roud 3488)
- By the Deep River Side (Roud 1414; G/D 6:1155)
- By the Green Grove (Roud 356)
- By the Hush (Roud 2314)
- By Then [Eliza Carthy]
- By the Sweet Silver Light, Bonny Moon (Roud 906)
- By the Time It Gets Dark [Sandy Denny]
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > C
- Cadgwith Anthem (Roud 3314)
- Cairn o’ Mount (Roud 3794; G/D 5:1042)
- Cajun Woman [Richard Thompson]
- Cakes and Ale [Henry Purcell]
- Caledonia (Roud 5543; G/D 2:227)
- The Calico Printer’s Clerk [Harry Clifton] (Roud 13210; G/D 8:1900)
- Caller Herring (Roud 18353)
- Caller O’u (Roud 17289)
- The Call of the North [Jack Sorensen]
- The Calton Weaver (Roud 883; G/D 3:603; Henry H745)
- Cambridgeshire May Carol (Roud 305)
- Cameloun (Roud 5592; G/D 3:389)
- Campbell the Drover (Roud 881)
- Camptown Races [ Stephen Collins Foster] (Roud 11768)
- Cam Ye O’er Frae France (Roud 5814; G/D 1:120)
- Canada I O (Roud 309; Henry H162)
- Canadee-I-O (Roud 309; Henry H162)
- Canals [Maddy Prior]
- Candle in the Wind [Bernie Taupin, Elton John]
- The Candlelight Fisherman (Roud 1852)
- Cannily Cannily [Ewan MacColl]
- A Canon By Telemann [trad. tune]
- Can’t You Dance the Polka (Roud 486)
- Can Ye Sew Cushions? (Roud 5527)
- The Capable Wife (Roud 281; Laws Q1; Henry H702)
- Captain Bover (Roud 3147)
- Captain Coulston (Roud 1695; Henry H562)
- Captain Devin (Roud 533; Laws L13A; Henry H792)
- Captain Glen (Roud 478; Laws K22; G/D 2:191)
- Captain Kidd (Roud 1900; Laws K35)
- The Captain’s Apprentice (Roud 835)
- The Captain’s Song (Roud 610)
- Captain Thunderbolt (Roud 1453)
- Captain Ward and the Rainbow (Roud 224; Child 287; G/D 1:39)
- Captain Wedderburn’s Courtship (Roud 36; Child 46; G/D 4:842; Henry H681)
- The Captain With the Whiskers (Roud 2735, V12549; G/D 1:87; Henry H660)
- The Card Song (Roud 884; G/D 3:571)
- Careless Love (Roud 422)
- The Carles o’ Dysart [Robert Burns] (Roud 8692, V45021)
- Carmin Fair [trad.]
- The Carnal and the Crane (Roud 306; Child 55)
- Carnival [Sandy Denny]
- Carol for New Year’s Day [trad.]
- Carol for the New Year [trad.]
- A Carol for Twelfth Day (Roud 22087)
- Carol for Twelfth Day (Roud 3312)
- Caroline and Her Young Sailor Bold (Roud 553; Laws N17; G/D 1:176)
- Carol of the Beasts [Bernard de la Monnoye]
- Carrickfergus (Roud 26183)
- Carrickmannon Lake (Roud 5177)
- The Carrion Crow (Roud 891)
- Carry Him to His Burying Ground (Roud 216)
- Carter’s Health (Roud 1384)
- Carthy’s March [Dave Swarbrick]
- Carthy’s Reel [trad. tune]
- Castle by the Sea (Roud 21; Child 4; G/D 2:225; Henry H163)
- The Castlereagh River [A.B. Paterson] (Roud 8399)
- Castleton Carol (Roud 1523)
- The Catalpa (Roud 5480)
- Catch Me If You Can (Roud 1028)
- Ca’ the Ewes to the Knowes [Robert Burns] (Roud 857; G/D 5:1014; Henry H175)
- Catseyes [Maddy Prior]
- Cauld Blaws the Wind Ower the Knock and the Bin (Roud 16134; G/D 81925)
- Cawsand Bay (Roud 22827)
- Cecilia (Roud 7; Laws N21; Henry H35)
- The Celebrated Working Man [Ed Foley] (Roud 3486)
- Cells [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- C’est La Fin [anon.]
- Changeling’s Lullaby [Gavin Davenport, Jess Arrowsmith]
- Change Partners and Dance [Stephen L. Graziano]
- Chanticleer [trad.]
- The Chaps of Cockaigny (Roud 1451)
- Chariots [John Kirkpatrick]
- The Charlady’s Son (Roud 357)
- Charlie (Roud 729; G/D 1:135)
- Charlie, O Charlie (Roud 2584; G/D 3:401)
- Charming Mary Neal (Roud 142; Laws M17; Henry H55)
- Charming Molly (Roud 1213)
- Chase the Buffalo (Roud 1026; G/D 6:1103)
- A Chat with Your Mother [Lou & Peter Berryman]
- The Cheerful ’Orn (Roud 217; G/D 4:727)
- Cheering the Queen [Cyril Tawney]
- Cheer’ly Men (Roud 395)
- Chemical Worker’s Song [Ron Angel]
- Cherokee Shuffle [Eck Robinson, Tommy Jackson]
- The Cherry Tree Carol (Roud 453; Child 54; G/D 2:327)
- Cheshire Rounds [trad. tune]
- Chevy Chase (Roud 223; Child 162)
- Chicken on a Raft [Cyril Tawney]
- The Chickens in the Garden [James Allan Bland] (Roud 2552)
- The Chickens They Are Crowing (Roud 3650)
- Chilbridge Fair (Roud 173)
- Child Among the Weeds [Lal Waterson, Chris Collins]
- Childe of Plimstock (Roud 23155)
- Childe the Hunter (Roud 23155)
- Child Maurice (Roud 53; Child 83; G/D 2:214)
- Child Morris (Roud 53; Child 83; G/D 2:214)
- Child Owlet (Roud 3883; Child 291)
- Child Waters (Roud 43; Child 63; G/D 6:1229)
- The China Clipper [Kathleen Tardif, Peter Bellamy]
- The ’Chiner’s Song (Roud 874)
- Chinese People Everywhere [Sandy Denny]
- Chinese White [Mike Heron]
- Chivvy-O (Roud 1241)
- The Choise [Anthony Holborne]
- Cholera Camp [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Christian’s Hope (Roud -; Sacred Harp 206)
- Christ Made a Trance (Roud 2112)
- The Christmas Goose (Roud 3204; TYG 40)
- The Christmas Hare [Roger Wilson]
- Christmas in June [Sandy Denny]
- Christmas Is Now Drawing Near At Hand (Roud 808)
- Christmas Song (Roud 1170)
- Chuir M’Athair Mise dhan Taigh Charraideach [trad.]
- Cigarettes, Whusky, and Wild, Wild Women [Tim Spencer]
- Cities and Thrones and Powers [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Clare Dragoons [trad. tune]
- Claudy Banks (Roud 266; Laws N40; G/D 5:1036; Henry H5, H693)
- Clementine (Roud 9611)
- Clerk Colven (Roud 147; Child 42)
- Clerk Colvill (Roud 147; Child 42)
- Clerk Saunders (Roud 3855; Child 69)
- The Clerk’s Twa Sons o’ Owsenford (Roud 3902; Child 72; G/D 8:1931)
- Click Go the Shears (Roud 8398)
- Climbing Up the Apple Tree [trad.]
- Close the Coalhouse Door [Alex Glasgow]
- Close the Door Lightly When You Go [Eric Andersen]
- The Clothes Horse [Fred W. Leigh] (Roud 5661)
- Clyde’s Water (Roud 91; Child 216; G/D 6:1231)
- The Coachman (Roud 862)
- Coal Not Dole [Kay Sutcliffe, Paul Abrahams]
- The Coal Owner and the Pitman’s Wife [William Hornsby] (Roud 44465)
- The Coast of Peru (Roud 1997; Laws D26)
- Cob-a-Coaling (Roud 9234)
- The Cobbler’s End (Roud 22797)
- Cobbler’s Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- A Cobbler There Was (Roud 22797)
- The Cock (Roud 21234)
- Cock-a-Doodle-Do (Roud 3464)
- The Cockfight (Roud 211; TYG 81)
- Cockies of Bungaree (Roud 20415)
- The Cockle Gatherer [Marion Macleod]
- Cockles and Mussels (Roud 16932)
- Cockleshells (Roud 87; Child 204)
- Cock of the North [Dorothy Hewett]
- The Cocks Are Crowing (Roud 22568; G/D 4:783)
- Cocoa Tea [trad.]
- Cod Banging (Roud 1747)
- The Coiner [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Cold and Raw (Roud 3007)
- Cold Blow and a Rainy Night (Roud 135; G/D 4:778)
- Cold Blows the Wind (Roud 51; Child 78)
- The Cold Coast of Greenland (Roud 484)
- Cold Coast of Iceland [Mike Waterson]
- Cold Feet [Richard Thompson]
- Cold Flame [Maddy Prior]
- Cold Haily Windy Night (Roud 135; G/D 4:778)
- Cold Iron [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Cold Stringy Pie (Roud 1408; TYG 30)
- A Cold Wind [Richard Harvey / Riderwood]
- Coleraine Town (Roud 1414; G/D 6:1155)
- Colin’s Ghost (Roud 1600)
- College Grove [trad. tune]
- A Collier Lad (Roud 16148)
- The Collier Laddie (Roud 3787; G/D 5:991)
- The Collier Lass (Roud V7863)
- The Colour of Amber (Roud 1716)
- Columbine [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- Come All Ye [Sandy Denny, Ashley Hutchings]
- Come All Ye Faithful Christians (Roud 815)
- Come All Ye Fisher Lassies [Ewan MacColl] (Roud 12504)
- Come All Ye Tramps and Hawkers (Roud 1874; G/D 3:487)
- Come All You Bold Britons (Roud 1214)
- Come All You Brisk Young Seamen (Roud 388; Laws K8)
- Come All You Garners Gay (Roud 3; G/D 6:1180)
- Come All You Little Streamers (Roud 18820)
- Come All You True Good Christians (Roud 815)
- Come All You Weary Travellers (Roud 17725)
- Come All You Worthy Christian Men (Roud 815)
- Come and Be My Little Teddy Bear (Roud 19974)
- Come and I Will Sing You (Roud 133)
- Come, Come, My Brave Boys (Roud 17782)
- Come, Come My Friends (Roud 1677)
- Come Lasses and Lads (Roud 22885)
- Come Little Leaves [George Cooper] (Roud 1775)
- Come, My Lads (Roud 1238, 17141)
- Come My Love [F.C. Ball]
- Come, See the Boys Go Round [Paul Davenport]
- Come to My Window (Roud 966)
- Come Under My Plaidie (Roud 8694)
- Come, Write Me Down (Roud 381; G/D 5:980)
- Coming Home From the Wake (Roud 1606)
- Coming Home Late (Roud 114; Child 274; G/D 7:1460; Henry H21ab)
- Comin’ Through the Rye (Roud 5512; G/D 8:1860)
- Commit the Crime [Maddy Prior]
- Company Policy [Martin Carthy]
- Compliments Returned (Roud 1602; G/D 3:673)
- The Condescending Lass (Roud 2538)
- The Connemara Cradle Song [John Francis Waller] (Henry H596)
- Constant Billy [trad.]
- The Constant Farmer’s Son (Roud 675; Laws M33; G/D 2:221; Henry H806)
- The Constant Lovers (Roud 466; Laws K17; G/D 6:1244)
- The Constant Lovers (Roud 993; Laws O41; G/D 6:1093; Henry H634)
- Conversation With Death (Roud 4933)
- The Convict’s Lamentation (Roud 2537)
- The Convict’s Song (Roud 5122, 8122)
- The Coo Coo Bird (Roud 413; G/D 6:1157; Henry H479)
- The Copshawholme Butcher (Roud 167; G/D 7:1466)
- Copshawholme Fair [David Anderson] (Roud 9139)
- Corachree (Roud 7184; G/D 7:1468)
- Corduroy (Roud 1219)
- The Corncrake Amang the Whinny Knowes (Roud 2736; G/D 5:945; Henry H18b)
- Cornfield [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- The Cornish Quickstep [John Kirkpatrick]
- A Cornish Smuggler’s Song [Ralph Dunstan, Mr. Tregarthen]
- Cornish Wassail (Roud 209)
- Cornish Wassail Song (Roud 3312)
- A Cornish Young Man (Roud 595)
- Corn Rigs [Robert Burns] (Roud 32476)
- Coronation Jig [Jeremiah Savile]
- The Cottage in the Wood (Roud 608; G/D 5:983; TYG 36)
- Cottage Well Thatched With Straw (Roud 1270)
- Cotton Mill Girls (Roud 11548)
- Coulter’s Candy (Roud 19019)
- The Country Carrier [Harry Clifton] (Roud 1400; G/D 3:456; Henry H664)
- Country Hirings (Roud 12510)
- The Country Lass (Roud 606)
- Country Life (Roud 1752, 6297; G/D 8:1667)
- The County of Tyrone (Roud 1991; Henry H153ab)
- Courting Is a Pleasure (Roud 454; G/D 6:1192; Henry H615, H625)
- Courting Too Slow (Roud 1918; Laws P5)
- Écoute, Écoute [Sandy Denny]
- The Coventry Carol (Roud 19028)
- The Crabfish (Roud 149)
- Cradle Song [James, John and Robert Wedderburn] (Roud 23036)
- The Crafty Farmer (Roud 2640; Child 283; G/D 2:267)
- The Crafty Maid’s Policy (Roud 1624)
- The Crafty Ploughboy (Roud 2637; Laws L1; G/D 2:266; Henry H51; TYG 78)
- Craigie Hill (Roud 5165)
- Crantock Games (Roud 3318)
- Crazy Arms [Ralph Mooney, Chuck Seals]
- Crazy Lady Blues [Sandy Denny]
- Crazy Man Michael [Richard Thompson, Dave Swarbrick]
- Creeping Jane (Roud 1012; Laws Q23)
- The Creggan White Hare (Roud 9633)
- The Crockery Ware (Roud 1490)
- Crooked Jack [Dominic Behan]
- The Cropper Lads (Roud -; TYG 62)
- The Croppy Boy (Roud 1030; Laws J14)
- Crossing the Bar [Alfred Lord Tennyson]
- Crow and Pie (Roud 3975; Child 111)
- The Crow on the Cradle [Sydney Carter]
- The Cruel Brother (Roud 26; Child 11)
- The Cruel Father (Roud 539; Laws M15; G/D 5:1003; Henry H668)
- Cruel Knife (Roud 500; Laws F1)
- Cruel Lincoln (Roud 6; Child 93; G/D 2:187; Henry H735)
- The Cruel Mother (Roud 9; Child 20; G/D 2:193; TYG 73)
- The Cruel Ship’s Captain (Roud 835)
- The Cruel Ship’s Carpenter (Roud 15; Laws P36A; G/D 2:201, 2:202)
- Cruel Was My Father (Roud 175; Laws P20; G/D 6:1176)
- The Cruel Weaver (Roud 935)
- The Cruise of the Calabar (Roud 1079; Henry H502)
- The Cruise of the Sun Glory [Gerald Short]
- Cruising Round Yarmouth (Roud 2432)
- The Crystal Spring (Roud 1391)
- Cuckold Came Out of the Amery [trad. tune]
- The Cuckoo (Roud 413; G/D 6:1157; Henry H479)
- The Cuckoo’s Nest (Roud 1506, 5407)
- The Culler’s Lament [Peter Cape]
- Cumberland Waltz [trad. tune]
- The Cunning Cobbler (Roud 174)
- Cupid’s Garden (Roud 297; G/D 5:970)
- The Cup of Poison (Roud 218; Laws P30; G/D 2:210)
- Curly Locks (Roud 19787)
- Curragh of Kildare (Roud 583; G/D 6:1104)
- The Cutty Wren (Roud 236)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > D
- Dabbling in the Dew (Roud 298; G/D 4:812)
- Daddy Fox (Roud 131; G/D 3:499; Henry H38)
- Da Floo’er o’ Taft [trad. tune]
- Dainty Davie (Roud 2387, V11651)
- The Dalesman’s Litany [F.W. Moorman, Dave Keddie] (TYG 70)
- Dalmatian Cradle Song [P.A. Grand]
- Dame Durden (Roud 1209)
- Dance to Your Daddy [words William Watson] (Roud 2439; G/D 8:1562)
- Dance to Your Daddy-O (Roud 2439)
- Dance With Me (DgF 47)
- The Dancing [Andy Shanks, Jim Russell]
- Dancing at Whitsun [Austin John Marshall]
- Daniel Wright’s Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- Danny Boy [Frederic Weatherly] (Roud 23565)
- Danny Deever [Rudyard Kipling, trad. arr. Peter Bellamy]
- Danny Rose [Lal & Mike Waterson]
- Dark As a Dungeon [Merle Travis] (Roud 6392)
- Dark-Eyed Lover (Roud 16637)
- Dark Eyed Molly [Archie Fisher]
- The Dark-Eyed Sailor (Roud 265; Laws N35; G/D 5:1037; Henry H232)
- Dark Old Waters [Gordon Bok]
- Dark the Night [Sandy Denny]
- The Darling Boy (Roud 1452)
- Dashing Away With the Smoothing Iron (Roud 869)
- Das irdische Leben [trad.]
- Das Lied vom Weib des Nazi-Soldaten [Bertolt Brecht]
- The Daughter of Peggy, O (Roud 117; Child 277; G/D 7:1282)
- Dave Roberts’ Tune [trad. tune]
- David’s Lamentation [William Billings] (Roud 15055; Sacred Harp 268)
- Davy Lowston [trad.]
- Dawn [Sandy Denny, Jerry Donahue]
- Dawn of the Day [Steeleye Span]
- Days Gone By [Jon Boden]
- Days of ’49 (Roud 2803)
- Dayspring Mishandled [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Day Trip to Bangor [Debbie Cook]
- Dazed [Arthur Rimbaud]
- The Dead Horse (Roud 3724)
- The Deadly Sands [probably Ruth Tongue]
- Dear Companion (Roud 411)
- Dearest Dear (Roud 3601; G/D 8:1540)
- Dear Landlord [Bob Dylan]
- Death and the Lady (Roud 1031)
- Death Goes A-Walking [probably Ruth Tongue]
- Death Is Not the End [Bob Dylan]
- The Death of Ben Hall (Roud 20764)
- The Death of Bill Brown (Roud 609; TYG 41)
- The Death of Napoleon (Roud 2419)
- The Death of Nelson (Roud 1552)
- The Death of Nelson (Roud 18837)
- The Death of Parcy Reed (Roud 335; Child 193)
- The Death of Queen Jane (Roud 77; Child 170; G/D 3:693)
- The Death of the Hart Royal [probably Ruth Tongue]
- Death of Young Andrew (Roud 6740; Child 48)
- Deck the Halls [words Thomas Oliphant] (Roud 26301)
- The Deeds of Napoleon (Roud 2419)
- Deep Blue Sea (Roud 3119)
- Deep in Love (Roud 18829; Henry H218ab)
- Deep in the Darkest Night [Rick Kemp]
- Deep Sea Tug [Harry Robertson]
- Deep Water [Maddy Prior]
- The Deil’s Awa Wi’ th’ Exciseman [Robert Burns] (Roud 16787)
- The Deluded Lover (Roud 3479; G/D 6:1165)
- The Demon Lover (Roud 14; Child 243; G/D 2:332)
- Dennis O’Reilly (Roud 676)
- The Derby Miller (Roud 138; Laws Q21; G/D 3:703)
- The Derby Ram (Roud 126; G/D 3:645; TYG 59)
- Der Leiermann [Wilhelm Müller, Harry Plunket Greene]
- Derry Down Fair (Roud 171; G/D 7:1485)
- Derry Gaol (Roud 896; Laws L11; Henry H705)
- Derwentwater’s Farewell (Roud 2616)
- The Deserter (Roud 493; G/D 1:83)
- The Deserter From Kent (Roud 2510)
- Destitution Road [Alistair Hulett]
- The Devil and Bailiff McGlynn (Roud 5294)
- The Devil and the Farmer’s Wife (Roud 160; Child 278; G/D 2:320)
- The Devil and the Feathery Wife (Roud 12551)
- The Devil and the Ploughman (Roud 160; Child 278; G/D 2:320)
- Devil Got Your Man [Chris Smither]
- The Devil in the Kitchen [trad.]
- The Devil’s Dream [trad. tunes]
- The Devil’s Nine Questions (Roud 161; Child 1)
- Devoran Smugglers [Ralph Dunstan] (Roud 3305)
- The Dew Is on the Grass (Roud 11; Child 112; G/D 2:301)
- Diadem [Edward Perronet, James Ellor] (Roud 17726)
- The Diamantina Drover [Hugh McDonald]
- Dick Darby (Roud 872)
- Dick’s Maggot [trad. tune]
- Dido, Bendigo (Roud 584; TYG 76)
- Died for Love (Roud 18828)
- Died for Love (Roud 60; Laws P25; G/D 6:1169, 6:1170; Henry H683)
- Diego’s Bold Shore (Roud 2006)
- The Diggers’ Song [Gerrard Winstanley] (Roud 1521)
- Dig My Grave (Roud 15633)
- Dilly, Dilly (Roud 3483)
- Ding Dong! Merrily on High [George Ratcliffe Woodward, Thoinot Arbeau]
- Dinki Di (Roud 10189)
- Dinki Di Aussie [trad.]
- Dinny the Piper (Roud 8147; Henry H29)
- Dirry Doodhem (Roud 37666)
- Dirty Linen [trad. tunes]
- Dirty Old Town [Ewan MacColl]
- Dismantled Bride (Roud 4859)
- The Distressed Maid (Roud 564; Laws P18; G/D 6:1188)
- The Ditchling Carol [William Robert Spencer]
- Dives and Lazarus (Roud 477; Child 56)
- The Dockyard Gate (Roud 1739)
- Doctor Fauster’s Tumblers
- Doctor Mack (Roud 1861; Henry H222)
- Dr MCMBE [Eliza Carthy]
- The Doffing Mistress (Roud 2133)
- Dog and Gun (Roud 141; Laws N20; G/D 1:166; Henry H524)
- The Dogger Bank (Roud 18836)
- Dogs and Ferrets (Roud 363)
- Doing a Bit [trad.]
- Doleful Dance of Death (Roud V11404)
- Doleful Warning (Roud 711; Laws G21)
- Dol-li-a (Roud 2611)
- The Dolphin (Roud 690; G/D 1:41; Henry H560)
- Do Me Ama (Roud 511; Laws K40)
- The Dominion of the Sword (Roud V3219)
- Donald MacGillavry [James Hogg] (Roud V5328)
- Donal Don (Roud 13125)
- Donal Óg (Roud 3379)
- Dona Nobis Pacem [trad.]
- Donkey Riding (Roud 4540)
- Donnybrook Fair (Roud 666)
- Don’t Be Cruel [Otis Blackwell, Elvis Presley]
- Don’t Go Out Tonight, Dear Father [M.E. Golding] (Roud V9176)
- Don’t Go Out Tonight, My Darling (Roud 3521)
- Don’t Let Me Die an Old Maid (Roud 802; G/D 7:1378; Henry H138)
- Don’t You Be Foolish, Pray (Roud V1569)
- Don’t You Go A-Rushing (Roud 330)
- Doodle Let Me Go (Roud 3221)
- A Dottered Auld Carle (Roud 362; G/D 4:815)
- The Douglas Tragedy (Roud 23; Child 7; G/D 2:220)
- Dowd’s Favourite [trad. tune]
- The Dowie Dens of Yarrow (Roud 13; Child 214; G/D 2:215)
- Down Among the Barley Straw (Roud 12814)
- Down Among the Dead Men [John Dyer] (Roud 9623, V5128)
- Down by the Green Groves (Roud 356)
- Down by the Magdalen Green (Roud 2893)
- Down by the (Old) Riverside (Roud 564; Laws P18; G/D 6:1188)
- Down by the Salley Gardens [William Butler Yeats] (Roud 32872)
- Down by the Seaside (Roud 1712)
- Down by the Shannon Side (Roud 1453)
- Down by the Tan Yard Side (Roud 1021; Laws M28; Henry H52b)
- The Downfall of Paris [trad.]
- Downhill of Life (Roud 1308)
- Down in the Flood [Bob Dylan]
- Down in the Meadow (Roud 18829; Henry H218ab)
- Down in the Mine [Merle Travis] (Roud 6392)
- Down in the Valley (Roud 567; Laws P31; G/D 6:1199; Henry H60ab)
- Down in Yonder Meadow (Roud 12967; G/D 8:1575)
- Down in Yon Forest (Roud 1523)
- Down the Green Fields (Roud 11627)
- Down the Green Groves (Roud 1478)
- Down Where the Drunkards Roll [Richard Thompson]
- Do You Love an Apple? (Roud 654; TYG 33)
- Dramatis Personae [Maddy Prior, Rick Kemp]
- The Dreadful Ghost (Roud 568; Laws P34; G/D 2:341)
- The Dreadnought (Roud 924; Laws D13; Henry H194)
- Dream Angus [George Churchill]
- Dreaming [Loudon Wainwright III]
- The Dream of Napoleon (Roud 1538)
- Drink, Boys, Drink (Roud 1379, 310)
- Drink Down the Moon (Roud 290)
- Drink Old England Dry (Roud 882)
- Drink Puppy Drink [George J. Whyte-Melville] (Roud 1862)
- Drive Dull Care Away (Roud 13988)
- Drive the Cold Winter Away (Roud V9375)
- A Drop of Nelson’s Blood (Roud 3632)
- The Drover’s Dream (Roud 5473)
- The Drowned Lover (Roud 185; Laws K18; G/D 1:20; TYG 7)
- The Drowned Lovers (Roud 466; Laws K17; G/D 6:1244)
- The Drowned Lovers (Roud 91; Child 216; G/D 6:1231)
- The Drowned Sailor (Roud 185; Laws K18; G/D 1:20; TYG 7)
- The Drowsy Sleeper (Roud 22620, 22621; Laws M4; Henry H722)
- Droylsden Wakes (Roud 3290)
- Drumdelgie (Roud 2180; G/D 3:384)
- The Drunkard Reformed (Roud 1165)
- The Drunken Maidens (Roud 252)
- Dublin City (Roud 542, 3086; G/D 4:746; Henry H532, H641)
- Duck Foot Sue (Roud 9553)
- The Dudley Boys (Roud 1131)
- The Duke of Athole’s Nurse (Roud 3393; Child 212; G/D 1:160)
- The Duke of Bedford (Roud 78)
- The Duke of Marlborough (Roud 233)
- The Duke of Wellington’s March [trad. tune]
- Dumbarton’s Drums (Roud 8669)
- The Dun Broon Bride (Roud 4; Child 73; G/D 2:212)
- Duncan and Brady [Huddie Ledbetter] (Roud 4177; Laws I9)
- Duncan M’Callpin (Roud 5982)
- Dunstan Lullaby [Isaac Watts] (Roud 8885)
- Dust to Dust [John Kirkpatrick]
- The Dusty Miller [Robert Burns] (Roud 5959; G/D 3:454)
- The Dutch in the Medway [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Dutchman [Michael P. Smith]
- D’Ye Ken John Peel? (Roud 1239)
- The Dying Girl’s Message (Roud 3530)
- The Dying Sailor to His Shipmates
- The Dying Soldier (Roud 1223; G/D 1:110)
- The Dying Soldier (Roud 2; Laws Q26)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > E
- Each Heart [Rick Kemp, Maddy Prior]
- Earl Brand (Roud 23; Child 7; G/D 2:220)
- The Earl o Errol (Roud 96; Child 231; G/D 7:1366)
- The Earl of Aboyne (Roud 99; Child 235; G/D 6:1159)
- The Earl of Weymss (Roud 97; Child 232; G/D 5:1051)
- The Earl o March’s Daughter [Lionel McClelland]
- Earl Richard (Roud 47; Child 68)
- Early, Early in the Spring (Roud 152; Laws M1; G/D 1:51)
- Early in the Month of Spring (Roud 273; Laws K12; G/D 6:1245)
- Early One Morning (Roud 12682)
- Early Pearly (Roud 259; Laws Q28; TYG 126, 127)
- Earsdon Sword Dance Song (Roud 610)
- Earth [Les Barker / trad.]
- Eastern Rain [Joni Mitchell]
- The Easter Tree [Dave Goulder]
- East Muir King (Roud 57; Child 89; G/D 8:1930)
- East Virginia (Roud 3396)
- Easy to Slip [Lowell George, Fred Martin]
- E(b) English [Peter Knight]
- The Echoing Horn (Roud 878)
- The Echoing Horn (Roud 24896, 24897)
- Echo Mocks the Corncrake (Roud 2736; G/D 5:945; Henry H18b)
- The Eclipse (Roud 5650; G/D 1:14)
- Eddi’s Service [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Edi Beo Thu, Hevene Quene [anon.]
- Edom o Gordon (Roud 80; Child 178; G/D 2:231)
- Edward (Roud 200; Child 13; TYG 35)
- Edward Corcoran
- Edwin (Roud 182; Laws M34; G/D 2:189; Henry H113)
- Edzell’s Bonnie Braes (Roud 9283)
- Eence Upon a Time (Roud 3361; G/D 7:1399)
- Effects of Love (Roud 2106, 24883)
- The Effects of Love (Roud 1493; G/D 6:1160; TYG 74)
- Eggs and Bacon (Roud 377; G/D 2:307)
- Eggs for Your Breakfast (Roud 1752, 6297; G/D 8:1667)
- Eggs in Her Basket (Roud 377; G/D 2:307)
- The Egloshayle Ringers (Roud 1163)
- The Eighteenth Day of June (Roud 1132, 1106; Henry H608)
- The Eighteenth of June (Roud 2539)
- Eighteen Years Old (Roud 1570; G/D 7:1334)
- Eileen McMahon (Roud 9282)
- Eileen Oge [Percy French] (Roud 34408)
- Ekefield Town (Roud 263; Laws P35; G/D 2:200)
- Elephant [Les Barker / Martin Carthy]
- Elf Call (Roud 3723; Child 40; G/D 2:328)
- The Elfin Knight (Roud 12; Child 2; G/D 2:329)
- Elsie Marley (Roud 3065)
- The Emigrant’s Farewell (Roud 2995)
- End of a Holiday [Simon Nicol]
- End of Me Old Cigar [William Crump] (Roud 17697)
- En-Dor [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The End O’t [Violet Jacob, Sandy Stanage]
- England’s Glory [John Prosser]
- Enniscorthy Fair (Roud 9305, 5312)
- Enoch Brown [Charles Brighton] (Roud 10724)
- Eppie Moray (Roud 2583; Child 223)
- Eppie Morrie (Roud 2583; Child 223)
- Er Fa La La Lo (RoudFS S227619)
- Erin-Go-Bragh (Roud 1627; Laws Q20; G/D 2:236)
- Erin Grá Mo Chroí (Roud 14056)
- Erin, Sad Erin (Roud 1629)
- Erlinton (Roud 24; Child 8)
- The Escape of Old John Webb (Roud 83; Child 188; G/D 2:244)
- Essex Wassail [trad. / Jonny Dyer]
- Euabalong Ball [trad.]
- Eve of New Year Merry [words Thomas Oliphant] (Roud 26301)
- The Everlasting Circle (Roud 129; G/D 8:1668)
- Every Day Dirt (Roud 432; Laws Q9; G/D 7:1461; Henry H682)
- Every Night When the Sun Goes In (Roud 3611)
- Everything Glows [Les Barker / Cole Porter]
- Evona [Lal Waterson]
- The Exile Song [Ewan MacColl]
- Eynsham Poaching Song (Roud 1268)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > F
- The Fabled Hare [Maddy Prior]
- Fable of the Wings [Keith Christmas]
- Face to Face [Maddy Prior]
- The Factory Girl (Roud 1659; Henry H127)
- Factory Man [Shane Howard]
- Faded Flowers [J. H. Brown, James Power] (Roud 16555)
- Fagan the Cobbler (Roud 872)
- Fair and Tender Ladies (Roud 451)
- Fair Annie (Roud 42; Child 62; G/D 6:1161; Henry H126)
- Fair Ellen (Roud 43; Child 63; G/D 6:1229)
- The Fair Flower of Northumberland (Roud 25; Child 9; G/D 6:1149)
- Fair Janet (Roud 44; Child 64; G/D 6:1100)
- Fair Lizzie (Roud 234; Child 51)
- The Fair Maid in Bedlam (Roud 605; G/D 6:1079)
- The Fair Maid of Bristol (Roud 17811)
- Fair Maid of Islington (Roud 168)
- The Fair Maid of Wallington (Roud 59; Child 91)
- Fair Maid on the Shore (Roud 181, V28472; Laws K27)
- Fair Maids of February [Robin and Barry Dransfield]
- A Fair Maid Walking (Roud 264; Laws N42; G/D 5:1038, 6:1201; Henry H471, H818)
- Fair Margaret (Roud 43; Child 63; G/D 6:1229)
- Fair Margaret and Sweet William (Roud 253; Child 74; G/D 2:337)
- Fair Mary of Wallington (Roud 59; Child 91)
- The Fair o Balnafannon (Roud 2894; G/D 4:873)
- Fair Rosamund (Roud 3729)
- Fair Rosie Ann (Roud 39; Child 52; G/D 7:1395)
- The Fairy King’s Courtship (Roud 6875; Henry H56)
- Faithful Emma (Roud 18820)
- Faithful Johnny [Anne Grant] (RoudBS B97438)
- The Faithful Plough (Roud 355; G/D 3:448)
- The Faithful Sailor Boy [Thomas Payne Westendorf, G.W. Persley] (Roud 376; Laws K13; G/D 1:66; Henry H543, H678)
- Fakenham Fair [trad.]
- Fallen Leaves [Eliza Carthy]
- The Falling Tear [William Billings]
- The Fall of the Leaf (Roud 848)
- Fallow Ground (Roud 21234)
- The False Bride (Roud 154; G/D 6:1198)
- False, False (Roud 8276)
- False Foxes [probably Ruth Tongue]
- False-Hearted William (Roud 1414; G/D 6:1155)
- False Knight on the Road (Roud 20; Child 3)
- False Lover John (Roud 21; Child 4; G/D 2:225; Henry H163)
- The False Lover Won Back (Roud 201; Child 218; G/D 5:974)
- False True Love (Roud 419)
- The False Young Man (Roud 1414; G/D 6:1155)
- False Young Man (Roud 419)
- The Famous Flower of Serving Men (Roud 199; Child 106; G/D 1:163)
- The Fan (Roud 396; Laws O25; G/D 5:1056; Henry H474)
- The Fancy Frigate (Roud 2563)
- Fanny Blair (Roud 1393)
- Fare Thee Well, Cold Winter (Roud 1034, 803; Henry H504)
- Fare Thee Well, My Dearest Dear (Roud 1035)
- Farewell Dearest Nancy (Roud 527; Laws K14; Henry H755)
- Farewell, Farewell (Roud 23810)
- Farewell, Farewell [Richard Thompson]
- Farewell He (Roud 1034, 803; Henry H504)
- Farewell Johnny Miner [Ed Pickford]
- Farewell My Friends (Roud 15559)
- Farewell Nancy (Roud 527; Laws K14; Henry H755)
- Farewell Shanty [trad., Mervyn Vincent]
- Farewell She (Roud 1034, 803; Henry H504)
- Farewell to Greta [trad.]
- Farewell to Kingsbridge (Roud 596; Laws J13)
- Farewell to Old Bedford (Roud 16399)
- Farewell to Sicily [words Hamish Henderson, tune PM James Robertson] (Roud 10501)
- Farewell to Tarwathie [George Scroggie] (Roud 2562; G/D 1:15)
- Farewell to the Bonny Banks of Ayr [Robert Burns] (Roud V20705)
- Farewell to the Gold [Paul Metsers]
- Farewell to the Land [Peter Bellamy / trad.]
- Farewell to Whisky (Roud 845; G/D 3:587; Henry H807)
- Farewell to Yorkshire (Roud 15553)
- Far From Home [trad. tune]
- Far From Me [John Prine]
- The Farmer and His Servants (Roud 1408; TYG 30)
- Farmer Giles (Roud 1744)
- The Farmer in Cheshire (Roud 2638; Laws L2)
- The Farmers and the Cow (Roud 5318)
- The Farmer’s Boy (Roud 408; Laws Q30; G/D 5:960)
- The Farmer’s Curst Wife (Roud 160; Child 278; G/D 2:320)
- The Farmer’s Servant (Roud 792)
- The Farmer’s Toast (Roud 1603)
- The Farmyard (Roud 745)
- Far Over Struy [trad. tune]
- Far Over the Forth (Roud 3360)
- Farther Along [J.R. Baxter, W.B. Stevens] (Roud 18084)
- The Fatal Snowstorm (Roud 175; Laws P20; G/D 6:1176)
- Father Had a Knife (Roud 850)
- Father Kelly
- Fathom the Bowl (Roud 880)
- Fause Foodrage (Roud 57; Child 89; G/D 8:1930)
- The Fause Knight Upon the Road (Roud 20; Child 3)
- Felton Lonnin (Roud 3166)
- The Female Cabin Boy (Roud 239; Laws N13; G/D 1:181)
- The Female Drummer (Roud 226; G/D 1:182; Henry H497)
- The Female Highwayman (Roud 7; Laws N21; Henry H35)
- The Female Rambling Sailor (Roud 17784)
- The Female Sailor Bold (Roud 1699; Laws N3)
- The Female Transport (Roud V1284)
- Fen [Martin Green]
- Fenland Song [Fred Rooke]
- Fhír a Bhata (Roud 4356; Henry H834)
- The Fiddle and the Drum [Joni Mitchell]
- Fiddlers’ Green [John Conolly] (Roud 26370)
- Fiddler’s Hill [Peter Bellamy]
- Fiddlestix [trad.]
- Fighting for Strangers (Roud 602)
- The Final Trawl [Archie Fisher]
- Fine Flowers in the Valley (Roud 9; Child 20; G/D 2:193; TYG 73)
- Fine Horseman [Lal Waterson]
- A Fine Hunting Day [W. Wilson] (Roud 1172)
- The Fine Old Yorkshire Gentleman (Roud 21176; TYG 8)
- Finisterre [Ian Telfer]
- Finlandia [Jean Sibelius]
- Fire and Wine [Steve Ashley]
- Firelock Stile (Roud 1780)
- Fire Marengo [trad.]
- Fire Maringo [trad.]
- Fire on the Line [Rick Kemp]
- The Fireship (Roud 4841)
- The First House in Connaught [trad. tune]
- First Noël (Roud 682)
- The First Nowell (Roud 682)
- The First of May (Roud 305)
- The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face [Ewan MacColl]
- Fisher Boy (Roud 3150)
- The Fisher Lad of Whitby (Roud V35024)
- The Fisherman (Roud 291; Laws O24; G/D 4:834)
- The Fisherman’s Lassie [trad.]
- Fisherman’s Wife [Ewan MacColl]
- The Fisherman’s Wife [trad. Peterhead]
- The Fish Gutters’ Song [Ewan MacColl] (Roud 12504)
- Five Foot Flirt [Cyril Tawney]
- Five Hundred Miles (Roud 4959)
- Five Miles From Gundagai (Roud 9121)
- Flame of Fire (Roud 568; Laws P34; G/D 2:341)
- Flaming Seraphs (Roud 8367)
- The Flanders Shore (Roud 2636)
- The Flandyke Shore (Roud 2636)
- Flash Company (Roud 954)
- The Flash Frigate (Roud 2563)
- Flash Jack From Gundagai (Roud 24704)
- The Flash Lad (Roud 30101)
- The Flash Stockman (Roud 22616)
- Flight of the Pelican [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- The Flighty Tailor [trad.]
- Floating Down the Tide (Roud 1414; G/D 6:1155)
- Flodden Field (Roud 2862; Child 168)
- Flodden Field [Jean Elliot] (Roud 3812, V30014)
- Flora (Roud 948; Henry H30a)
- Flora McDonald’s Lament (Roud 3099; Henry H533)
- Flora, the Lily of the West (Roud 957; Laws P29; Henry H578)
- The Flower of Corby Mill [John and William Brownlee] (Roud 2928; Henry H612)
- The Flower of Finae [Thomas Davis] (Roud 25067)
- The Flower of London (Roud 548; Laws M19)
- The Flower of Magherally (Roud 3009; Henry H220)
- The Flower of Sweet Strabane (Roud 2745; G/D 4:722; Henry H224a)
- The Flowers of Knaresborough Forest [F.W. Moorman]
- The Flowers of the Forest [Jean Elliot] (Roud 3812, V30014)
- The Flying Cloud (Roud 1802; Laws K28; G/D 1:44)
- The Flyting o’ Life and Daith [Hamish Henderson]
- Fly Up My Cock (Roud 179; Child 248; Henry H699)
- Fly We to Some Desert Isle [Robert Tannahill] (Roud V20460)
- The Foggy Dew (Roud 558; Laws O3; G/D 7:1495)
- The Foggy Dew (Easter Rising) [Charles O’Neill] (Roud 973)
- The Folkestone Murder (Roud 897)
- A Folk Song [Richard Harvey / Riderwood]
- Following Me [Peter Knight]
- Following the Old Oss [Tony Deane]
- Follow Me ’Ome [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Follow Me Up to Carlow [P.J. McCall] (Roud 36327)
- Follow the Drum (Roud 1076)
- Fol the Day-O [Nancy Kerr]
- Fond Affection (Roud 459; G/D 6:1145)
- The Foolish Boy (Roud 469; G/D 8:1696; Henry H732; TYG 58)
- Foolish One [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- The Football Match (Roud 1291)
- The Footboy (Roud 3580)
- Ford o’ Kabul River [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Forever Young [Bob Dylan]
- The Forfar Sodger (Roud 2857; G/D 1:69)
- Forgiveness [Jennifer Cutting]
- For Nobody to Hear [Sandy Denny]
- For Our Lang Biding Here (A South Sea Sang) (Roud 8561)
- The Forsaken Mermaid (Roud 466; Laws K17; G/D 6:1244)
- For Shame of Doing Wrong [Richard Thompson]
- Forty Five Miles (Roud 608; G/D 5:983; TYG 36)
- Forty Miles (Roud 608; G/D 5:983; TYG 36)
- Foster’s Mill (Roud 8227)
- Fotheringay [Sandy Denny]
- Fountain Filled With Blood [Joan Boyd]
- Fountains Flowing (Roud 602)
- Four and Twenty Fiddlers (Roud 20211)
- The Four Angels [Rudyard Kipling, Martin Simpson]
- Four Bacup Tunes [trad. tunes]
- Four Drunken Maidens (Roud 252)
- Four Little Johnny Cakes [trad.]
- Four-Loom Weaver (Roud 937)
- The Four Marys (Roud 79; Child 173; G/D 2:195)
- Four Nights Drunk (Roud 114; Child 274; G/D 7:1460; Henry H21ab)
- Fourpence a Day (Roud 2586; TYG 107)
- Fourteen Last Sunday (Roud 1570; G/D 7:1334)
- The Fourteenth of February (Roud 528; Laws K29; G/D 1:47)
- The Fourteenth of July (Roud 980; Laws J19; G/D 1:42)
- The Fourteenth of November (Roud 1915; Laws N1)
- The Fowler (Roud 166; Laws O36; Henry H114)
- The Fox (Roud 131; G/D 3:499; Henry H38)
- The Fox [Peter Knight]
- The Foxhunt (Roud 190)
- A Fox Jumped Up (Roud 131; G/D 3:499; Henry H38)
- The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate (Roud 217; G/D 4:727)
- Frankie’s Trade [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Fred Had a Most Luxuriant Head [Maddy Prior]
- Freedom Come All Ye [Hamish Henderson]
- French Stroller [trad. tune]
- The Friar in the Well (Roud 116; Child 276)
- Friendless Mary (Roud 2580)
- Friends [Sandy Denny]
- The Frog and the Mouse (Roud 16; G/D 8:1669)
- Froggy’s Courting (Roud 16; G/D 8:1669)
- Frog’s Legs and Dragon’s Teeth [trad. Jon Boden]
- Frog Up the Pump [trad. tune]
- From Sweet Dundee (Roud 613)
- From the North [Cicely Fox Smith]
- Frozen Girl (Roud 260; Laws G17)
- The Fruit of Love [Anthony Holborne]
- Full Moon [Sandy Denny]
- Funeral Party (Roud 41013)
- Furs and Feathers [Dave Swarbrick]
- The Furze Field (Roud 1037)
- Fuse [Eliza Carthy]
- F-Word [Lou & Peter Berryman]
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > G
- The Gaberlunzie Man (Roud 212; Child 279 Appendix; Henry H810)
- The Gairdner and the Plooman (Roud 339)
- Gala Water [Robert Burns] (Roud 2578)
- The Gallant Forty-Twa (Roud 1877; G/D 1:70)
- The Gallant Frigate Amphitrite (Roud 4706; Henry H539)
- The Gallant Hussar (Roud 1146; G/D 5:982; Henry H243a)
- Gallant Murray [trad.]
- The Gallant Ninety-Twa (Roud 3776)
- The Gallant Poachers (Roud 519; Laws L18; G/D 2:252)
- The Gallant Poachers (Roud 793; Laws L14)
- The Gallant Weaver [Robert Burns] (Roud V7499)
- The Gallery Carol (Roud V9595)
- The Gallowa’ Hills (Roud 3358)
- Galloway Tam [Robert Burns] (Roud V31014)
- The Galopede [trad. tune]
- Galtee Farmer (Roud 9305, 5312)
- The Galway Shawl (Roud 2737; Henry H652)
- Gal With the Blue Dress On (Roud 7498)
- Gamble Gold (Robin Hood) (Roud 333; Child 132)
- The Game of All Fours (Roud 232)
- The Game of Cards (Roud 232)
- Game of Draughts [trad. tune]
- Gan to the Kye (Roud 3162)
- Gaol Song (Roud 1077)
- The Gardener (Roud 339; Child 219; G/D 4:840)
- The Gardener Child (Roud 339; Child 219; G/D 4:840)
- The Garden Gate (Roud 418; G/D 5:981; Henry H770)
- Garden Hymn (Roud 11502; Sacred Harp 284)
- The Garland of Love (Roud 1247)
- Gathering Mushrooms (Roud 7001)
- Gathering Rushes in the Month of May (Roud 899; G/D 7:1493)
- Gaudete [trad.]
- The Gauger (Roud 2343; G/D 5:1015)
- The Gaugers [trad.]
- The Gay Fusilier [trad. / Pete Coe]
- The Gay Goshawk (Roud 61; Child 96)
- Gay Green Gown [probably Ruth Tongue]
- The General Fox Chase (Roud 5226)
- General Taylor (Roud 216)
- Generations of Change [Matt Armour]
- Genesis Hall [Richard Thompson]
- Gentle Annie [Stephen Collins Foster, Lame Jack Cousens] (Roud 2656)
- Gentle Lena Clare [Stephen Collins Foster] (Roud V25773)
- The Gentleman Soldier (Roud 178; G/D 7:1471)
- Gentlemen of High Renown (Roud 190)
- Gentlemen-Rankers [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Geordie (Roud 90; Child 209; G/D 2:249)
- Geordie Black (Roud 3507)
- George Collins (Roud 147; Child 85)
- George’s Son [John Kirkpatrick]
- Georgia on My Mind [Hoagy Carmichael / Stuart Gorrell]
- Georgie (Roud 90; Child 209; G/D 2:249)
- The German Clockmender (Roud 241)
- The German Musicianer (Roud 17774)
- Germany Clockmaker (Roud 241)
- Gerrard Street [Sandy Denny]
- Gethsemane [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Get Up and Bar the Door (Roud 115; Child 275; G/D 2:321)
- Get Up Jack, John Sit Down [Edward Green ‘Ned’ Harrigan] (Roud 2807)
- The Ghost Song (Roud 15; Laws P36A; G/D 2:201, 2:202)
- Gie Me a Lass Wi a Lump o Land [Allan Ramsey] (Roud 8463)
- The Gift of Years [Eric Bogle]
- Gilderoy (Roud 1486)
- Gilgarrah Mountain (Roud 533; Laws L13A; Henry H792)
- Gillen’s Apples [trad. tune]
- Gillie Mor [Hamish Henderson] (Roud 21759)
- Gil Morice (Roud 53; Child 83; G/D 2:214)
- Gin I Were Where Gaudie Rins (Roud 5404; G/D 6:1223)
- The Gipsy Girl (Roud 229; Laws O4)
- The Gipsy’s Wedding Day (Roud 229; Laws O4)
- The Girl I Left Behind (Roud 262; Laws P1; G/D 5:1059; Henry H188)
- Girls [G. & T. Linch]
- Girls on the Avenue [Richard Clapton]
- Girls on the Town [Maddy Prior, John O’Connor]
- The Girl With the Box on Her Head (Roud 289; Laws L3; G/D 2:268)
- Glad Christmas Comes [John Clare]
- Glasgerion (Roud 145; Child 67)
- Glasgow Lassie (Roud 7144; G/D 7:1320)
- Glasgow Peggy (Roud 95; Child 228; G/D 4:850)
- The Glass on the Bar [Henry Lawson, Peter Bellamy]
- Glastonbury Town (Roud 1484)
- The Glendy Burk [Stephen Collins Foster] (Roud V5026)
- Glenkindie (Roud 145; Child 67)
- Glenlogie (Roud 101; Child 238; G/D 5:973)
- The Glittering Dewdrops (Roud 24896, 24897)
- The Gloomy Night Is Gath’ring Fast [Robert Burns] (Roud V20705)
- Gloomy Winter’s Noo Awa [Robert Tannahill] (Roud V703)
- Glorishears [trad.]
- Gloryland [trad. / Eliza Carthy]
- Gloucestershire Wassail (Roud 209)
- Go and Leave Me (Roud 459; G/D 6:1145)
- Go Away From My Window (Roud 966)
- God a Mercy Penny (Roud V4463)
- God Bless the Master of this House (Roud 1066)
- God Dog [Robin Williamson]
- God Loves a Drunk [Richard Thompson]
- God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen (Roud 394)
- God Speed the Plough (Roud 1603)
- God Squad [Rick Kemp, Maddy Prior]
- Go From My Windows (Roud 966)
- Going and Staying [Thomas Hardy, Howard Evans]
- Going for a Soldier, Jenny [W.H. Bellamy, S. Nelson] (Roud V1224)
- Gold Dust [Sandy Denny]
- The Golden Ball (Roud 144; Child 95; G/D 2:248)
- The Golden Glove (Roud 141; Laws N20; G/D 1:166; Henry H524)
- Golden Slumbers [Thomas Dekker] (Roud V18438)
- The Golden Vanity (Roud 122; Child 286; G/D 1:37)
- Gone, Gone, Gone [Phil and Don Everly]
- Gone to America [Peter Knight]
- Good Ale Thou Art My Darling (Roud 203; G/D 3:590)
- Good Brown Ale and Tobacco (Roud 475; G/D 3:580)
- Goodbye [Peter Bellamy]
- Goodbye [Rick Kemp]
- Goodbye Fare Thee Well (Roud 927; G/D 1:5; Henry H53a)
- The Good Doctor [Jon Boden]
- Good English Ale (Roud 1512)
- Good Job [Maddy Prior]
- Good King Wenceslas [John M. Neale] (Roud 24754)
- The Good Luck Ship (Roud 951; G/D 1:40)
- Good Morning, Mr Walker [Slinger Francisco]
- Good News [Joseph Stephenson] (Roud 389, 3210)
- Goodnight Irene [Huddie Ledbetter] (Roud 11681)
- The Goodnight Song [Jim Boyes]
- The Good Old Way (Roud 23864)
- The Goose [Alfred Lord Tennyson, Mike Hockenhull]
- The Goose and the Common [trad.]
- Gosport Nancy [trad.]
- Gossip Joan (Roud 1039; TYG 54)
- Gossip John (Roud 1039; TYG 54)
- Go Tell Aunt Rhody (Roud 3346)
- Gower Wassail (Roud 209)
- The Gown of Green (Roud 1085; G/D 4:907)
- Go Your Way [Anne Briggs]
- Grace Darling (Roud 1441)
- The Grand Conversation on Napoleon [George Brown] (Roud 1189)
- The Grand Hotel (Roud 564; Laws P18; G/D 6:1188)
- Grand March in the Battle of Prague [trad. tune]
- The Grand Old Duke of York (Roud 742)
- The Granemore Hare (Roud 2883)
- Grat for Gruel (Roud 935)
- The Grazier’s Daughter (Roud 156; Laws M20; G/D 6:1094)
- Greasy Coat [trad.]
- The Greasy Cook (Roud 510; G/D 4:914)
- The Great Selkie of Sule Skerry (Roud 197; Child 113)
- The Great Silkie of Sule Skerry (Roud 197; Child 113)
- The Great Valerio [Richard Thompson]
- The Green Banks of Yarrow (Roud 172; Child 24; G/D 6:1225)
- The Green Bed (Roud 276; Laws K36; G/D 1:48; Henry H779)
- Green Broom (Roud 379; G/D 5:950; Henry H147)
- Green Bushes (Roud 1040; Laws P2; Henry H143)
- Green Fields (Roud 3385)
- The Green Fields of America (Roud 2290)
- The Green Fields of Canada (Roud 2290)
- The Green Fields of England [Peter Bellamy]
- The Green Fields of France [Eric Bogle]
- The Green Garters (Roud 29510)
- The Green Grass Grew All Around (Roud 129; G/D 8:1668)
- Green Grass Grows Bonny (Roud 858; G/D 1:52, 6:1139)
- Green Gravel (Roud 1368; Henry H48b)
- Green Grows the Laurel (Roud 279; G/D 6:1138; Henry H165ab, H624)
- Green Grow the Laurels (Roud 279; G/D 6:1138; Henry H165ab, H624)
- Green Grow the Rashes [Robert Burns] (Roud 2772; G/D 7:1297)
- Green Grow the Rushes [Robert Burns] (Roud 2772; G/D 7:1297)
- Green Grow the Rushes (Roud 24180)
- Green Grow the Rushes-O (Roud 133)
- Green Grow’th the Holly [Henry III]
- The Greenhopper [Phil Burkin]
- Greenland Bound (Roud 970; G/D 1:10)
- The Greenland Whale Fishery (Roud 347; Laws K21; G/D 1:9)
- The Green Linnet (Roud 1619)
- The Green Mossy Banks of the Lea (Roud 987; Laws O15)
- Green to Grey [Nic Jones]
- The Green Valley (Roud 2125; G/D 6:1183)
- The Green Wedding (Roud 93; Child 221; G/D 5:1024)
- Greenwood Laddie (Roud 2123)
- Greenwood Sidey (Roud 9; Child 20; G/D 2:193; TYG 73)
- The Gresford Disaster (Roud 3089)
- The Grey Cock (Roud 179; Child 248)
- Grey Daylight [trad. tune]
- The Grey Funnel Line [Cyril Tawney]
- Grey Goose and Gander (Roud 1094)
- The Grey Hawk (Roud 293)
- The Grey Mare (Roud 680; Laws P8; G/D 4:761; Henry H90)
- Grá geal mo Chroí (Roud 2329; Henry H582)
- Griogal Crìdhe [Mòr Chaimbeul]
- The Groggy Old Tailor (Roud 311; G/D 7:1463)
- Ground for the Floor (Roud 1269)
- The Groves of Donaghmore [trad.]
- Growing (Roud 31; Laws O35; G/D 6:1222)
- Guard Yer Man Weel [Johnny Handle]
- The Guise o’ Tough (Roud 3800; G/D 3:378)
- Gunga Din [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Gutter Geese [Maddy Prior]
- Gypsum Davy (Roud 1; Child 200; G/D 2:278; Henry H124)
- Gypsy Davey (Roud 1; Child 200; G/D 2:278; Henry H124)
- The Gypsy Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- The Gypsy Laddie (Roud 1; Child 200; G/D 2:278; Henry H124)
- Gypsy Rover (Roud 1; Child 200; G/D 2:278; Henry H124)
- The Gypsy’s Warning [Henry A. Courd] (Roud 1764)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > H
- The Hag in the Beck [George H. Cowling]
- The Hag With the Money [trad. jigs]
- Hail a Brighter Day (Roud 896; Laws L11; Henry H705)
- Hail Chime On [Nahum Tate] (Roud 936, 16898)
- Hail! Hail! The First of May [Dave Webber]
- Hail! Smiling Morn [Reginald Spofforth]
- The Hairst o Rettie (Roud 3512; G/D 3:408)
- Hal-an-Tow (Roud 1520)
- Haley Paley (Roud 259; Laws Q28; TYG 126, 127)
- The Half-Hitch (Roud 1887; Laws N23)
- Half Listening [Rick Kemp, Maddy Prior]
- Hallowe’en [Violet Jacob, Jim Reid]
- Hame, Hame, Hame (Roud 269; Laws K43)
- The Hampshire Mummers’ Christmas Carol (Roud 1065)
- Hand and Heart [F.C. Ball]
- The Hand-Loom Weaver’s Lament [John Grimshaw]
- The Handsome Cabin Boy (Roud 239; Laws N13; G/D 1:181)
- Handsome Molly (Roud 454; G/D 6:1192; Henry H615, H625)
- Handsome Polly-O (Roud 545; G/D 1:84)
- The Handweaver and the Factory Maid (Roud 17771, 3085)
- Hanged I Shall Be (Roud 263; Laws P35; G/D 2:200)
- Hanging Johnny (Roud 2625)
- Hanging on the Old Barbed Wire (Roud 9618)
- Hangin’ on for the Rain [Ann Infante]
- Hanoverian Dance [trad. tune]
- Happiness [Molly Drake]
- Happy Families [Maddy Prior, Rick Kemp]
- The Happy Family (Roud 850)
- Happy Hours [trad. tune]
- Happy Sam [words John Hartley, tune Dave Hillery]
- The Happy Stranger (Roud 272; G/D 4:831)
- Hard Cheese of Old England [Les Barker / trad.]
- Hard Times Come Again No More [Stephen Collins Foster] (Roud 2659)
- Hard Times Heart [Lal Waterson]
- Hard Times of Old England (Roud 1206)
- Hardy’s Crow [trad. tune]
- Hare Hunting Song (Roud 580)
- The Hare’s Dream (Roud 3574; Henry H172)
- Hares in the Old Plantation (Roud 363)
- The Hare’s Lament (Roud 3574; Henry H172)
- Hares on the Mountains (Roud 329)
- Hare Spell [trad.]
- Hark! Hark What News the Angels Bring [Joseph Stephenson] (Roud 389, 3210)
- Hark the Goddess Diana (Roud 5754)
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Roud 8337)
- Hark the Summons [words Thomas Oliphant] (Roud 26301)
- Harp Song of the Dane Women [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Harrowing Time (Roud 5587; G/D 3:421)
- The Harry Lime Theme [Anton Karas]
- Harry Saunders (Roud 55; Child 87)
- Harvest Home
- Harvest Home (Roud 24147)
- Harvest Home (Roud 1379, 310)
- Harvest of the Moon [Peter Knight]
- The Harvest Shearin’ (Roud 1301; G/D 1:101)
- Harvest Song (Roud 2471)
- Harvest Song (Roud 1379, 310)
- The Hash o Bennagoak [George S. Morris] (Roud 1527)
- Hatton Woods (Roud 5531)
- Haud Yer Tongue, Dear Sally (Roud 2897; G/D 7:1362)
- Haugebonden [trad. Norwegian]
- The Haughs of Cromdale (Roud 5147; G/D 1:113)
- Haul Away for Rosie (Roud 809)
- Haul Away Joe (Roud 809)
- Haul Boys Haul (Roud 1788)
- Haul Her Away (Roud 395)
- Haul on the Bowline (Roud 652; G/D 1:1)
- The Hawk [trad. tune]
- Hawk and Crow (Roud 747)
- The Haying Cock (Roud 9318)
- Haymaking Courtship (Roud 855)
- Heartbreak Hotel [Mae Axton, Tommy Durden, Elvis Presley]
- Heart of Stone [Maddy Prior, Rick Kemp]
- Hearts [Ian Matthews]
- Heather Down the Moor (Roud 375; Henry H177)
- Heave Away Cheerily O! (Roud 932)
- Heave Away My Johnny (Roud 15778; Henry H827)
- Heave Away My Johnny (Roud 616)
- Heavenly Aeroplane [John S. McConnell] (Roud 7384)
- The Heavens Above Us (An Astrologer’s Song) [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Heave on the Trawl (Roud 1788)
- Heavitree Wassail (Roud 209)
- He Called for a Candle (Roud 269; Laws K43; G/D 7:1429; TYG 10)
- Hedger and Ditcher (Roud 846; G/D 7:1385)
- Hedging Song [Frank Mansell]
- Heenan and Sayers (Roud 2148; Laws H20)
- Heffle Cuckoo Fair [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Heigh Ho, Sing Ivy (Roud 21093; TYG 23)
- The Heights of Alma (Roud 830; Laws J10; G/D 1:158; Henry H123)
- The Heir of Linne (Roud 111; Child 267; G/D 2:273)
- Helen of Kirkconnell Lea (Roud 8191)
- Hello Mary Lou [Gene Pitney]
- Helo Malenka [trad. Slovakian]
- Henry (Roud 200; Child 13; TYG 35)
- Henry Martin (Roud 104; Child 250)
- Henry My Son (Roud 10; Child 12; G/D 2:209; Henry H814)
- The Hen’s March Medley [trad. tunes]
- Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still [J.E. Carpenter, W.T. Wrighton] (Roud 4353)
- Here Comes Midnight [Rick Kemp]
- Here Come the Cowboys [Brent Parlane]
- Here in Silence [Peter Elford, Don Fraser]
- Here’s Adieu to All Judges and Juries (Roud 300)
- Here’s a Health to All True Lovers (Roud 1235)
- Here’s a Health to the Company (Roud 1801; G/D 8:1516)
- Here’s My Heart Come Take It (Roud 443; Laws H12)
- Here’s the Tender Coming (Roud 3174)
- Here We Come A-Wassailing (Roud 209; TYG 22)
- Heriot’s Ford [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Herod and the Cock (Roud 306; Child 55)
- The Herring’s Head (Roud 128; TYG 31)
- The Herring Song (Roud 128; TYG 31)
- Her Servant Man (Roud 539; Laws M15; G/D 5:1003; Henry H668)
- Her White Gown [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- The Hexhamshire Lass (Roud 3182)
- Hey Ca’ Thro’ [Robert Burns] (Roud 8692, V45021)
- Hey Diddle Diddle (Roud 19478)
- Hey Donal, Ho Donal (Roud 6258; G/D 4:910)
- Hey Donal, Ho Donal [Mary Brooksbank] (Roud 6258)
- Hey for Christmas, or The Shropshire Wakes (Roud V31804)
- Hey How Johnny Lad (Roud 7148; G/D 7:1351)
- Hey John Barleycorn [Joseph Bryan Geoghegan] (Roud 2141)
- Hey Nellie Nellie [Shel Silverstein, Jim Friedman]
- Hey Rain [Bill Scott]
- The Heysham Peace-Egging Song (Roud 614; TYG 53)
- Hie, Jeannie, Hie [trad.]
- Hieland Laddie (Roud 4691)
- The Hielan Laddie [Robert Burns] (Roud 5524)
- High Barbaree (Roud 134; Laws K33; G/D 1:38)
- Higher Germanie (Roud 904; G/D 1:96)
- High Germany [William Motherwell] (Roud 5608)
- High Germany (Roud 904; G/D 1:96)
- High Germany (Roud 1445)
- High, Jeanie, High (Roud 2897; G/D 7:1362)
- The Highland Division’s Farewell to Sicily [words Hamish Henderson, tune PM James Robertson] (Roud 10501)
- Highland Laddie (Roud 2330)
- Highland Mary [Robert Burns] (Roud 1095)
- Highland Soldier (Roud 2496; G/D 1:91; Henry H782)
- The Highland Widow’s Lament [Robert Burns] (Roud V13721)
- High Level Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- High School Confidential [Jerry Lee Lewis, Hargrave]
- The High Walls of Derry (Roud 5168)
- The Highway Man (Roud 490; Laws L12; G/D 2:260)
- The Highwayman and the Farmer’s Daughter (Roud 2638; Laws L2)
- The Highwayman Outwitted (Roud 2638; Laws L2)
- Hilda’s Cabinet Band [Lal Waterson]
- The Hills of Greenmore (Roud 2883)
- Hills of Isle au Haut [Gordon Bok]
- The Hills of Shiloh [Shel Silverstein, Jim Friedman]
- The Hills o Gallowa [Thomas Cunningham] (Roud 5989; G/D 3:504)
- Hilo Johnny Brown (Roud 8229)
- Hind Etin (Roud 33; Child 41; G/D 2:331)
- Hind Horn (Roud 28; Child 17; G/D 5:1022)
- His Name Is Andrew [David Ackles]
- History Lesson [Leon Rosselson]
- Hog-Eye Man (Roud 331)
- Holbeck Moor Cockfight (Roud 211; TYG 81)
- The Holborne Suite [Anthony Holborne]
- Hold on to Me Babe [Tom Paxton]
- The Hold-Up at Eugowra Rocks [trad.]
- The Holland Handkerchief (Roud 246; Child 272; Henry H217)
- Hollin, Green Hollin (Roud 23029)
- The Holly and the Ivy [John Kirkpatrick]
- The Holly and the Ivy (Roud 514)
- The Holly Bears a Berry (Roud 514)
- Holm Band Tune [trad. tune]
- The Holmfirth Anthem (Roud 1046; TYG 55)
- The Holy Well (Roud 1697)
- Home Boys Home (Roud 269; Laws K43; G/D 7:1429; TYG 10)
- Home Fit for Heroes [Les Barker, Martin Carthy]
- Home Lads, Home [Cicely Fox Smith]
- Homeward [Cicely Fox Smith]
- Homeward Bound (Roud 1104)
- Homeward Bound (Roud 927; G/D 1:5; Henry H53a)
- Hommage à Roche Proulx [Marcel Messervier]
- The Honest Labourer (Roud 19; G/D 3:437; Henry H622, H117; TYG 37)
- Honest Work [Todd Rundgren]
- Honey for the Bee (Roud 201; Child 218; G/D 5:974)
- Hong Kong Blues [Hoagie Carmicheal]
- The Honie-Suckle [Anthony Holborne]
- Hope Is Before Us [William Morris / Hazel Askew]
- Hope Lies Now [Rick Kemp, Maddy Prior]
- Hopping Down in Kent (Roud 1715)
- Ho-ree, Ho-ro, My Little Wee Girl (A Tiree Love Song) [Hugh S. Roberton]
- Horkstow Grange (Roud 1760)
- Horncastle Fair (Roud 21234)
- The Hornet and the Beetle (Roud 12624)
- Horn Fair (Roud 2482)
- The Horn of the Hunter [Jackson Gillbanks] (Roud 1859)
- Horseferry Road (Roud 10189)
- The Horse the Missus Dries the Clothes On [Fred W. Leigh] (Roud 5661)
- The Hostess’s Daughter (Roud 914)
- Hourra les Filles [trad.]
- The House Carpenter (Roud 14; Child 243; G/D 2:332)
- Household Remedies [Edgar Bateman, Harry Randall] (Roud 1440)
- House in the Country [Maggie Stewart] (Roud 2499)
- The House That Jack Built (Roud 12921, 20584)
- The Housewife’s Lament (Roud 5472)
- How Blythe, Ilk Morn, Was I to See (Roud 8709)
- How Can I Keep From Singing? [words trad., music Robert Wadsworth Lowry]
- How Can I Leave [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- Howden Fair (Roud 1086)
- Howden Town (Roud 1110; TYG 79)
- How Everyone But Sam Was a Hypocrite [Dave Cousins]
- How Far Is It to Bethlehem? [Frances Chesterton]
- How Shall I Your True Love Know? [William Shakespeare] (Roud V18911)
- Hughie Graeme (Roud 84; Child 191; G/D 2:271)
- The Humane Turnkey [Peter Bellamy]
- The Humours of Whiskey (Roud 3079)
- The Humpback Whale [Harry Robertson]
- Humpin’ Me Drum [adapt. Graham Seal]
- Humpty Dumpty (Roud 13026)
- A Hundred Years Ago (Roud 926)
- The Hungry Army (Roud 1746)
- The Hungry Child [trad.]
- The Hunting of Arscott of Tetcott (Roud 6902)
- The Hunting Priest (Roud 1861; Henry H222)
- Hunting the Cutty Wren [Les Barker, trad.]
- Hunting the Hare (Roud 1181)
- Hunting the Hare (Roud 1041)
- Hunting the Wren (Roud 236)
- Huntingtower (Roud 345; Laws O23; G/D 5:1052)
- The Hunt Is Up [William Gray] (Roud V18819)
- The Huntsman (Roud 1182)
- The Huntsman [trad.]
- The Hurdy-Gurdy Man [Wilhelm Müller, Harry Plunket Greene]
- The Husbandman and Servingman (Roud 873)
- The Husband With No Courage in Him (Roud 870; G/D 7:1367)
- Hush [Oliver Knight]
- Hush-A-Bye Baby (Roud 2768; G/D 8:1552; Henry H591a)
- Hush Little Baby (Roud 470)
- Hymey Hancock [trad.]
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > I
- I Am a Brisk Young Sailor (Roud 1042)
- I Am a Donkey Driver (Roud 1147)
- I Am a Miller tae My Trade (Roud 888; G/D 7:1489)
- I Am a Pretty Wench (Roud 2538)
- I Am a Rover (Roud 1112)
- I Am a Young Maiden (Roud 387; Henry H79)
- I Am a Youth That’s Inclined to Ramble (Roud 6897; Henry H825, H788)
- I Am Stretched on Your Grave (Roud 41024)
- I’Anson’s Racehorse (Roud 176)
- I Bid You Goodnight (Roud 15632)
- Icarus [Anne Lister]
- Ickfield Town (Roud 263; Laws P35; G/D 2:200)
- I Courted a Damsel (Roud 405; Laws M3)
- I Courted a Wee Girl (Roud 154; G/D 6:1198)
- I’d Like to Tell to You (Roud 9553)
- I Don’t Believe You [Bob Dylan]
- I Don’t Go Shearing Now [Hon Drayman]
- I Don’t Know Where I Stand [Joni Mitchell]
- I’d Rather Be Tending My Sheep [probably Ruth Tongue]
- I Dreamed Last Night of My True Love (Roud 406; Laws M13; G/D 5:1012)
- I Drew My Ship Into the Harbour (Roud 402; G/D 4:792)
- I’d Sooner Go Hedging [Frank Mansell]
- Idumea [Charles Wesley, Ananias Davisson] (Roud 6678; Sacred Harp 47b)
- If It Feels Good, You Know It Can’t Be Wrong [Richard Thompson, Ashley Hutchings]
- If I Was a Blackbird (Roud 387; Henry H79)
- If My Love Loves Me (Roud 30; Child 25; G/D 4:843)
- If the Piddlethentride Jug Band Hits the Charts [Trevor Crozier, Kevin Sheldon]
- If You Saw Thro’ My Eyes [Ian Matthews]
- If You Will Not Have Me, You May Let Me Go [trad. tune]
- If You Will Walk With Me (Roud 573)
- I Gave My Love a Cherry (Roud 330)
- I Had a Little Cock (Roud 544; G/D 8:1666)
- I Hate to See the Evening Sun Go Down [W.C. Handy] (Roud 13982)
- I Have a House and Land in Kent [Thomas Ravenscroft] (Roud V18487)
- I Have a Wish (Barber Shop Song) [Peter Knight]
- I Haven’t Told Her, She Hasn’t Told Me [trad.]
- I Have Wandered in Exile [John Fitzgerald] (Roud 12492)
- iIt’s a Wonder I’m Alive to Tell the Tale [Edgar Bateman, Harry Randall] (Roud 1440)
- I Know My Love (Roud 60; Laws P25)
- I Live Not Where I Love (Roud 593)
- I’ll Give You One More As You Go (Roud 3755)
- I’ll Go and List for a Sailor (Roud 1614)
- I’ll Go With Him Wherever He Goes (Roud 654; TYG 33)
- I’ll Have a Collier for My Sweetheart (Roud 3505)
- I’ll Keep It With Mine [Bob Dylan]
- I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen [Thomas Paine Westendorf] (Roud 12907)
- I’ll Weave Him a Garland (Roud 1247)
- I Love My Love (Roud 3612)
- I Love My True Love [Sandy Denny]
- I’m a Dreamer [Sandy Denny]
- I’m a Man You Don’t Meet Every Day (Roud 975)
- I’m a Rover and Seldom Sober (Roud 3135)
- I Maun Hae a Wife (Roud 1623; G/D 3:489; Henry H17a)
- I’m O’er Young to Marry Yet (Roud 6142; G/D 4:900)
- I’m Often Drunk and I’m Seldom Sober (Roud 3135)
- In Bristol There Lived a Fair Damsel (Roud 3232; Laws K15)
- Incidental Music From Stookie [Maddy Prior, Rick Kemp]
- Index of Child Ballads
- Index of Laws Ballads
- The Indian Lass (Roud 2326)
- Indian Queen [trad. tune]
- Indian Queen [trad. tune]
- Indian Tea [Robert Frost, Roger Wilson]
- In Dulci Jubilo [trad.]
- I Never Thought My Love Would Leave Me (Roud 1049)
- In Fighting [Maddy Prior]
- In Freenship’s Name (Roud 21761)
- In Frisco Bay (Roud 318)
- In Good King Arthur’s Days (Roud 130; G/D 3:704)
- In London So Fair (Roud 2989; G/D 1:178; Henry H203)
- In Memory (The Tender Years) [Sandy Denny]
- The Innisfail Song [Bill Scott]
- The Innocent Hare (Roud 1216)
- Innocent When You Dream [Tom Waits]
- In Praise of Christmas (Roud V9375)
- In Praise of Huntly (Roud 3943; G/D 3:349)
- In Rochester City (Roud 1158)
- In Sheffield Park (Roud 860)
- The Installation [trad. tune]
- In the Bar-Room [Ed Foley] (Roud 3486)
- In the Bleak Midwinter [Christina Rossetti, Gustav Holst] (Roud 46421)
- In the Company of Ravens [Maddy Prior]
- In the Pines (Roud 3421)
- In the Shade of the Old ’Arris Mill [trad.?]
- In the Sidings [Cyril Tawney]
- In Yonder Old Oak (Roud 371)
- I Once Had a True Love (Roud 170)
- I Once Lived in Service [Peter Bellamy]
- I Once Loved a Lass (Roud 154; G/D 6:1198)
- I Once Loved a Lass (Roud 279; G/D 6:1138; Henry H165ab, H624)
- I Once Was a Fisherman [Barry Dransfield]
- I Once Was a Ploughboy (Roud 1446; Henry H780)
- The Irish Ballad [Tom Lehrer]
- The Irish Boy (Roud 5684)
- The Irish Captain (Roud 690; G/D 1:41; Henry H560)
- The Irish Girl (Roud 308; G/D 5:946; Henry H711)
- The Irish Rover (Roud 4379)
- The Irish Washerwoman [trad. tune]
- The Iron Door (Roud 539; Laws M15; G/D 5:1003; Henry H668)
- The Iron Horse [Charles Balfour] (Roud 5834; G/D 2:291)
- Iron Lion [Trevor Lucas]
- Isabel [Maddy Prior]
- I Saw Three Ships (Roud 700)
- I See His Blood upon the Rose [Joseph Plunkett, Gay Woods]
- I Sing of a Maiden That Is Makeless [trad.]
- The Isle of Cloy (Roud 23272)
- The Isle of France (Roud 1575)
- The Isle of St Helena (Roud 349)
- The Isle of Wight (Roud 32575)
- I Sowed Some Seeds (Roud 914)
- I Sowed the Seeds of Love (Roud 3; G/D 6:1180)
- Is There for Honest Poverty [Robert Burns] (Roud 30953)
- I Still Miss Someone [Johnny Cash & Roy Cash Jr.]
- It Ain’t Me Babe [Bob Dylan]
- It Came Upon the Midnight Clear [E.H. Sears] (Roud 24646)
- It Hails, It Rains (Roud 608; G/D 5:983; TYG 36)
- It Happened on a Day (Roud 5530; G/D 6:1136)
- I Threw It All Away [Bob Dylan]
- It’ll Take a Long Time [Sandy Denny]
- I Told You So [Maddy Prior]
- It’s a Boy [Pete Townshend]
- It’s Lonely in the Bothy [Charlie Allan]
- It’s On [Don Henderson]
- It Suits Me Well [Sandy Denny]
- It Was A’ for Our Rightfu’ King [Robert Burns] (Roud 5789)
- It Was a Lover and His Lass [William Shakespeare]
- It Was in the Month of January (Roud 175; Laws P20; G/D 6:1176)
- I Wandered by the Brookside [Richard Monckton Milnes] (Roud 2418)
- I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas [John Rox]
- I Was a Young Man (Roud 1572; G/D 7:1291)
- I Was Only 19 (A Walk in the Light Green) [John Schumann]
- I Went to Market (Roud 544; G/D 8:1666)
- I Whipped My Horse (Roud 3627)
- I Will Give My Love an Apple (Roud 330)
- I Will Go With My Father A-Ploughing [Joseph Campbell]
- I Will Lay Ye Doon, Love (Roud 3355)
- I Will Put My Ship in Order (Roud 402; G/D 4:792)
- I Will Set My Ship in Order (Roud 402; G/D 4:792)
- I Wish I Had Never (Roud 1452)
- I Wish I Was a Mole in the Ground (Roud 4957)
- I Wish I Was Single Again (Roud 437)
- I Wish I Were Where Ellen Lies (Roud 8191)
- I Wish, I Wish (Roud 495)
- I Wish My Love (Roud 8738)
- I Wish That I Never Was Wed [trad.]
- I Wish That the Wars Were All Over (Roud 2036)
- I Wish They’d Do It Now (Roud 1401; G/D 7:1447)
- I Wonder What’s Keeping My True Love Tonight (Roud 858; G/D 1:52, 6:1139)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > J
- Jack and the Robber (Roud 2637; Laws L1; G/D 2:266; Henry H51; TYG 78)
- Jack Frost [Mike Waterson]
- Jack Hall (Roud 369; Laws L5)
- Jackie Munro (Roud 268; Laws N7; G/D 1:171, 1:172)
- Jack o’ Diamonds [Bob Dylan, Ben Carruthers]
- Jack Orion (Roud 145; Child 67)
- Jack Robinson (Roud 1794)
- Jack Rowland [trad., Martin Carthy]
- Jackson and Jane (Roud 2913)
- Jack Tar (Roud 919; Laws K39)
- Jack Tar on Shore (Roud 919; Laws K39)
- Jack the Jolly Tar (Roud 511; Laws K40)
- Jack the Sailor (Roud 1454)
- Jack Warrel’s Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- Jack Williams the Boatswain (Roud 1906; Laws L17)
- Jacky Tar (Roud 511; Laws K40)
- Jacobstowe Wassail (Roud 209)
- Jacob’s Well (Roud 17703)
- Jambalaya (On the Bayou) [Hank Williams]
- James Douglas (Roud 87; Child 204)
- James Hatley (Roud 4022; Child 244)
- The ‘Jamestown’ Homeward Bound (Roud 4700)
- Jamie and Mary (Roud 6897; Henry H825, H788)
- Jamie Foyers [trad., Ewan MacColl] (Roud 1941; G/D 1:106)
- Jamie Raeburn (Roud 600; G/D 8:1535; Henry H151)
- Jane, Jane [trad.]
- Jan Knuckey [trad.]
- Jan’s Courtship (Roud 575; G/D 4:760; Henry H820)
- The January Man [Dave Goulder]
- Jeannie and Jamie (Roud 345; Laws O23; G/D 5:1052)
- Jean of Bethelnie (Roud 101; Child 238; G/D 5:973)
- Jellon Graeme (Roud 58; Child 90; G/D 2:198)
- Jemima’s Jug [trad. tune]
- Jenny Dang the Weaver [Sir Alexander Boswell] (Roud 2595; G/D 4:911)
- Jenny’s Chicken [trad. tune]
- Jenny’s Complaint [Robert Anderson] (Roud 3503)
- Jenny Storm [F.W. Moorman]
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem Cuckoo (Roud 1147)
- The Jews’s Garden (Roud 73; Child 155)
- Jim Jones at Botany Bay (Roud 5478)
- Jimmy Brown [Jean Villard, Bert Reisfeld] (Roud 19877)
- Jimmy Drummond (Roud 2506, 2157)
- Jimmy Murphy (Roud 7951)
- Jingle Bells [James Lord Pierpont] (Roud 25804)
- Jock Geddes and the Soo (Roud 5130; G/D 3:573)
- Jock Hamilton (Roud 5869; G/D 2:324)
- Jock Hawk’s Adventures in Glasgow (Roud 2331)
- Jock o’ Hazeldean (Roud 250; Child 293; G/D 5:1029)
- Jock o’ the Side (Roud 82; Child 187)
- Jock Stewart (Roud 975)
- Jock the Leg (Roud 3856; Child 282; G/D 2:263)
- Joe Peel [Peter Bond]
- Jogging up to Claudy [Tom Johnstone] (Roud 6336; G/D 5:956)
- John Anderson My Jo [Robert Burns] (Roud 16967)
- John Anderson My Jo [trad., Robert Burns] (Roud 16967)
- John Ball [Sydney Carter]
- John Barleycorn (Roud 164; G/D 3:559)
- John Barleycorn II [Joseph Bryan Geoghegan] (Roud 2141)
- John Blunt (Roud 115; Child 275; G/D 2:321)
- John Cherokee (Roud 4693)
- John Hamilton (Roud 5869; G/D 2:324)
- John Henry (Roud 790; Laws I1)
- John Hobbs (Roud 21966)
- Johnie Cock (Roud 69; Child 114; G/D 2:250)
- Johnie Scot (Roud 63; Child 99; G/D 5:1013; Henry H736)
- John Kanaka (Roud 8238)
- John MacAnanty’s Courtship (Roud 6875; Henry H56)
- The John MacLean March [Hamish Henderson]
- Johnnie Armstrong (Roud 76; Child 169)
- Johnnie Cope [Robert Burns] (Roud 2315; G/D 1:125)
- Johnnie Sangster [William Scott] (Roud 2164; G/D 3:407)
- Johnny and Molly (Roud 527; Laws K14; Henry H755)
- Johnny Be Fair [Buffy Sainte-Marie]
- Johnny Bowker (Roud 353)
- Johnny Dhu (Roud 900; Henry H751)
- Johnny Gallagher (Roud 920; G/D 1:80; Henry H574)
- Johnny Greyman and His Grey Mare (Roud 137)
- Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye (Roud 3137)
- Johnny Is Gone for a Soldier (Roud 911)
- Johnny Johnny (Henry H16)
- Johnny Lad (Roud 2587; G/D 4:755)
- Johnny, Lovely Johnny (Roud 5168)
- Johnny My Man (Roud 845; G/D 3:587; Henry H807)
- Johnny o’ Bredislee (Roud 69; Child 114; G/D 2:250)
- Johnny Sands (Roud 184; Laws Q3; G/D 2:319)
- Johnny Scott (Roud 63; Child 99; G/D 5:1013; Henry H736)
- Johnny Stewart, Drover [Chris Buch]
- Johnny the Brine (Roud 69; Child 114; G/D 2:250)
- Johnny Todd (Roud 1102; G/D 8:1583)
- John of Ditchford [Tim Harries]
- John of Hazelgreen (Roud 250; Child 293; G/D 5:1029)
- John o’ Grinfilt (Roud 1460)
- John Parfit [James Flynn]
- John Peel (Roud 1239)
- John Peel’s Echo [Jackson Gillbanks] (Roud 1859)
- John Reilly (Roud 270; Laws M8; G/D 1:22; Henry H468)
- John Riley (Roud 270; Laws M8; G/D 1:22; Henry H468)
- John the Gun [Sandy Denny]
- Joke and Push About the Pitcher (Roud 1253)
- The Jolly Beggar (Roud 118; Child 279; G/D 2:274)
- Jolly Bold Robber (Roud 1464)
- The Jolly Fucker
- Jolly Good Ale and Old [William Stevenson] (Roud 1573)
- Jolly Good Song (Roud 1224)
- The Jolly Grinder (Roud 24792)
- Jolly Herring (Roud 128; TYG 31)
- The Jolly Highwayman (Roud 1553)
- Jolly Joe the Collier’s Son (Roud 1129)
- The Jolly Miller (Roud 503; G/D 3:452)
- Jolly Old Hawk (Roud 1048)
- The Jolly Pinder of Wakefield (Roud 3981; Child 124)
- The Jolly Ploughboy (Roud 202)
- The Jolly Ploughboy (Roud 163; TYG 32)
- The Jolly Roving Tar (Roud 913; Laws O27; Henry H670)
- The Jolly Roving Tar [Edward Green ‘Ned’ Harrigan] (Roud 2807)
- The Jolly Thresher (Roud 19; G/D 3:437; Henry H622, H117; TYG 37)
- Jolly Tinker (Roud 863)
- The Jolly Waggoner (Roud 1088)
- Jomfru i hindeham (DgF 58)
- Jonas and the Devil (Roud 4766)
- Jone o’ Grinfield (Roud 1460)
- Jone o’ Grinfield (Roud 937)
- Jordan (Roud 2103)
- Josef Locke [Richard Thompson]
- Joseph Baker [Pete Coe]
- The Jovial Cutler [trad.]
- The Jovial Hunter of Bromsgrove (Roud 29; Child 18)
- The Jovial Man of Kent
- Jowl, Jowl and Listen (Roud 3191)
- Joy After Sorrow (Roud 855)
- Joy, Health, Love and Peace (Roud 32955)
- The Joy of Living [Ewan MacColl]
- Joy to the World [Isaac Watts] (Roud 23690)
- Jubilee (Roud 7403)
- Judas (Roud 3964; Child 23)
- Judas (Was a Red-Headed Man) [probably Ruth Tongue]
- A Jug of Punch (Roud 1808; Henry H490)
- A Jug of This (Roud 1191)
- The Jukebox As She Turned [Jeff Deitchman]
- Juniper, Gentle and Rosemary (Roud 161; Child 1)
- Just a Little Bit of Rain [Fred Neil]
- Just a Note [Ewan MacColl]
- Just As the Tide Was Flowing (Roud 1105)
- The Jute Mill Song [Mary Brooksbank] (Roud 2585)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > K
- Kane’s Shady Glen [Francis Heaney] (Roud 6882; Henry H538)
- Kate of Ballinamore (Roud 5172)
- Katie Catch (Roud 12967; G/D 8:1575)
- Katie Dear (Roud 711; Laws G21)
- Katy Cruel (Roud 1645; G/D 4:725)
- The Keach in the Creel (Roud 120; Child 281; G/D 2:317; Henry H201)
- The Keeper (Roud 1519)
- Keeper of the Eddystone Light (Roud 22257)
- The Keepers and the Poachers (Roud 851)
- A Keeper Went Hunting (Roud 1519)
- Keep Your Feet Still, Geordie Hinny [Joe Wilson] (Roud 6862)
- Kellswater (Roud 916; Henry H695, H112)
- Kellyburn Braes (Roud 160; Child 278; G/D 2:320)
- The Kelly Gang (Roud 22593)
- Kelvin’s Purling Stream (Roud 3947)
- Kemp Owen (Roud 3912, 3176; Child 34)
- Kemp Owyne (Roud 3912, 3176; Child 34)
- Kempy Kay (Roud 32; Child 33; G/D 7:1505)
- The Kerry Courtship (Roud 2556, V4895)
- The Keys of Canterbury (Roud 573)
- The Keys of Heaven (Roud 573)
- The Khaki and the Blue (Roud 163; TYG 32)
- Kielder Castle [trad.]
- The Kielder Hunt [James Armstrong] (Roud 5126)
- Kilbogie (Roud 95; G/D 4:851)
- The Kilgrain Hare (Roud 2883; Henry H12)
- Killiecrankie [Robert Burns] (Roud 8187)
- Kilmore Carol (Roud 22087)
- Kilnamartyra Exile [John Brown] (Roud 32278)
- Kincardine Lads [trad.]
- The King (Roud 32955)
- The King [Dave Cousins]
- The King and Queen of England [Sandy Denny]
- The King and the Fair Maid (Roud 1624)
- King Arthur’s Servants (Roud 130; G/D 3:704)
- King Henry (Roud 4203; G/D 8:1571; TYG 128)
- King Henry (Roud 3967; Child 32)
- King Henry VII and the Shipwrights [Rudyard Kipling, trad.]
- King Henry Was King James’s Son (Roud 4203; G/D 8:1571; TYG 128)
- King Herod and the Cock (Roud 306; Child 55)
- King James Version [Billy Bragg]
- King Jamie and the Tinker (Roud 8946)
- King John and the Abbot of Canterbury (Roud 302; Child 45; G/D 2:281)
- King John and the Bishop (Roud 302; Child 45; G/D 2:281)
- King Knapperty (Roud 32; Child 33; G/D 7:1505)
- King of Prussia [Ralph Dunstan, Mr. Tregarthen]
- The King of Rome [Dave Sudbury]
- King of the Birds [Eliza Carthy]
- King Orfeo (Roud 136; Child 19)
- King Pharim (Roud 306; Child 55)
- The King’s Command Must Be Obeyed (Roud 1445)
- The King’s Dochter Lady Jean (Roud 39; Child 52; G/D 7:1395)
- The King’s Shilling [Ian Sinclair]
- Kinmont Willie (Roud 4013; Child 186)
- Kishmul’s Galley (Henry H535(b))
- A Kiss in the Morning Early (Roud 3807; G/D 1:50)
- Kitty Lie Over (Roud 3051)
- Kitty of Ballinamore (Roud 5172)
- The Knicht of Archerdale (Roud 37; Child 47; G/D 2:336)
- The Knife in the Window (Roud 32572)
- The Knight and the Shepherd’s Daughter (Roud 67; Child 110; G/D 7:1465)
- The Knight’s Dream (Roud 595)
- The Knight’s Ghost (Roud 3889; Child 265)
- Knights of the Road [Trevor Lucas, Pete Roche]
- Knight William and the Shepherd’s Daughter (Roud 67; Child 110; G/D 7:1465)
- Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door [Bob Dylan]
- The Kye Have Come Hame (Roud 3166)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > L
- La Bamba [trad. arr. Richie Valens]
- La Belle Jeannette [trad. tune]
- The Labouring Man (Roud 1156)
- The Labouring Man’s Daughter (Roud 595)
- La Cardeuse [trad. tune]
- Lachlan Tigers [trad.]
- La-di-da [Jake Thackray]
- The Ladies [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy] (Roud 30903)
- Ladies Don’t Go A-Thieving (Roud V28087)
- The Lads That Were Reared Amang Heather (Roud 5127)
- The Lady [Sandy Denny]
- Lady Alice (Roud 147; Child 85)
- Lady All Skin and Bone (Roud 501)
- The Lady and the Swine (Roud 15530)
- Lady Barnsley’s Fancy [trad. tune]
- Lady Diamond (Roud 112; Child 269; G/D 6:1224)
- Lady Dysie (Roud 112; Child 269; G/D 6:1224)
- Lady Franklin’s Lament (Roud 487; Laws K9; G/D 1:16; Henry H815)
- Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight (Roud 21; Child 4; G/D 2:225; Henry H163)
- The Lady Is a Tramp [Lorenz Hart, Richard Rodgers]
- The Lady Is a Vamp [Spice Girls, Watkins, Wilson]
- Lady Keith’s Lament (Roud V42891)
- Lady Maisry (Roud 45; Child 65)
- Lady Margaret and Sweet William (Roud 253; Child 74; G/D 2:337)
- Lady Margaret and Sweet William (Roud 50; Child 77)
- Lady Mary Ann (Roud 31; Laws O35; G/D 6:1222)
- Lady Mary Haye’s Scotch Measure [Niel Gow]
- The Lady of Carlisle (Roud 396; Laws O25; G/D 5:1056; Henry H474)
- The Lady of Riches (Roud 601; Laws N6; G/D 1:174; Henry H108a)
- The Lady of York (Roud 9; Child 20; G/D 2:193; TYG 73)
- The Laily Worm and the Mackerel of the Sea (Roud 3968; Child 36)
- The Laird o Cockpen [Lady Nairne] (Roud 2859)
- The Laird o’ Drum (Roud 247; Child 236; G/D 4:835)
- The Laird of Logie (Roud 81; Child 182; G/D 2:247)
- The Laird of the Dainty Doonby (Roud 864; G/D 7:1488)
- The Laird of Wariston (Roud 3876; Child 194)
- The Laird o’ Windy Wa’s (Roud 135; G/D 4:778)
- Lakes of Cold Flynn (Roud 189; Laws Q33; G/D 2:228; Henry H176)
- The Lakes of Coolfin (Roud 189; Laws Q33; G/D 2:228; Henry H176)
- The Lakes of Pontchartrain (Roud 1836; Laws H9; Henry H619)
- The Lakes of Shilin (Roud 189; Laws Q33; G/D 2:228; Henry H176)
- The Lambs on the Green Hills (Roud 154; G/D 6:1198)
- The Lambton Worm [C.M. Leumaine] (Roud 2337)
- The Lament of the Border Widow (Roud 199; Child 106; G/D 1:163)
- Lament to the Moon (Roud 906)
- Lamkin (Roud 6; Child 93; G/D 2:187; Henry H735)
- The Lancashire Fusiliers [W.H. Bellamy, S. Nelson] (Roud V1224)
- The Lancashire Lads (Roud 588; G/D 1:89)
- Lancashire Lass (Roud 4738)
- The Land [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Landlord and Tenant (Roud 1761)
- Land on the Shore (Roud 5716)
- Land o’ the Leal [Lady Nairne] (Roud 8999)
- The Land Where You Never Grow Old [James C. Moore] (Roud 10621)
- Lanercost [Maddy Prior, Rick Kemp]
- Lang Johnny More (Roud 3100; Child 251; G/D 2:246)
- La Pique (Roud 2563)
- The Lark in the Clear Air [Sir Samuel Ferguson] (Roud 24791)
- The Lark in the Morning (Roud 151)
- The Lass Among the Heather (Roud 2894; G/D 4:873)
- The Lass From Killiecrankie (Roud 5680; G/D 4:736)
- Lassie Lie Near Me (Roud V39584)
- Lassie Wi’ the Yellow Coatie [James Duff] (Roud 2582; G/D 4:870)
- The Lass of Glenshee [Andrew Sharpe] (Roud 292; Laws O6; G/D 5:953; Henry H590)
- The Lass of London City (Roud 1554)
- The Lass of Newcastle Town (Roud 1416)
- The Lass of Richmond Hill [Leonard McNally] (Roud 1246)
- The Lass of Roch Royal (Roud 49; Child 76; G/D 6:1226)
- Lass on the Quay [James Weams]
- The Lass o’ Paties Mill [trad. tune]
- The Lass That Loved a Sailor (Roud 954)
- The Last Farewell of Frost, Jones & Williams [trad. / Dave Moran]
- The Last Leviathan [Andy Barnes]
- Last New Year’s Eve (Roud 382)
- Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream [Ed McCurdy]
- The Last of the Clydesdales [Archie Webster] (Roud 22005)
- The Last of the Great Whales [Andy Barnes]
- The Last o’ the Tinkler [Violet Jacob]
- The Last Rose of Summer [Thomas Moore] (Roud 13861)
- The Last Thing on My Mind [Tom Paxton]
- Last Valentine’s Day (Roud 6475)
- Late November [Sandy Denny]
- Lavender’s Blue (Roud 3483)
- A Lawyer Bold (Roud 922)
- Lay Down Your Weary Tune [Bob Dylan]
- Lay Me Low [trad.]
- Lay the Bent to the Bonny Broom (Roud 161; Child 1)
- Lazarus (Roud 815)
- Lazy Harry’s (Roud 10209)
- Leaboy’s Lassie (Roud 1645; G/D 4:725)
- The Lean and Unwashed Tiffy [Cyril Tawney]
- The Lea-Rig [Robert Burns] (Roud 8516)
- Learning the Game [Buddy Holly]
- Leatherwinged Bat (Roud 747)
- Leave Her, Johnny (Roud 354; Henry H53b)
- The Leaves in the Woodland [Peter Bellamy]
- The Leaves of Life (Roud 127)
- Leaving Australia [trad.]
- The Leaving of Liverpool (Roud 9435)
- Le Capitaine de San Malo [trad.]
- Leezie Lindsay (Roud 94; Child 226; G/D 4:858)
- Lemady (Roud 193, 2445)
- The Lemon Tree [Dave Swarbrick]
- Lemony (Roud 193, 2445)
- Le Roi Renaud [trad.]
- Let Her Go Back (Roud 653)
- Let Her Go Down [Peter Knight]
- Let Her Run (Roud 810)
- Let It Go [Sandy Denny, Dave Swarbrick, Dave Pegg]
- Let Me In This Ae Nicht (Roud 135; G/D 4:778)
- Let No Man Steal Your Thyme (Roud 3; G/D 6:1180)
- Let’s Jump the Broomstick [Charles Robins]
- Let the Bulgine Run (Roud 810)
- Let There Be Drums [Sandy Nelson]
- Let the Sun Shine Down on Me [Than Hall]
- Let the Wind Blow High or Low (Roud 308; G/D 5:946; Henry H711)
- Let Union Be in All Our Hearts (Roud 1238, 17141)
- Lichfield Tattoo [trad. tune]
- Lichtbob’s Lassie (Roud 1645; G/D 4:725)
- Liege and Lief Medley [trad.]
- The Life of a Man (Roud 848)
- Liffeyside (Roud 41695)
- The Light Dragoon (Roud 162; Child 299; G/D 7:1470)
- The Light Horse (Roud 3027; Henry H586)
- Light My Fire [The Doors]
- The Light of Other Days [Alfred Bunn]
- The Light of the Moon (Roud 21234)
- Like an Old Fashioned Waltz [Sandy Denny]
- Like the Wind [David Rohl]
- Lily Bulero (Roud 160; Child 278; G/D 2:320)
- The Lily of the West (Roud 957; Laws P29; Henry H578)
- The Lily-White Hand (Roud 564; Laws P18; G/D 6:1188)
- Limbo (Roud 969)
- The Limejuice Ship (Roud 8341)
- The Lime-Juice Tub (Roud 22605)
- The Lincolnshire Poacher (Roud 299)
- The Lincolnshire Shepherd [Jesse Baggaley, Maurice Ogg] (Roud 1469)
- Linden Lea [William Barnes, Ralph Vaughan Williams] (RoudBS B104645)
- The Liner She’s a Lady [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy] (Roud 25479)
- The Lion’s Den (Roud 396; Laws O25; G/D 5:1056; Henry H474)
- The Lion Sleeps Tonight [Paul Campbell, Solomon Linda]
- Lisbon (Roud 551; Laws N8; G/D 1:63; Henry H561)
- The Lisburn Lass (Roud 5694)
- Lish Young Buy-a-Broom (Roud 1865)
- Listen, Listen [Sandy Denny]
- The Little Ball of Yarn (Roud 1404)
- Little Bear
- The Little Beggarman (Roud 900; Henry H751)
- Little Birds (Roud 747)
- The Little Black Horse (Roud 393)
- The Little Blind Girl (Roud 21222)
- Little Bo-Peep (Roud 6487)
- Little Burnt Potato [trad. tune]
- The Little Cabin Boy (Roud 1168)
- Little Duke Arthur’s Nurse (Roud 3393; Child 212; G/D 1:160)
- The Little Dun Mare (Roud 176)
- The Little Fighting Chance (Roud 980; Laws J19; G/D 1:42)
- Little Fishes (Roud 5477)
- The Little Footman Boy (Roud 32444)
- Little Gipsy Girl (Roud 229; Laws O4)
- Little Grey Hawk (Roud 293)
- The Little Heathy Hill [trad.]
- Little Jack Horner (Roud 13027)
- Little Miss Muffet (Roud 20605)
- Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard (Roud 52; Child 81)
- The Little Piece of Wang (Roud 8384)
- Little Sir Hugh (Roud 73; Child 155)
- Little Sparrow (Roud 451)
- The Little Thatched Cabin (Roud 8121; Henry H91)
- Little Yellow Roses [Trevor Peacock]
- Liverpool Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- Liverpool Judies (Roud 928)
- Liverpool Lullaby [Stan Kelly]
- Living by the Water [Anne Briggs]
- Liza’s Favourite
- Lizie Wan (Roud 234; Child 51)
- Lizzie Lindsay (Roud 94; Child 226; G/D 4:858)
- The Lobster (Roud 149)
- Lochaber No More [Allan Ramsey]
- Lochmaben Harper (Roud 85; Child 192; G/D 2:270)
- Loch Tay Boat Song [Harold Bolton] (Roud 38364)
- Lock-Keeper [Stan Rogers]
- Locks and Bolts (Roud 406; Laws M13; G/D 5:1012)
- The Loco-Motion [Gerry Goffin, Carole King]
- The Lofty Tall Ship (Roud 104; Child 250)
- Logan Braes [Robert Burns] (Roud 6842; G/D 6:1123)
- Logie o’ Buchan (Roud 1994; G/D 4:828)
- Logs to Burn (RoudBS B198717)
- London [trad.]
- London Bridge Is Falling Down (Roud 502; G/D 8:1566; Henry H48h)
- The London Heiress (Roud 2930; G/D 1:173)
- London Lights (Roud 18815)
- The London Man o’ War (Roud 690; G/D 1:41; Henry H560)
- London’s Ordinary (Roud V18996)
- The London Waterman [Charles Dibdin] (Roud 1186)
- Lonely Waterloo (Roud 622; Laws N31)
- The Lone Pilgrim [B.F. White] (Roud 2841; Sacred Harp 341)
- The Lone Shepherd [Cyril Tawney]
- The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll [Bob Dylan]
- The Lonesome Scenes of Winter (Roud 443; Laws H12)
- Long A-Growing (Roud 31; Laws O35; G/D 6:1222)
- Longbone [trad. arr. Bob Johnson]
- Long Cookstown (Roud 883; G/D 3:603; Henry H745)
- Long John, Old John and Jackie North (Roud 3100; Child 251; G/D 2:246)
- Long Lankin (Roud 6; Child 93; G/D 2:187; Henry H735)
- Long Looked For, Come at Last (Roud 1643)
- Long Meg and Her Daughters [Stuart Lawrence]
- Long Shadows [Maddy Prior]
- A Long Time Ago (Roud 318)
- Long Time Travelling [Elder Edmund Dumas] (Roud 5732; Sacred Harp 288)
- Long Vacation [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- Long Years Ago (Roud 274; Laws K10; G/D 1:19)
- The Looking-Glass [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Look Out Below [Charles Thatcher]
- Look Up, Look Up [John Tams]
- Loose Every Sail (Roud 2059)
- Loot [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Lord Abore and Mary Flynn (Roud 55; Child 87)
- Lord Allenwater (Roud 89; Child 208)
- Lord Bateman (Roud 40; Child 53L; G/D 5:1023; Henry H470)
- Lord Derwentwater (Roud 89; Child 208)
- Lord Elgin [Peter Knight]
- Lord Franklin (Roud 487; Laws K9; G/D 1:16; Henry H815)
- Lord Gregory [Robert Burns] (Roud 22558)
- Lord Gregory (Roud 49; Child 76; G/D 6:1226)
- Lord Haddo’s Favourite [Niel Gow]
- Lord Inchiquin [Turlough O’Carolan]
- The Lord Is in This Place, How Dreadful Is This Place [Richard Thompson, Ashley Hutchings]
- Lord Lovel (Roud 48; Child 75; G/D 6:1232)
- Lord Maxwell’s Last Goodnight (Roud 4015; Child 195)
- Lord Melbourne (Roud 233)
- Lord of the Dance [Sydney Carter]
- Lord of the May (trad.)
- Lord Randall (Roud 10; Child 12; G/D 2:209; Henry H814)
- Lord Rothschild [trad.]
- Lord Thomas and Fair Annet (Roud 4; Child 73; G/D 2:212)
- Lord Thomas and Fair Eleanor (Roud 4; Child 73; G/D 2:212)
- Lord Ullin’s Daughter [Thomas Campbell] (Roud 3138)
- Lord Willoughby (Roud V18836)
- The Lord Will Provide [John Newton]
- The Lorry Ride [Liza Chera]
- Losing Game [James Carr, Denny Weaver]
- The Loss of (Bob) Mahoney [trad.]
- The Loss of the ‘Ramillies’ (Roud 523, 1266; Laws K1; G/D 1:28)
- Lost in a Wood (Roud 288; Laws Q34)
- The Lost Lady Found (Roud 901; Laws Q31)
- Lo! The Eastern Magi Rise (Roud 8360, 17728)
- Lo! The Eastern Sages Rise (Roud 8360, 17728)
- The Lothian Hairst (Roud 2165; G/D 3:404)
- Lough Erne (Roud 3572)
- Lough Erne Shore (Roud 3476)
- Loughinsholin (Roud 189; Laws Q33; G/D 2:228; Henry H176)
- The Lousy Tailor (Roud 1528)
- Love and Freedom [Mary Brooksbank] (Roud 6258)
- Love and Murder (Roud 15; Laws P36A; G/D 2:201, 2:202)
- Love at the Five and Dime [Nanci Griffith]
- Love Farewell (Roud 1301; G/D 1:101)
- Love Henry (Roud 47; Child 68)
- Love Is Kind [trad.]
- Love Is Pleasing (Roud 1049)
- Love Is Teasing (Roud 1049)
- Lovely Ann (Roud 5083)
- Lovely Armoy (Roud 13541; Henry H9)
- The Lovely Banks of Lea (Roud 9493)
- The Lovely Irish Maid (Roud 6319)
- Lovely Joan (Roud 592)
- Lovely Johnny (Roud 5168)
- Lovely Molly (Roud 1446; Henry H780)
- Lovely Molly [Robert Burns] (Roud 857; G/D 5:1014; Henry H175)
- Lovely on the Water (Roud 1539)
- Lovely Willy (Roud 1913; Laws M35; Henry H587)
- Love of My Life [Freddie Mercury]
- The Lover’s Complaint (Roud 12657)
- The Lover’s Ghost (Roud 179; Child 248)
- The Lover’s Ghost (Roud 246; Child 272; Henry H217)
- The Lover’s Lament (Roud 405; Laws M3)
- The Lovers’s Lament for Her Sailor (Roud 466; Laws K17; G/D 6:1244)
- Love’s Made a Fool of You [Buddy Holly, Bob Montgomery]
- Love’s Parting (Roud 6897; Henry H825, H788)
- Loving Hannah (Roud 454; G/D 6:1192; Henry H615, H625)
- Low Down in the Broom (Roud 1644)
- Low Flying [Rick Kemp]
- Lowlands (Away) (Roud 681; Henry H469)
- Lowlands Low (Roud 8286)
- The Lowlands of Holland (Roud 484; G/D 6:1116; Henry H180)
- The Loyal Lover (Roud 578)
- László Fehér [trad.]
- Lucky Old Sun [Beasley Smith / Haven Gillespie]
- Lucy’s Waltz
- Lucy Wan (Roud 234; Child 51)
- Luisa [Jerry Donahue]
- Lullay, Lullay (Roud 19028)
- Lullay My Liking [trad.]
- A Lying Tale (Roud 1706; G/D 8:1701)
- The Lyke Wake Dirge (Roud 8194; TYG 85)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > M
- Maa Bonny Lad (Roud 204)
- MacCrimmon’s Lament (Roud 5134)
- MacDonald o’ the Isles (Roud 95; G/D 4:851)
- MacDonald’s Return to Glencoe (Roud 515; Laws N39; G/D 5:1044; Henry H655)
- MacFarlan o’ the Sprotts [George Bruce Thomson] (Roud 6314; G/D 6:1221)
- MacGregor of Rosa [trad. tune]
- MacPherson’s Farewell (Roud 2160; G/D 3:697)
- MacPherson’s Lament (Roud 2160; G/D 3:697)
- MacPherson’s Rant (Roud 2160; G/D 3:697)
- Madam, I Have Come to Court You (Roud 542; G/D 8:1588)
- Mad Family (Roud 19704)
- The Magdalene’s Lament (Roud 8153)
- Magdalen Green (Roud 2893)
- Magdalen Laundry [Johnny Mulhern]
- Maggie Lauder (Roud 5625)
- Maggie May [G.W. Moore] (Roud 5383)
- Maggie May (Roud 1757)
- Maggies’s Bairn (Roud 22223)
- The Magical Man [Lal & Mike Waterson, Chris Collins]
- Magic Christmas Tree [Mike Heron]
- Magic Lady [Mandy Morton]
- The Magpie [David Dodds]
- The Magpie’s Nest (Roud 2127)
- The Maid and the Palmer (Roud 2335; Child 21)
- Maid Behind the Bar [trad. tune]
- A Maiden Came From London Town (Roud 168)
- The Maiden Hind
- Maiden Lane [trad. tune]
- A Maiden Sat A-Weeping (Roud 170)
- The Maid Freed From the Gallows (Roud 144; Child 95; G/D 2:248)
- The Maid Gaed tae the Mill (Roud 2575; G/D 7:1436)
- A Maid in Bedlam (Roud 578)
- Maid Lamenting (Roud 1684)
- The Maid of Amsterdam (Roud 649; G/D 7:1479)
- Maid of Aughrim (Roud 49; Child 76; G/D 6:1226)
- The Maid of Australia (Roud 1872)
- The Maid of Bunclody (Roud 3000)
- The Maid of Cúil Mór (Roud 2493; Henry H687)
- The Maid of Culmore (Roud 2493; Henry H687)
- The Maid of Doneysheil [Paddy McGuckian] (Roud 6894; Henry H530)
- The Maid of Erin (Roud 2059)
- The Maid of Listowel (Roud 2556, V4895)
- The Maid of Mourne Shore (Roud 2946; Henry H34b)
- The Maid of Neidpath [Sir Walter Scott] (Roud 8318)
- The Maid on the Shore (Roud 181, V28472; Laws K27)
- Maids at 18 (Roud 802; G/D 7:1378; Henry H138)
- The Maid’s Lament (Roud 1074)
- The Maid’s Lament (Roud 1684)
- Maids When You’re Young, Never Wed an Old Man (Roud 210)
- Maid That’s Deep in Love (Roud 231; Laws N12)
- The Maid That Sold Her Barley (Roud 3007)
- The Maid With the Bonny Brown Hair (Roud 3032; Henry H24, H575)
- Make Me a Pallet on Your Floor (Roud 13930)
- Makes Me Think of You [Sandy Denny]
- Malpas Wassail (Roud 209)
- The Man-and-Woman Dancing [John Kirkpatrick]
- The Man at the Nore (Roud 22257)
- The Manchester Angel (Roud 2741)
- The Manchester Canal (Roud 1079; Henry H502)
- The Manchester Cornstalk (Roud 3204; TYG 40)
- Mandalay [Rudyard Kipling, trad. arr. Peter Bellamy]
- Man in the Moon (Roud 21397)
- The Man of Burn(ing)ham Town (Roud 665)
- Man of Iron [Peter Elford, Don Fraser]
- Man of the Earth [Bernie Parry]
- The Man-o’-War (Roud 662)
- A Man’s a Man for A’ That [Robert Burns] (Roud 30953)
- The Man That Waters the Workers’ Beer [Paddy Ryan] (Roud 31289)
- Mantle of Green (Roud 714; Laws N38; G/D 5:1033; Henry H76)
- The Mantle so Green (Roud 714; Laws N38; G/D 5:1033; Henry H76)
- Many’s the Night’s Rest (Roud 293; G/D 6:1141; Henry H215)
- Marbletown (Roud 3611)
- Marching Through Rochester [trad. / Pete Coe]
- The March of the Kings of Laoise [trad. tune]
- March the Morning Sun [Royston Wood]
- Marcie [Joni Mitchell]
- Maria (Roud 1478)
- Maria Marten (Roud 18814)
- Maria Martin (Roud 215)
- Maria’s Gone (Roud 3625)
- Marigold
- Marijuana Australiana [Brendan Hanley]
- Marnan Fair (Roud 5144; G/D 4:885)
- Marquis of Tullybardine [trad. tune]
- The Marriage Vow [trad. tune]
- Married Next Monday Morning (Roud 579)
- Marrowbones (Roud 183; Laws Q2; G/D 2:318; Henry H174; TYG 6)
- Martinmas Time (Roud 2173; G/D 1:161)
- Marvellous Companion [Lal Waterson]
- Mary and the Soldier (Roud 2496; G/D 1:91; Henry H782)
- Mary Ann (Roud 4438)
- Mary Anne [Fred W. Leigh, George Henry Bastow] (Roud 5391)
- The Maryborough Miner [trad.]
- Mary Custy Air [trad. tune]
- Mary Hamilton (Roud 79; Child 173; G/D 2:195)
- Mary, Mary Quite Contrary (Roud 19626)
- Mary Morison [Robert Burns] (Roud V18242)
- Mary Neal (Roud 142; Laws M17; Henry H55)
- Mary of Argyle (Roud 12904)
- Mary of the Wild Moor (Roud 155; Laws P21; G/D 6:1175)
- The Mason’s Apron [trad. tune]
- Master Kilby (Roud 1434)
- Mater Dolorosa [Maddy Prior]
- Matt Hyland (Roud 2880)
- Matty Groves (Roud 52; Child 81)
- Maybe Then I’ll Be a Rose [Les Barker, Savourna Stevenson]
- May Colven (Roud 21; Child 4; G/D 2:225; Henry H163)
- The Maydens Came [trad.]
- May Dew [trad.]
- A May Garland (Roud 305)
- Maying Song [trad. Flemish]
- May Morning (Roud 2512; Laws P19; Henry H794)
- The May Morning Dew (Roud 5405)
- May Song [Dave Webber]
- May Song (Roud 305)
- McCafferty (Roud 1148)
- McCaffery (Roud 1148)
- McGinty’s Meal and Ale [George Bruce Thomson] (Roud 2518; G/D 3:630)
- McIlroy the Emerald Cowboy [Mike Waterson]
- McVeagh [Martin Carthy]
- Meeting Is a Pleasure (Roud 454; G/D 6:1192; Henry H615, H625)
- Meet on the Ledge [Richard Thompson]
- Memories [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- Memphis, Tennessee [Chuck Berry]
- Men of the Bush [Lynne Muir]
- The Merchant’s Son and the Beggar Wench (Roud 2153; G/D 2:303; TYG 65)
- The Mermaid (Roud 124; Child 289; G/D 1:27)
- The Merry Haymakers (Roud 153; Henry H697)
- Merry Mountain Child [J. Tate, Joe Perkin] (Roud 1769; TYG 42)
- The Merry Willow Tree (Roud 122; Child 286; G/D 1:37)
- The Message [John Donne]
- Me With You [Dave Swarbrick]
- The Meynell Hunt [Frederick Cotton]
- Michael Finnigan (Roud 10541)
- Mickey’s Warning (Roud 6333)
- Midlothian Mining Song [trad.]
- Midnight Feast [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- Midnight on the Water [Ron Kavana, Luke Thomasson]
- Midsummer Carol (Roud 6913)
- Migrating Bird [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- Miles Weatherhill (and Sarah Bell) (Roud V7515)
- Milk and Honey [Jackson C. Frank]
- The Milkmaid’s Song (Roud 298; G/D 4:812)
- The Miller and His Sons (Roud 138; Laws Q21; G/D 3:703)
- The Miller and the Lass (Roud 1128)
- The Miller of Dee (Roud 503; G/D 3:452)
- The Miller of Straloch (Roud 503; G/D 3:452)
- The Miller’s Apprentice (Roud 263; Laws P35; G/D 2:200)
- The Miller’s Three Sons (Roud 138; Laws Q21; G/D 3:703)
- Million Dollar Bash [Bob Dylan]
- Mill o’ Tifty’s Annie (Roud 98; Child 233; G/D 5:1018)
- The Miner’s Dream of Home [Will Godwin, Leo Dryden] (Roud 1749)
- A Miner’s Life [Charles Davies Tillman] (Roud 3510)
- Miner’s Lifeguard [Charles Davies Tillman] (Roud 3510)
- The Miner’s Lullyby [Matt McGinn]
- Miner’s Washing [John Warner]
- The Mines of Australia [trad.]
- Minesweepers [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Mingulay Boat Song [Hugh S. Roberton]
- Minnie of Shirva’s Cradle Song (Roud 30665)
- Minorie (Roud 8; Child 10; G/D 2:213)
- Mirk, Mirk Is the Midnight Hour [Robert Burns] (Roud 22558)
- Miss Bowls’ [trad. tune]
- Mr Lacey [Ashley Hutchings]
- Mr Preston’s Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- Mr Tapscott (Roud 15778; Henry H827)
- The Mistletoe Bough [Thomas Haynes Bayly] (Roud 2336)
- Mistletoe Bough [Ken Nicol]
- The Mistress’s Health (Roud 310)
- Mistress’s Health (Roud 21096)
- The Mocking Bird (Roud 470)
- An Moinfeuir [trad. tune]
- The Moldavian Schottische [trad. tune]
- The Molecatcher (Roud 1052)
- Mole in a Hole [Mike Waterson]
- Molly Bawn (Roud 166; Laws O36; Henry H114)
- Molly Brannigan (Roud 13375)
- Molly Malone (Roud 16932)
- Molly Oxford [trad. tune]
- Moments [Bryn Haworth]
- Monaghan Fair (Roud 666)
- The Monmouth Wassail [trad.]
- Mons Meg [Pipe Major Geo S. Maclennan]
- The Month of January (Roud 175; Laws P20; G/D 6:1176)
- The Month of May (Roud 153; Henry H697)
- The Month of May (Roud 1076)
- The Months Go Round [Steve Ashley]
- Montrose [Steeleye Span]
- The Monymusk Lads (Roud 5568; G/D 3:375)
- The Mooncoin Jig [trad. tune]
- The Moon Shined on My Bed Last Night (Roud 6959)
- The Moon Shines Bright (Roud 702)
- Moorlough Maggie (Roud 12939)
- Moorlough Mary [James Devine] (Roud 2742; Henry H173)
- The Moorlough Shore (Roud 2946; Henry H34b)
- Moreton Bay (Roud 2537)
- Mormond Braes (Roud 2171; G/D 6:1142)
- The Morning Dew [trad. tune]
- Morning Girls [Maddy Prior]
- Morning Glory [T. Buckley, L.Beckett]
- The Morning Is Charming (Roud 580)
- The Morning Looks Charming (Roud 580)
- Morning Stands on Tiptoe (Roud 24896, 24897)
- Morning Trumpet (Roud 15077; Sacred Harp 85)
- Moses of the Mail [Ewan MacColl]
- The Moss o Burreldale [George S. Morris] (Roud 1876)
- Mother and Child [Maddy Prior]
- Mother, Go Make My Bed (Roud 32444)
- Motherless Child (Roud 10072)
- Motherless Child [trad.]
- Motherless Children (Roud 16113)
- Mothers, Daughters, Wives [Judy Small]
- The Mountain [Sarah Deco]
- The Mountains Adieu (Roud 1719)
- The Mountains High (Roud 397; Laws P15; G/D 2:333)
- The Mountains of Mourne [Percy French] (Roud 18229)
- The Mountain Streams Where the Moorcocks Crow (Roud 2124; Henry H32)
- Mount Moriah (Roud 17724)
- Moving On Song [Ewan MacColl] (Roud 6852)
- The Mower (Roud 833)
- Mowing the Barley (Roud 922)
- Mrs Bermingham [Turlough O’Carolan]
- Mrs. Crandall’s Boarding House [G. & T. Linch]
- Mrs Marriott [Dave Swarbrick]
- Mrs McGrath (Roud 678; Henry H131)
- The Muckin’ o’ Geordie’s Byre (Roud 2137; G/D 7:1303)
- Muddley Barracks (Roud 1735)
- The Multitude Who Labour [words John Hartley, tune Dave Hillery]
- The Murdered Servantman (Roud 18; Laws M32)
- Murder in the Red Barn (Roud 215)
- Murder of Maria Marten (Roud 215)
- The Music Weaver [Sandy Denny, Chris McGregor]
- Musselburgh (Roud 8702)
- Must I Be Bound? (Roud 18829; Henry H218ab)
- Mutton Pie (Roud 1408; TYG 30)
- My Ain Countrie [Allan Cunningham] (Roud 21757)
- My Apron Now (Roud 8700)
- My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean [Harry Clifton] (Roud 1422; Henry H7)
- My Bonny Bonny Boy (Roud 293; G/D 6:1141; Henry H215)
- My Bonny Boy (Roud 293; G/D 6:1141; Henry H215)
- My Bonny Lad (Roud 204)
- My Bonny Miner Lad (Roud 2599)
- My Boy Jack [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- My Darling Ploughman Boy (Roud 843; Laws M22; G/D 3:413, 6:1117)
- My Dear Companion [Jean Ritchie]
- My Donal [Owen Hand]
- My Father Had a Horse (Roud 850)
- My Father’s a Hedger and Ditcher (Roud 846; G/D 7:1385)
- My Father’s Servant Boy (Roud 1910; Laws M11; Henry H198, H525)
- My Father’s Serving Boy (Roud 1910; Laws M11; Henry H198, H525)
- My Flower, My Companion and Me [J. H. Brown, James Power] (Roud 16555)
- My Generous Lover (Roud 1996)
- My Girl (Roud 3421)
- My Girl [Dave Swarbrick]
- My Girl in the Month of May [Dion DiMucci]
- My Grandfather Knew the Plough [Phil Colclough]
- My Heart’s in New South Wales [Dave Swarbrick]
- My Heart’s in the Highlands [Robert Burns] (Roud 5878; G/D 3:521)
- My Husband’s Got No Courage in Him (Roud 870; G/D 7:1367)
- My Johnny [Harry Clifton] (Roud 1422; Henry H7)
- My Johnny’s Gone to Hilo (Roud 481; Henry H53d)
- My Johnny Was a Shoemaker (Roud 1388; G/D 8:1848)
- My Jolly Sailor Bold (Roud V15363)
- My Jolly Waggoner, Drive On (Roud 1302)
- My Laddie’s Bedside (Roud 5530; G/D 6:1136)
- My Lady’s Law [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- My Lagan Love [Joseph Campbell] (Roud 1418)
- My Last Farewell to Stirling (Roud 5160; G/D 8:1534)
- My Love [trad. arr. Tim Hart]
- My Love Came to Dublin [Patrick Galvin] (Roud 22005)
- My Love Has Listed (Roud 191; TYG 2)
- My Love’s in Germany (Roud V39245)
- My Luve She Lives (Roud 245; Child 256)
- My Mary [Robert Tannahill] (Roud V48250)
- My Old Man (Roud 3550)
- My Ramblin’ Boy [Tom Paxton]
- Myrtle Tree (Roud 954)
- My Singing Bird (Roud V43884)
- My Son David (Roud 200; Child 13; TYG 35)
- My Son in Amerikay [Alf McLoughlin] (Roud 2970)
- My Son John (Roud 678; Henry H131)
- My Son Tim (Roud 678; Henry H131)
- Mysterious Day [Oliver Knight]
- My Sweet Lullaby [Oliver Knight]
- My True Love Is Lost (Roud 587, V8363)
- My Valentine (Roud 945; G/D 1:52)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > N
- NaCl (Sodium Chloride) [Kate McGarrigle]
- Nadine [Chuck Berry]
- Nafarroa [Anton Latxa, X. Amuriza]
- Nancy and Johnny (Roud 32572)
- Nancy of London (Roud 407)
- Nancy of Yarmouth (Roud 527; Laws K14; Henry H755)
- Nancy of Yarmouth (Roud 407)
- Nancy Whisky (Roud 883; G/D 3:603; Henry H745)
- Napoleon’s Death (Roud 2419)
- Napoleon’s Defeat (Roud 1132, 1106; Henry H608)
- Napoleon’s Dream (Roud 1538)
- Napoleon’s Farewell to Paris (Roud 1626)
- Napoleon’s Lamentation (Roud 2547)
- Naughty Baby (Roud 20649)
- The Navvy Boy (Roud 360; Henry H760)
- ’Neath the Gloamin’ Star at E’en (Roud 5569; G/D 4:880)
- Ned of the Hill [Samuel Lover] (Roud 8136)
- Needlecases (Roud 1300)
- Nellie o’ Bob’s o’ t’ Crowtrees [John Hartley]
- Nellie the Milkmaid (Roud 1606)
- Nelly Was a Lady [Stephen Collins Foster] (Roud 4273)
- Nelson’s Death and Victory (Roud 18837)
- Nelson’s Monument (Roud 1552)
- Neptune [Jim Malcolm]
- Neptun’s Raging Fury (Roud 18526)
- Never Again [Richard Thompson]
- Never Ending [Ian Matthews]
- The Never-Never Land [Henry Lawson]
- Never the Same [Lal Waterson]
- Never Turning Back [Pat Humphries]
- New Britain [John Newton] (Roud 5430; Sacred Harp 45t)
- Newcastle (Roud 8086)
- The Newcombe Gauger (Roud 2343; G/D 5:1015)
- Newell Highway [John Warner]
- The Newgate Stone (Roud V1924)
- New Life, New Love [Henry Lawson]
- Newlyn Town (Roud 490; Laws L12; G/D 2:260)
- Newport Street (Roud 218; Laws P30; G/D 2:210)
- New Railroad (Roud 17886)
- The New Road [John Beavis]
- Newry Mountain (Roud 2329; Henry H582)
- Newry Town (Roud 490; Laws L12; G/D 2:260)
- The New St. George [Richard Thompson]
- New Whitehall [trad. tune]
- New Year Carol [trad.]
- New York Girls (Roud 486)
- New York Mine Disaster, 1941 [Barry & Maurice Gibb]
- The New York Trader (Roud 478; Laws K22; G/D 2:191)
- Next Time Around [Sandy Denny]
- The Nicht That Oor Mag Had Her Bairn (Roud 22223)
- Nick Nack Paddy Wack (Roud 3550)
- Nicky Tams [George S. Morris] (Roud 1875)
- Night Comes In [Richard Thompson]
- The Nightingale (Roud 1093; Laws M37; G/D 1:18; Henry H75a)
- The Nightingale (Roud 32290; Henry H75b)
- Night in the City [Joni Mitchell]
- The Night of Trafalgar
- Night-Time Girl [Dave Swarbrick, Dave Pegg]
- The Night Visiting Song (Roud 22568; G/D 4:783)
- Nine Hundeed Miles (Roud 4959)
- Nine Times a Night (Roud 18411)
- No 178 [Turlough O’Carolan]
- No Accounting Cowboy [David Hampton]
- Noah’s Ark Shanty (Roud 318)
- The Noble Fleet of Whalers (Roud 285)
- The Noble Fox Hunting (Roud 584; TYG 76)
- Noble Huntly (Roud 5797; G/D 1:74)
- The Noble Lord Hawkins (Roud 195; Laws O14; G/D 2:226)
- The Nobleman and the Thresherman (Roud 19; G/D 3:437; Henry H622, H117; TYG 37)
- The Nobleman’s Wedding (Roud 567; Laws P31; G/D 6:1199; Henry H60ab)
- Nobody’s Coming to Marry Me (Roud 846; G/D 7:1385)
- No End [Sandy Denny]
- No Good at Love [Adrian May]
- No John, No (Roud 146)
- No Man’s Jig [trad. tune]
- No Man’s Land [Eric Bogle]
- No Man’s Land [Richard Thompson]
- No More Cane on the Brazos (Roud 10063)
- No More Fish, No Fishermen [Shelley Posen]
- No More Sad Refrains [Sandy Denny]
- No, My Love, Not I (Roud 1403)
- No One Stands Alone [Mosie Lister]
- Nora Daly (Roud 8002)
- The Norfolk Long Dance [trad. tune]
- Norland Wind [Violet Jacob, Jim Reid]
- North Americay (Roud 596; Laws J13)
- North Amerikay (Roud 1910; Laws M11; Henry H198, H525)
- The North Country Maid (Roud 1367; Laws K43B; G/D 5:1058)
- Northill May Song (Roud 305)
- North Sea Holes [Ewan MacColl]
- The North Star Grassman and the Ravens [Sandy Denny]
- Norwich Gaol [Peter Bellamy]
- No, Sir, No (Roud 146)
- Nostradamus [Al Stewart]
- Nothing at the End of the Rainbow [Richard Thompson]
- Nothing Else to Do (Roud 1265)
- Nothing Else Will Do [Dave Cousins]
- Nothing More [Sandy Denny]
- Nothing Rhymed [Gilbert O’Sullivan]
- Nottamun Fair (Roud 1044)
- Nottamun Town (Roud 1044)
- Nottingham Goose Fair (Roud V3585)
- Now All You Lads (Roud 1210)
- Now and Then [Sandy Denny]
- Now I’m Easy [Eric Bogle]
- Now Our Meeting Is Over (Roud 5716)
- Now We Are Six [trad.]
- Now Welcome Summer [Geoffrey Chaucer]
- Now Westlin Winds [Robert Burns] (Roud 6936)
- Number Two Top Seam [Roger Watson]
- The Nutting Girl (Roud 509; G/D 7:1475)
- A-Nutting We Will Go (Roud 509; G/D 7:1475)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > O
- The Oak and the Ash (Roud 1367; Laws K43B; G/D 5:1058)
- Oak, Ash and Thorn [Rudyard Kipling]
- The Oakham Poachers (Roud 1686)
- Oak Tree Carol [Henry Fothergill Chorley] (Roud 1281)
- Oats and Beans and Barley Grows (Roud 1380)
- Och Hey! Johnny Lad [Robert Tannahill] (Roud V7525)
- O Come O Come Emmanuel (Roud 26895)
- October Song [Robin Williamson]
- O, Dear, O (Roud 870; G/D 7:1367)
- O’er the Hills and Far Away (Roud 3356; G/D 1:77)
- O’er the Hills and Far Away (Roud 8460)
- Of All the Birds [Thomas Ravenscroft] (Roud 496)
- Off to Epsom Races (Roud 383)
- Off to Sea Once More (Roud 644; Laws D7)
- The Oggie Man [Cyril Tawney]
- O, Good Ale (Roud 203; G/D 3:590)
- Oh But I’m Weary (Roud 5555; G/D 7:1332)
- Oh Cruel (Roud 5997)
- Oh Dear What Can the Matter Be? (Roud 1279)
- Oh, Death (Roud 4933)
- Oh Had I a Golden Thread [Pete Seeger]
- Oh, It Was My Cruel Parents (Roud 2897; G/D 7:1362)
- Oh No [Rick Kemp, Maddy Prior]
- Oh, Once I Loved a Lass (Roud 21234)
- Oh To Be in My Bed and Happit (Roud 6753; G/D 5:938)
- Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’ [Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II]
- The Oily Rig (Roud 1853)
- Old Adam (Roud 728; G/D 7:1269)
- Old Adam (Roud 12887)
- The Old Bachelor (Roud 7162; G/D 7:1390)
- Old Billy Riley (Roud 4701)
- The Old Bitch Fox (Roud 1241)
- Old Bob Ridley (Roud 753)
- Old Brown’s Daughter [George W. Hunt] (Roud 1426)
- The Old Churchyard (Roud 3386)
- The Old Dun Cow Caught Fire [Harry Wincott] (Roud 5323)
- Old Farmer Buck (Roud 30346)
- The Old Garden Gate (Roud 419; Henry H593)
- Old Grenadier [trad. tune]
- The Old Grey Goose (Roud 3346)
- Old Horse (Roud 513)
- Old Joe Clark (Roud 3594)
- Old Johnny Buckle (Roud 19111)
- Old Kimball (Roud 456; Laws Q22)
- The Old Lancashire Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- Old MacDonald Had a Farm (Roud 745)
- The Old Maid in the Garrett (Roud 802; G/D 7:1378; Henry H138)
- The Old Man and His Wife (Roud 281; Laws Q1; Henry H702)
- An Old Man Came Courting Me (Roud 210)
- The Old Man Can’t Keep His Wife at Home
- The Old Man From Lee (Roud 362; G/D 4:815)
- The Old Man From Over the Sea (Roud 362; G/D 4:815)
- The Old Militia Drum (Roud 163; TYG 32)
- The Old Miner [Jim Ellwood]
- The Old Miner (Roud 1136)
- The Old Miser (Roud 3913)
- Old Moke Picking on a Banjo (Roud 930)
- Old Molly Metcalfe [Jake Thackray]
- Old Mother Eve [probably Ruth Tongue]
- Old Pendle [Milton Allen, Brian Osborne]
- Old Sir Simon the King (Roud 19776)
- Old Snowball (Roud 190)
- The Old Songs [Bob Copper, Peter Bellamy]
- Old Tom of Oxford [trad. tune]
- The Old Triangle [Dick Shannon]
- The Old Turf Fire [Johnny Patterson] (Roud 8215)
- The Old Virginia Lowlands (Roud 122; Child 286; G/D 1:37)
- The Old Woman All Clothed in Grey (Roud 1694)
- The Old Woman of Wexford (Roud 183; Laws Q2; G/D 2:318; Henry H174; TYG 6)
- The Old Woman Tossed Up (Roud 1297)
- O Little Town of Bethlehem [Phillips Brook] (Roud 24752)
- Omie Wise (Roud 447; Laws F4)
- O My Dear Hert [James, John and Robert Wedderburn] (Roud 23036)
- O My Luve’s Like a Red, Red Rose [Robert Burns] (Roud 12946)
- On a British Submarine [Cyril Tawney]
- On a Monday Morning [Cyril Tawney]
- On Board a Man-of-War (Roud 662)
- On Board a Ninety-Eight (Roud 1461)
- On Board the Kangaroo (Roud 925; G/D 6:1211)
- On Board the Leicester Castle (Roud 653)
- On Board the Victory (Roud 2278)
- Once a Farmer and His Wife (Roud 16831)
- Once I Caught a Fish Alive (Roud 13530)
- Once I Had a Sweetheart (Roud 170)
- Once I Had a True Love (Roud 170)
- Once in a Blue Moon [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- Once in a While [Steve Ashley]
- Once There Lived a Captain (Roud 3376)
- On Christmas Day It Happened So (Roud 1078)
- On Christmas Night (Roud 597)
- One Cold Morning in December (Roud 1745)
- One May Morning (Roud 1003; G/D 7:1311)
- One May Morning Early (Roud 356)
- One Misty Moisty Morning (Roud 13910, 20075)
- One More Chance [Sandy Denny]
- One More Day (Roud 704)
- One Morning in May (Roud 44779)
- One Morning in May (Roud 140; Laws P14; TYG 34)
- One Morning in the Spring (Roud 152; Laws M1; G/D 1:51)
- One Night As I Lay on My Bed (Roud 672)
- One Night Sad and Languid (Roud 1538)
- One of the Has-Beens [Robert Stewart]
- One of Those Days [Lal Waterson]
- One Penny (Roud 393)
- One True Love (Roud 51; Child 78)
- One Way Donkey Ride [Sandy Denny]
- On Fridays He’s Fred Astaire [Clive Gregson]
- On Humber Bank (Roud 1493; G/D 6:1160; TYG 74)
- Only a Soldier (Roud 321; Laws M27)
- Only Remembered [Horatius Bonar, Ira D. Sankey, John Tams] (Roud 7557)
- On Monday Morning I Married a Wife (Roud 433; Laws Q6)
- On My Way [Dave Cousins]
- On the Banks of the Condamine (Roud 8224)
- On the Banks of the Reedy Lagoon [Jimmy Connors]
- On the Road with Liddy [trad.]
- On the Wallaby [Henry Lawson]
- On Top of Old Smokey (Roud 414)
- On Yonder Hill There Sits a Hare (Roud 5173)
- On Yonder Old Oak (Roud 371)
- Oor Hamlet [Adam McNaughtan]
- The Optimist [Sandy Denny]
- The Orange and the Blue (Roud 567; Laws P31; G/D 6:1199; Henry H60ab)
- Orange in Bloom [trad. tune]
- Oranges and Lemons (Roud 13190)
- Orfeo (Roud 136; Child 19)
- O, Shepherd, O, Shepherd (Roud 1055; G/D 7:1513)
- Otago [Graeme Miles]
- O the Bonny Fisher Lad (Roud 3150)
- The Oul’ Rigadoo (Roud 900; Henry H751)
- Our Captain Cried All Hands (Roud 602)
- Our Fathers of Old [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Our Gallant Ship (Roud 124; Child 289; G/D 1:27)
- Our Goodman (Roud 114; Child 274; G/D 7:1460; Henry H21ab)
- Our Good Ship Lies in Harbour (Roud 1011)
- Our Jack (Roud 1983)
- Our Ship Is Ready (Roud 2995)
- Our Ship She Lies in Harbour (Roud 1011)
- Our Wedding Day (Roud 861; Henry H141)
- The Outlandish Knight (Roud 21; Child 4; G/D 2:225; Henry H163)
- The Outlaw of the Hill (Roud 9699)
- Outside the Wall [John B. Spencer, Graeme Taylor]
- The Outside Track [Henry Lawson, Gerry Hallom]
- Outward Bound (Roud 1104)
- Outward Bound [Thomas Payne Westendorf, G.W. Persley] (Roud 376; Laws K13; G/D 1:66; Henry H543, H678)
- Out With My Gun in the Morning (Roud 1847)
- The Overgate (Roud 866)
- The Overlander (Roud 9107)
- Over the Rainbow [Harold Arlen, Edgar Yipsel Harburg]
- Owensboro [trad.]
- O, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast [Robert Burns] (Roud V18272)
- The Owslebury Lads (Roud 17212)
- The Oxen Ploughing (Roud 686)
- Oxford City (Roud 218; Laws P30; G/D 2:210)
- The Oxford Girl (Roud 263; Laws P35; G/D 2:200)
- The Oxford Tragedy (Roud 263; Laws P35; G/D 2:200)
- The Oyster Girl (Roud 875; Laws Q13; G/D 2:304; Henry H725)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > P
- The Pace-Egging Song (Roud 614; TYG 53)
- Paddy and the Whale (Roud 6342)
- Paddy Clancy’s Jig [trad. tune]
- Paddy Doyle(’s Boots) (Roud 4695; Henry H53c)
- Paddy Lay Back (Roud 653)
- Paddy Maloney (Roud 6342)
- Paddy’s Green Shamrock Shore (Roud 1419; Henry H192)
- Paddy’s Lamentation (Roud 2314)
- Paddy’s Panacea (Roud 3079)
- Paddy’s Rambles [trad. tune]
- Paddy Stole the Rope (Roud 2037)
- Paddy West (Roud 3092)
- Paddy Works on the Railway (Roud 208)
- Padstow Drinking Song (Roud 1252, 5384)
- Padstow May Song (Roud 305)
- Padstow Wassail (Roud 209)
- Pad the Road Wi Me (Roud 4599; G/D 4:875; Henry H18a)
- The Painful Plough (Roud 355; G/D 3:448)
- Pain or Paradise [John Tams]
- Painted Ladies [Richard Thompson]
- Palaces of Gold [Leon Rosselson]
- Palms of Victory [John B. Matthias] (Roud 3540)
- Paper of Pins [Thomas Ravenscroft] (Roud V18487)
- Paper of Pins (Roud 573)
- Paradise [Maddy Prior]
- The Parson and the Clerk [Geoffrey Thorn] (Roud 1154)
- The Parson and the Maid (Roud 116; Child 276)
- The Parson and the Sucking Pig (Roud 574; TYG 45)
- Parson Hogg (Roud 1861; Henry H222)
- The Parson’s Peaches [Peter Bellamy]
- Parting Friends (Roud 15559)
- The Parting Glass (Roud 1801; G/D 8:1516)
- The Parting Glass (Roud 3004; G/D 8:1531; Henry H769)
- The Parting Song [Dave Webber]
- The Parting Song (Journey’s End) [Judy (Judith) B. Goodenough]
- Party Games [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- Pass Around the Grog (Roud 1252, 5384)
- Past Caring [Henry Lawson, Steve Ashley / Phyl Lobl]
- Pastime with Good Company [Henry VIII] (Roud V9345)
- Pater Noster [Rick Kemp, Maddy Prior]
- Pat Reilly (Roud 920; G/D 1:80; Henry H574)
- Patrick Street (Roud 1902; Laws K42)
- Pavanne [Richard Thompson]
- Pawkie Paiterson’ Auld Grey Yaud [George Ballantyne] (Roud 3063)
- Payday [Roger Wilson]
- Peace in the End [Sandy Denny, Trevor Lucas]
- Peace on the Border [Rick Kemp]
- Peacock Followed the Hen (Roud 10956)
- The Pear Tree (Roud 1713; TYG 38)
- Peas, Beans, Oats and the Barley (Roud 1380)
- Peg and Awl (Roud 4619)
- The Pegging Awl (Roud 2126)
- Peggy [Eliza Carthy]
- Peggy and the Soldier (Roud 907; Laws P13; G/D 6:1129)
- Peggy Band (Roud 661)
- Peggy Bawn (Roud 661)
- Peggy Gordon (Roud 2280)
- Peg of Derby (Roud 545; G/D 1:84)
- The Pennine Way [Pete Coe]
- Penny the Hero [Peter Knight]
- The Penny Wager (Roud 393)
- The Pensioner’s Complaint (Roud 1663)
- The Pepperpot
- Percy’s Song [Bob Dylan]
- Perfumes of Arabia [Maggie Holland]
- Peri Meri Dixi Domine (Roud 330)
- Personent Hodie [trad.]
- Peter’s Private Army [Martin Graebe]
- Peter Street (Roud 1902; Laws K42)
- Petit Homme [trad. tune]
- Petition of the Pigs in Kent [unknown]
- Pharaoh [Richard Thompson]
- Philadelphia [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Phoebe [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- Picnic [Peter Knight]
- The Pigeon on the Gate [trad. tune]
- Pig Song (Roud 7322)
- A Pilgrim’s Way [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Piper MacNeil (Roud 5125)
- The Piper’s Path [Lal Waterson, Christine Collins]
- Pique la Baleine [trad.]
- Pirate Jenny [Bertolt Brecht / Kurt Weill]
- An Páistín Fionn (Roud V23209)
- Pitgair (Roud 2584; G/D 3:401)
- The Pitman’s Love Song (Roud 8738)
- Pity the Poor Night Porter [Maddy Prior]
- A Place Called England [Maggie Holland]
- The Plainsman [Trevor Lucas / Pete Roche]
- The Plains of Mexico (Roud 207; Henry H496)
- Plains of Waterloo (Roud 1922; Laws J3; G/D 1:152)
- Plains of Waterloo (Roud 1132, 1106; Henry H608)
- Plains of Waterloo (Roud 960; Laws N32)
- Pleasant and Delightful (Roud 660; Laws O30; TYG 51)
- The Pleasant Month of May (Roud 153; Henry H697)
- Pleasure and Pain [Dave Swarbrick, Trevor Lucas]
- Pleasure and Pain [Ben Harper]
- The Pleasure Gardens Polka [John Kirkpatrick]
- The Plooman Laddies (Roud 3448)
- The Plooman’s Due (Roud 5587; G/D 3:421)
- The Ploughboy (Roud 346; G/D 3:418)
- The Ploughboy (Roud 163; TYG 32)
- The Ploughboy and the Cockney (Roud 1688)
- The Ploughboy’s Dream (Roud 1545; G/D 3:4891)
- The Ploughman (Roud 2538)
- The Ploughman [Robert Burns, trad.] (Roud 5582; G/D 3:451)
- The Ploughman Laddie (Roud 5572; G/D 3:443)
- Ploughman Lads (Roud 3448)
- The Ploughman’s Love to the Farmer’s Daughter (Roud 2636)
- The Ploughshare (Roud 169)
- The Plymouth Mail [Peter Bellamy]
- Plymouth Town (Roud 649; G/D 7:1479)
- The Poacher (Roud 2646)
- The Poacher’s Fate (Roud 793; Laws L14)
- Poison Beer (Roud 3369)
- Poisoned Peas (Roud 10; Child 12; G/D 2:209; Henry H814)
- Polly Bishop’s Slip Jig [Nancy Kerr]
- Polly Oliver (Roud 367; Laws N14; Henry H166)
- Polly on the Shore (Roud 811)
- Polly Parker (Roud V7863)
- Polly’s Love (Roud 15; Laws P36A; G/D 2:201, 2:202)
- Polly Vaughan (Roud 166; Laws O36; Henry H114)
- Polwart on the Green (Roud 8407)
- The Pommy’s Lament [trad.]
- Pompalerie Jig (Roud 18853)
- The Pond and the Stream [Sandy Denny]
- Pony-Driving Song [trad.]
- The Poor and Young Single Sailor (Roud 264; Laws N42; G/D 5:1038, 6:1201; Henry H471, H818)
- Poor Boney (Roud 2539)
- The Poor Cotton Weaver (Roud 937)
- Poor Honest Men [Rudyard Kipling, trad.]
- The Poor Irish Stranger (Roud 1629)
- Poor Little Jesus (Roud 10067)
- Poor Man’s Labours (Roud 1572; G/D 7:1291)
- Poor Man’s Sorrows (Roud 1572; G/D 7:1291)
- Poor Murdered Woman (Roud 1064)
- The Poor Old Couple (Roud 491)
- Poor Old Horse (Roud 3724)
- Poor Old Horse (Roud 513; TYG 60)
- Poor Old Man (Roud 3724)
- Poor Old Soldier [Peter Knight]
- The Poor Old Weaver’s Daughter (Roud 1277; TYG 48)
- The Poor Smuggler’s Boy (Roud 618)
- Poor Stranger (Roud 272; G/D 4:831)
- Poor Wayfaring Stranger (Roud 3339; Sacred Harp 457)
- Portland Town [Derroll Adams]
- Portrait of My Wife (Roud V14031)
- Portsmouth [trad. tune]
- Possibly Parsons Green [Trevor Lucas, Pete Roche]
- The Postman’s Knock (Roud 13177)
- £10 Float [trad. tune]
- Pound a Week Rise [Ed Pickford]
- Pour Mon Cuer [anon.]
- Poverty Knock (Roud 3491; TYG 14)
- Prague [Nancy Kerr]
- The Prentice Boy (Roud 263; Laws P35; G/D 2:200)
- Presbyterian Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- Prescott’s Punch [Martin Green]
- The Pressers [Mary Brooksbank]
- The Press Gang (Roud 601; Laws N6; G/D 1:174; Henry H108a)
- The Press Gang (Roud 662)
- Pretty Crowin’ Chicken (Roud 179; Child 248)
- The Pretty Drummer Boy (Roud 226; G/D 1:182; Henry H497)
- A Pretty Little Tune [Stefan Grossman]
- Pretty Nancy [Jean Ritchie]
- Pretty Nancy of Yarmouth (Roud 407)
- Pretty Peggy-O (Roud 545; G/D 1:84)
- The Pretty Ploughboy (Roud 186; Laws M24; G/D 1:170; Henry H105)
- Pretty Polly (Roud 367; Laws N14; Henry H166)
- Pretty Polly (Roud 32572)
- Pretty Polly (Roud 15; Laws P36B)
- Pretty Sally (Roud 1446; Henry H780)
- Pretty Saro (Roud 417)
- Prickle-Eye Bush (Roud 144; Child 95; G/D 2:248)
- The Prickle-Holly Bush (Roud 144; Child 95; G/D 2:248)
- The Prickly Bush (Roud 144; Child 95; G/D 2:248)
- The Pride of Glencoe (Roud 515; Laws N39; G/D 5:1044; Henry H655)
- The Pride of Petravore [Percy French] (Roud 34408)
- The Primrose Lass [trad. tune]
- Primrose Polka [trad. tune]
- Prince Charlie Stuart (Roud 3099; Henry H533)
- Prince Heathen (Roud 3336; Child 104; G/D 7:1497)
- Prince Robert (Roud 55; Child 87)
- Princess Royal [trad. tune]
- Prince William
- Private Ortheris’s Song [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Private Still (Roud 2342; Henry H103)
- The Prodigal Son [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- A Proper Sort of Gardener [Maggie Holland]
- Prophets at Home [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Proud Girl (Roud 47; Child 68)
- Proud Lady Margaret (Roud 37; Child 47; G/D 2:336)
- Proud Maisrie (Roud 339; Child 219; G/D 4:840)
- Prussia Cove [Ralph Dunstan, Mr. Tregarthen]
- Psalm of Life [Henry Wadsworth Longfellow]
- P Stands for Paddy (Roud 419; Henry H593)
- Puck’s Song [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Pull Down Lads [John Tams]
- The Pullet [trad. tune]
- Pulling-Down Song [John Tams]
- The Pursuit of Farmer Michael Hayes (Roud 5226)
- Push the Bowl About (Roud 1252, 5384)
- Put a Light in Every Country Window [Dan Henderson]
- Put the Road in Order [John Kirkpatrick]
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > Q
- The Quaker’s Wife [trad. tune]
- Queen Among the Heather (Roud 375; G/D 5:962)
- The Queen and the Soldier [Suzanne Vega]
- Queen Caraboo [John Mathew Gutch]
- Queen Eleanor’s Confession (Roud 74; Child 156; G/D 2:208)
- Queenie [Johnny Mercer]
- Queen Jane (Roud 39; Child 52; G/D 7:1395)
- Queen Mary (Roud 6281; G/D 8:1605; Henry H230)
- The Queen of Argyll [Andy M. Stewart]
- The Queen of Elfan’s Nourice (Roud 3723; Child 40; G/D 2:328)
- The Queen of Hearts (Roud 3195)
- Queen of Peace [Alan Richardson]
- The Queen of the May (Roud 594)
- Queen Sally (Roud 180; Laws P9; G/D 6:1219; Henry H72)
- The Queen’s Birthday [trad. tune]
- Queensland Whalers [Harry Robertson]
- The Queen’s Men (The Two Cousins) [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Quern Song [Alfred Perceval Graves]
- A Question of Sport [Martin Carthy]
- The Quickstep From “The Battle of Prague” [trad. tune]
- The Quiet Joys of Brotherhood [Richard Fariña]
- The Quiet Land of Érin [trad.]
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > R
- Rabbit Trapper [trad.]
- Rackabello (Roud 29; Child 18)
- Radcliffe Otter Hunt [trad.]
- The Radstock Jig [trad. tune]
- Rag Doll [Bob Crewe, Bob Gaudio]
- Rag Fair (Roud 17180)
- Ragged Heroes [John Tams]
- Raggle Taggle Gipsies (Roud 1; Child 200; G/D 2:278; Henry H124)
- Raglan Road [Patrick Kavanagh]
- Rags and Old Iron [Norman Curtis, Oscar Brown jr]
- Rags and Tatters [trad. tune]
- The Railroad Boomer [Carson J. Robison] (Roud 24085)
- Rain and Snow (Roud 3634)
- The Rainbow (Roud 492; Laws N4; G/D 1:180)
- Rainbow over the Hill [Richard Thompson]
- The Rain It Rains [William Shakespeare / Jon Boden]
- Raking the Hay (Roud 855)
- The Rakish Female Sailor (Roud 231; Laws N12)
- The Rakish Young Fellow (Roud 829)
- Rambleaway (Roud 171; G/D 7:1485)
- The Rambler From Clare (Roud 1531)
- The Rambling Beauty (Roud 563; Laws P12; G/D 6:1213)
- The Rambling Blade (Roud 490; Laws L12; G/D 2:260)
- Rambling Boys of Pleasure (Roud 386)
- The Rambling Comber (Roud 1473)
- The Rambling Irishman (Roud 360; G/D 7:1397)
- The Rambling Irishman (Roud 3572)
- The Rambling Irishman (Roud 12937)
- The Rambling Royal (Roud 982; Laws J15; G/D 1:82)
- The Rambling Sailor (Roud 518; G/D 7:1477)
- The Rambling Sailor (Roud 1901; Laws K41)
- The Rambling Siúler (Roud 7972)
- The Rambling Soldier (Roud 518; G/D 7:1477)
- Ramblin’ Robin (Roud V5416)
- The Ramblin’ Rover [Andy M. Stewart]
- The Ram of Derbish Town (Roud 126; G/D 3:645; TYG 59)
- Randy Dandy-O! (Roud 4702)
- The Ranter (Roud 2530)
- The Rantin Laddie (Roud 103; Child 240; G/D 5:976)
- Rantin’ Rovin’ Robin [Robert Burns] (Roud V28828, V43015)
- Ranzo (Roud 328)
- Rap-a-Tap-Tap (Roud 792)
- Rap Her to Bank (Roud 1786)
- Rare Willie (Roud 6562)
- Rare Willie’s Drowned in Yarrow (Roud 206; Child 215; G/D 6:1227)
- Ratcliffe Highway (Roud 598)
- Ratcliffe Highway (Roud 493; G/D 1:83)
- Rattlin’ Roarin’ Willie [trad., Robert Burns] (Roud 6192)
- Rave On [Sonny West, Bill Tilghman, Norman Petty]
- Rawtenstall Annual Fair [R.W. Weston, Bert Lee] (Roud 23927)
- Read Hall Foxhunt [Nick Caffrey, Neil Duerden]
- Reaphook and Sickle (Roud 1375)
- The Reaping of the Rushes Green (Roud 831, 3380)
- The Reason for My Sorrow [trad. tune]
- Recessional [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Reckless Young Fellow (Roud 829)
- The Recruited Collier [Robert Anderson] (Roud 3503)
- The Recruiting Sergeant [Seamus O’Farrell] (RoudBS B310396)
- The Recruiting Sergeant (Roud 2355; G/D 1:78)
- Red & Gold [Ralph McTell]
- Redesdale and Wise William (Roud 243; Child 246)
- The Red Fox [Lynne Muir]
- The Red-Haired Man’s Wife (Bean an Fhir Ruaidh) (Roud 3046)
- Red Is the Rose [trad.]
- Red Wine (and) Promises [Lal Waterson]
- The Reed Cutter’s Daughter (Roud 5397)
- Rejoice and Be Merry (Roud V9595)
- Remember O Thou Man [Thomas Ravenscroft] (Roud V19071)
- Reno, Nevada [Ian Matthews]
- Reply to Joe Haines [Lal Waterson]
- Reres Hill (Roud 6847; G/D 6:1133)
- Residue [trad.]
- Restless [Trevor Lucas, Pete Roach]
- The Return to Camden Town [trad. tune]
- Reuben Ranzo (Roud 3282)
- Reynardine (Roud 397; Laws P15; G/D 2:333)
- Reynard the Fox (Roud 190)
- Reynard the Fox (Roud 2349)
- Reynard the Fox (Roud 358, 1868)
- Rhynie (Roud 3090; G/D 3:348)
- Richard of Taunton Dean (Roud 382)
- A Rich Farmer’s Daughter (Roud 2930; G/D 1:173)
- Richie Story (Roud 97; Child 232; G/D 5:1051)
- The Rich Irish Lady (Roud 180; Laws P9; G/D 6:1219; Henry H72)
- The Rich Man and the Poor Man (Roud 4571)
- The Rich Man’s Daughter (Roud 2987)
- The Rich Merchant and His Daughter (Roud 548; Laws M19)
- A Rich Old Miser (Roud 1004; Laws Q7)
- Rickety Tickety Tin [Tom Lehrer]
- The Riddle Song (Roud 330)
- Riddles Wisely Expounded (Roud 161; Child 1)
- The Ride in the Creel (Roud 120; Child 281; G/D 2:317; Henry H201)
- Riding Down to Portsmouth (Roud 1534)
- Riding on Top of the Car [Fred.W. Leigh, V.P. Bryan, Harry von Tilzer]
- Rigs o Barley [Robert Burns] (Roud 32476)
- The Rigs of London Town (Roud 868; G/D 2:299)
- The Rigs of Rye (Roud 985; Laws O11; G/D 5:1054)
- Rigs of the Time (Roud 876)
- Ringing Down the Years [Dave Cousins]
- Ring the Bell, Watchman! [Henry Clay Work] (Roud 13630)
- The Ripe and Bearded Barley [Elizabeth Stirling] (Roud 1283)
- Ripest Apples (Roud 542; G/D 8:1588)
- Ripon Sword Dance Song (Roud 610; TYG 99)
- Rise Up a New Year’s Day (Roud 497)
- Rise up Jock [Bob Pegg]
- Rising for the Moon [Sandy Denny]
- Rissolty, Rossolty (Roud 2792; TYG 1)
- River [Joni Mitchell]
- River Man [Nick Drake]
- Rivers of Babylon [Psalm 136; Joseph Gelineau]
- The Road (and the Miles) to Dundee (Roud 2300; G/D 5:971)
- The Road Not Taken [Robert Frost, Roger Wilson]
- The Road to Clady [Tom Johnstone] (Roud 6336; G/D 5:956)
- The Road to Gundagay (Roud 10209)
- Roadways [John Masefield]
- The Robber Bridegroom (Roud 17769)
- The Robber’s Retreat (Roud 3314)
- The Robber’s Song [Peter Bellamy]
- Robbery With Violins [trad. tune]
- Robin-a-Thrush (Roud 2792; TYG 1)
- Robin Hood and Little John (Roud 1322; Child 125)
- Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford (Roud 2338; Child 144)
- Robin Hood and the (Bold) Pedlar (Roud 333; Child 132)
- Robin Hood and the Fifteen Foresters (Roud 1790; Child 139)
- Robin Hood and the Tanner (Roud 332; Child 126)
- Robin Hood and the Widow’s Three Sons (Roud 71; Child 140; G/D 2:243)
- Robin Hood Rescuing Three Squires (Roud 71; Child 140; G/D 2:243)
- Robin Hood’s Death (Roud 3299; Child 120)
- Robin Hood’s Progress to Nottingham (Roud 1790; Child 139)
- Robin Spraggon’s Auld Grey Mare [George Ballantyne] (Roud 3063)
- Rob Roy (Roud 340; Child 225)
- The Rochester Recruiting Sergeant [trad. / Pete Coe]
- Rocking Me Babies (Roud 357)
- Rocking the Cradle (Roud 357)
- Rockley Firs (Roud 2341)
- The Rocks of Scilly (Roud 388; Laws K8)
- The Rocks o’ Gibraltar (Roud 2174; G/D 6:1118)
- Roger’s Courtship (Roud 575; G/D 4:760; Henry H820)
- Roger the Miller and the Grey Mare (Roud 680; Laws P8; G/D 4:761; Henry H90)
- Rogues in a Nation (Roud 5516)
- Rohallion [Violet Jacob, Jim Reid]
- Roll, Alabama, Roll (Roud 4710)
- Roll Down [Peter Bellamy]
- Roll Down to Rio [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Rollercoaster (Supper Song) [Maddy Prior]
- Roll Her Down the Bay [trad.]
- Rolling Down to Old Maui (Roud 2005)
- The Rolling English Road [G. K. Chesterton]
- Rolling Home (Roud 4766)
- Rolling in the Dew (Roud 298; G/D 4:812)
- The Rolling of the Stones (Roud 38; Child 49)
- Rolling Sea (Roud 29468)
- Roll the Old Chariot Along (Roud 3632)
- Roll the Woodpile Down (Roud 4443)
- The Roman Centurion’s Song [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Romanian Song [Andy Irvine / Jane Cassidy]
- Room for Company
- Rosanna (Roud 42; Child 62; G/D 6:1161; Henry H126)
- Rose [Maddy Prior, Rick Kemp]
- The Rose and the Lily (Roud 26; Child 11)
- The Rose and the Rock [Ashley Hutchings, Dave Whetstone]
- Rosebud(s) in June (Roud 812)
- A Rose in April [Kate Rusby]
- The Rose in June (Roud 1202)
- The Rose in June (Roud 25337)
- The Rose Lawn Quadrille [trad. tune]
- Rosemary Lane (Roud 269; Laws K43; G/D 7:1429; TYG 10)
- Rosemary Lane (Roud 12; Child 2; G/D 2:329)
- The Rose of Allendale [Charles Jefferys, Sidney Nelson] (Roud 1218)
- The Rose of Tralee [C. Mordaunt Spencer, Charles William Glover] (Roud 1978)
- The Rose of York [Lesley Hale, Ken Thomson] (TYG 135)
- Rosettes [Maddy Prior]
- Roseville Fair [Bill Staines]
- Rosie [Dave Swarbrick]
- Rosie Anderson (Roud 2169; G/D 7:1462)
- Rosin the Beau (Roud 1192; G/D 3:698; Henry H698)
- Rosin the Bow (Roud 1192; G/D 3:698; Henry H698)
- Rothesay-O (Roud 2142; G/D 2:289)
- Round Cape Horn (Roud 2048)
- Rounding the Horn (Roud 4706; Henry H539)
- Route Marchin’ [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Rout of the Blues (Roud 21098)
- The Rover (Roud 1112)
- A-Roving (Roud 649; G/D 7:1479)
- The Roving Journeyman (Roud 360; G/D 7:1397)
- A-Roving on a Winter’s Night (Roud 3601; G/D 8:1540)
- The Rovin’ Ploughboy (Roud 2138; G/D 3:547)
- The Row Between the Cages [Tommy Armstrong] (Roud V35950)
- Row, Bullies, Row (Roud 928)
- Row On (Roud 2084)
- The Royal Blackbird (Roud 2375)
- The Royal Forester (Roud 67; Child 110; G/D 7:1465)
- The Royal Lament [trad. tune]
- The Royal Oak (Roud 951; G/D 1:40)
- Rörospols
- Rubber Band [Mike Waterson]
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer [Robert L. May]
- The Rue and the Thyme (Roud 858; G/D 1:52, 6:1139)
- Rufford Park Poachers (Roud 1759)
- Ruins by the Shore [Nic Jones]
- Rumpsy Bumpsy Toralee (Roud 1212)
- The Run of the Downs [Rudyard Kipling, trad.]
- Rural Courtship (Roud 5568; G/D 3:375)
- The Russian Jew (Roud 13562; G/D 8:1902)
- Rövaren Brun [trad.]
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > S
- Saboteur [Rick Kemp, Maddy Prior]
- Sae Will We Yet [Walter Watson] (Roud 5611; G/D 3:552)
- Sail Away to the Sea [Dave Cousins]
- The Sailboat Malarkey [trad.]
- Sailing into Walpole’s Marsh
- A Sailor and His True Love (Roud 660; Laws O30; TYG 51)
- Sailor Boy (Roud 17950)
- A Sailor By My Right (Roud 568; Laws P34; G/D 2:341)
- A Sailor Courted a Farmer’s Daughter (Roud 993; Laws O41; G/D 6:1093; Henry H634)
- The Sailor From Dover (Roud 180; Laws P9; G/D 6:1219; Henry H72)
- Sailor Home From the Sea [Dorothy Hewett]
- A Sailor in the North Country (Roud 1504)
- The Sailor Laddie (Roud 29468)
- The Sailor’s Alphabet (Roud 21100)
- Sailor’s Bonnet [trad. tune]
- Sailor’s Consolation [Charles Dibdin] (Roud 12825)
- The Sailor’s Grace (Roud 18904)
- The Sailor’s Hymn [William Whiting]
- A Sailor’s Life (Roud 273; Laws K12; G/D 6:1245)
- Sailor’s Rest [Stan Rogers]
- The Sailor’s Song (Roud 124; Child 289; G/D 1:27)
- The Sailor’s Tragedy (Roud 568; Laws P34; G/D 2:341)
- The Sailor’s Way (Roud 8239)
- Sails of Silver [Tim Hart]
- Saint George [John Kirkpatrick]
- Saint Stephen (Roud 8331)
- Sair Fyel’d, Hinny (Roud 3062; G/D 3:481)
- Salisbury Plain (Roud 21098)
- Salisbury Plain (Roud 1487)
- Sally Brown (Roud 2628)
- Sally Free and Easy [Cyril Tawney]
- Sally Gee [James Weams]
- Sally Racket (Roud 395)
- Sally Sits Weeping (Roud 170)
- Sally Wheatley [Joe Wilson]
- Salt Horse (Roud 18904)
- Samain [Steeleye Span]
- Sam Hall (Roud 369; Laws L5)
- Sandbags and Trenches [Seamus O’Farrell] (RoudBS B310396)
- Sandgate Dandling Song [Robert Nunn] (RoudBS B24532)
- The Sandgate Lass on the Ropery Banks [Robert Nunn] (Roud 3178)
- The Sands o’ the Shore (Roud 30656)
- Sandy’s Song [Paul Metsers]
- Sandy’s Song [Sandy Denny]
- The Sans Day Carol (Roud 514)
- The Santa Fe Trail [James Grafton Rogers] (Roud 5096)
- Santy Anna (Roud 207; Henry H496)
- Sarah Jane (Roud 32977)
- Saturday Night at the Adam Smith Hall [Andy Shanks, Jim Russell]
- The Saucy Bold Robber (Roud 1464)
- The Saucy Sailor (Roud 531; Laws K38; G/D 1:49)
- Saul’s Shoes [Martin Green]
- Save Your Money While You’re Young (Roud 2325)
- Say Darlin’ Say (Roud 470)
- Sayers’ and Heenan’s Great Fight (Roud 2148; Laws H20)
- Say What You Say [Jerry Donahue, Doug Morter]
- Scarborough Fair (Roud 12; Child 2; G/D 2:329)
- Scarborough Sands (Roud 21098)
- Scarecrow [John Tams]
- Scarecrow [Bob Johnson]
- The Scarecrow [Lal & Mike Waterson]
- The Scarlet and the Blue [John Tams]
- The Scarlet and the Blue (Roud 163; TYG 32)
- Scotland Yet [Davy Steele]
- The Scot’s Callan o’ Bonnie Dundee (Roud 8513)
- The Scranky Black Farmer (Roud 2872; G/D 3:357)
- Scrumptious Young Gals [Charles Thatcher]
- The Sea [Sandy Denny]
- The Sea Apprentice (Roud 1671; G/D 1:54; Henry H739)
- The Sea Captain (Roud 3376)
- The Sea Captain (Roud 181, V28472; Laws K27)
- The Sea Captain [Sandy Denny]
- Sea Coal [Graeme Miles]
- Seagull [Peter Knight]
- A Seaman and His Love (Roud 604; Laws N29; Henry H581)
- The Seamen’s Hymn [A.L. Lloyd]
- Seamus the Showman [Tim Hart]
- Sean O’Dwyer of the Glen (Roud 38230)
- Searching for Lambs (Roud 576; Henry H548)
- Searching for Young Lambs (Roud 1437; Laws O9; G/D 5:966)
- The Seasons (Roud 16929)
- The Seasons Round (Roud 169)
- Sedgefield Fair (Roud 294; TYG 15)
- See, Amid the Winter’s Snow [Edward Caswall] (Roud 27069)
- The Seeds of Love (Roud 3; G/D 6:1180)
- See Me Dance the Polka [George Grossmith] (Roud 7932)
- See, See, the Cape’s in View (Roud 1252, 5384)
- Se Fath Mo Bhuartha [trad. tune]
- Send Back My Barney to Me [Harry Clifton] (Roud 1422; Henry H7)
- Senior Service [Maddy Prior, Rick Kemp]
- Serious Tom (Roud 1608)
- Serving Girl’s Holiday [trad.]
- Setting of the Sun [Sandy Denny]
- Seven Braw Gowns (Roud 846; G/D 7:1385)
- Seven Hundred Elves (DgF 52D)
- The Seven Joys of Mary (Roud 278)
- The Seventeen Bright Stars [trad.]
- Seventeen Come Sunday (Roud 277; Laws O17; G/D 4:791; Henry H152, H793)
- Seven Virgins (Roud 127)
- The Seven Wonders [trad.]
- Seven Yellow Gipsies (Roud 1; Child 200; G/D 2:278; Henry H124)
- The Shady Green Tree (Roud 2512; Laws P19; Henry H794)
- Shady Grove (Roud 4456)
- Shady Lady [Mike Waterson]
- Shaking of the Sheets (Roud V11404)
- Shallow Brown (Roud 2621)
- The Shannon Side (Roud 1453)
- Shanties by the Way (Roud 27760)
- Shattering Live Experience [Simon Nicol]
- The Shearer’s Dream [Henry Lawson, A.L. Lloyd]
- Shearing in a Bar [Duke Tritton] (Roud 24811)
- The Shearin’s Not for You (Roud 4845; G/D 7:1486)
- Sheath and Knife (Roud 3960; Child 16)
- Sheepcrook and Black Dog (Roud 948; Henry H30a)
- Sheepshearing (Roud 1379, 310)
- Sheepshearing Song (Roud 879)
- The Sheep-Shearing Song (Roud 812)
- The Sheepstealer (Roud 2410)
- The Sheepstealer (Roud 1667)
- The Sheffield Apprentice (Roud 399; Laws O39; G/D 5:998; Henry H31; TYG 71)
- The Sheffield Grinder (Roud 23140)
- Sheffield Waltz [trad. tune]
- Shelter [Eric Bogle]
- She Moved Through the Fair (Roud 861; Henry H141)
- Shenandoah (Roud 324)
- Shepherd in Love (Roud 1215)
- The Shepherd Lad (Roud 11; Child 112; G/D 2:301)
- The Shepherd of the Downs (Roud 1215)
- Shepherds Are the Best of Men (Roud 284)
- Shepherds, Arise! (Roud 1207)
- The Shepherd’s Daughter (Roud 67; Child 110; G/D 7:1465)
- The Shepherd’s Life (Roud 5124)
- Shepherds Rejoice [Isaac Watts] (Roud 7105)
- The Shepherd’s Song (Roud 1208)
- The Shepherd’s Song (Roud 5124)
- The Shepherd’s Song (Roud 284)
- The Shepherd’s Wife (Roud 1055; G/D 7:1513)
- The Sherborne Waltz [trad. tune]
- She’s Been Writing [Ocean Colour Scene]
- She’s Like the Swallow (Roud 2306)
- She Was a Rum One (Roud 2128; G/D 7:1445)
- Shickered As He Could Be (Roud 114; Child 274; G/D 7:1460; Henry H21ab)
- Shift and Spin [Ewan McVicar]
- Shift up a Little Bit Farther [Arthur Aiston] (Roud 5662)
- Shillin’ a Day [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Shiny-O [trad.]
- Shipbuilding [Elvis Costello, Clive Langer]
- The Ship in Distress (Roud 807)
- Ships of Shame [Steve Ashley]
- A Ship to Old England Came (Roud 1424)
- A Ship to Old England Came (Roud 1424)
- The Shoals of Herring [Ewan MacColl] (Roud 13642)
- The Shoemaker’s Kiss (Roud 3807; G/D 1:50)
- The Shoemakker (Roud 3152; G/D 3:479)
- Shooting Goshen’s Cocks Up [Fred Holman] (Roud 902)
- The Shooting of His Dear (Roud 166; Laws O36; Henry H114)
- The Shores of Lough Bran (Roud 9658)
- The Shores of Old Blighty [Graeme Miles]
- Short Jacket and White Trousers (Roud 231; Laws N12)
- Shot Like a Bird on a Tree (Roud 916; Henry H695, H112)
- Shower and Sunshine [trad.]
- A Shropshire Lad [Sir John Betjeman, Jim Parker]
- Shule Agra (Roud 911)
- The Shuttle Rins [Henry Syme]
- Shy Geordie [Helen Cruickshank] (Roud 23398)
- Si Begh Si Mohr [Turlough O’Carolan]
- Siege of Delhi [trad. tune]
- The Siege of Lathom House [Steeleye Span]
- The Silken Snood (Roud 8522)
- Silver Dagger (Roud 22620, 22621; Laws M4; Henry H722)
- Silver Dagger (Roud 711; Laws G21)
- Silver Dagger, Turtle Dove [Freddy McKay]
- Silver Spear [trad. tune]
- Silver Threads and Golden Needles [Dick Reynolds, Jack Rhodes]
- Silver Whistle [trad.]
- The Silvery Tide (Roud 561; Laws O37; Henry H77)
- Simmer’s a Pleasant Time [Robert Burns] (Roud 6749, V16870; G/D 5:933)
- Sing a Song of Sixpence (Roud 13191)
- The Singer’s Request [Sir Walter Scott, Nic Jones]
- Singing the Travels (Roud 873)
- The Single Man’s Warning (Roud 4744)
- The Single Sailor (Roud 152; Laws M1; G/D 1:51)
- Sing, Sing All Earth (Roud 1207)
- Sing to the Oak [Henry Fothergill Chorley] (Roud 1281)
- Sing We All Merrily (Roud 13245)
- Sing We the Virgin Mary [trad.]
- The Sinner’s Redemption (Roud 2431)
- Sir Aldingar (Roud 3969; Child 59)
- Sir Andrew Barton (Roud 104; Child 167)
- Sir Arthur and Charming Molly (Roud 195; Laws O14; G/D 2:226)
- Sir B. McKenzie [Swarbrick, Thompson, Nicol, Mattacks]
- Sir Cawline (Roud 479; Child 61)
- Sir Colvin (Roud 479; Child 61)
- Sir Francis Drake (Roud 22269)
- Sir Hugh or the Jew’s Daughter (Roud 73; Child 155)
- Sir James the Rose (Roud 2274; Child 213; G/D 2:235)
- Sir John (Roud 21; Child 4; G/D 2:225; Henry H163)
- Sir Launfal [trad. / Fay Hield]
- Sir Lionel (Roud 29; Child 18)
- Sir Patrick Spens (Roud 41; Child 58; G/D 1:17)
- Sir Richard’s Song [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Sir William Gower (Roud 478; Laws K22; G/D 2:191)
- Sister Josephine [Jake Thackray]
- The Sisters’ Revenge [trad.]
- Si Tu Dois Partir [Bob Dylan]
- Six Dukes Went A-Fishing (Roud 78)
- Six Jolly Miners (Roud 877; TYG 61)
- Six Jovial Welshmen (Roud 283; G/D 2:283)
- Sixteen Million People [Don Henderson]
- Skewbald (Roud 456; Laws Q22)
- Skewball (Roud 456; Laws Q22)
- Skippin’ Barfit Through the Heather (Roud 9750)
- Skopje
- The Slaney Side (Roud 1021; Laws M28; Henry H52b)
- Slaves [William Villiers Sankey]
- The Slave’s Lament [Robert Burns] (Roud V29702)
- Sleep On Beloved (Roud 15632)
- The Sleepwalker [Martin Carthy]
- Sleepytoon [William Clark] (Roud 3775; G/D 3:356)
- Sleepytoon in the Morning [George S. Morris] (Roud 9140)
- Slieve Gallon Braes (Roud 1420)
- Sligo Maid [trad. tune]
- Sligo Maid
- The Slip Jigs and Reels [Steve Tilston]
- Sloth [Richard Thompson, Dave Swarbrick]
- The Smacksman (Roud 1788)
- Smokey’s Bar [Jeff Deitchman]
- The Smuggler [trad.]
- The Smuggler’s Boy (Roud 618)
- Smuggler’s Song [Ralph Dunstan] (Roud 3305)
- A Smuggler’s Song [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy] (Roud 25475; Henry H494)
- Snarleyow [Rudyard Kipling, trad.]
- The Snowdrop Polka [trad. tune]
- Snow Falls [John Tams]
- The Snow Is on the Ground (Roud 1121)
- The Snow It Melts the Soonest (Roud 3154)
- Snug in the Blanket [trad. tune]
- So Abroad As I Was Walking (Roud 23793)
- Softly the Night [Edward Abiel Washburn] (Roud 1222)
- So Green As the Leaves (Roud 3807; G/D 1:50)
- So Here’s to You [Alan Bell]
- Soho [Bert Jansch]
- The Soldier and the Lady (Roud 140; Laws P14; TYG 34)
- The Soldier and the Maid (Roud 277; Laws O17; G/D 4:791; Henry H152, H793)
- The Soldier and the Sailor (Roud 350; G/D 3:685)
- Soldier’s Farewell (Roud 23810)
- Soldier, Soldier [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Soldier, Soldier (Roud 489)
- The Soldier’s Poor Little Boy (Roud 259; Laws Q28; TYG 126, 127)
- The Soldiers Return From the Wars (Roud V44398)
- Soldiers Three [Thomas Ravenscroft] (Roud 8340)
- Solid Air [John Martyn]
- Solo [Sandy Denny]
- Some Old Salty [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- Some Rival (Roud 587, V8363)
- Somerset Carol (Roud 394)
- Somerset Wassail (Roud 209)
- Some Say the Devil’s Dead [trad. tune]
- Some Sweet Day [Felice & Boudleaux Bryant]
- Something You Got [Chris Kenner]
- Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child (Roud 10072)
- Some Tyrant Has Stolen My True Love Away (Roud 587, V8363)
- Somewhere Along the Road [Rick Kemp]
- Somewhere in London [Peter Knight]
- Song Composed in August [Robert Burns] (Roud 6936)
- Song for Ireland [Phil and June Colclough]
- Song for Sandy [Dave Pegg]
- Song for Thirza [Lal Waterson]
- The Song Goes On [Mick Ryan]
- Song of Repentance [Owen Rua Ó Sullivan]
- Song of the Iron Road [Ewan MacColl]
- The Song of the Lower Classes [Ernest Jones] (Roud V39520)
- Song of the Men’s Side [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Song of the Other Ranks [Ernest Jones] (Roud V39520)
- Song of the Red War-Boat [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Song of the Riddles (Roud 36; Child 46; G/D 4:842; Henry H681)
- The Song of the Sheetmetal Worker [John Dengate]
- Song of the Times (Roud V29649)
- The Song of Upper Wharfedale [William Foster] (Roud 3183)
- The Song of Wandering Aengus [William Butler Yeats, Richard Dyer-Bennett]
- A Song to Mithras [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Song Will Remain [Peter Knight]
- The Soor Milk Cairt [Tom Johnstone] (Roud 6336; G/D 5:956)
- Soo Sewin’ Silk (Roud 473; G/D 8:1703)
- Sorrow [John Tams]
- Sorrows Away (Roud 1220)
- Sorry the Day I Was Married (Roud 1561)
- So Selfish Runs the Hare (Roud 2455)
- So Strange Is Man [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- Souling Song (Roud 304)
- The Sound of the Drum (Roud 1076)
- Sound, Sound Your Instruments of Joy (Roud 8366)
- South Australia (Roud 325)
- The Southern Girl’s Reply (Roud 7484)
- Sovay (Roud 7; Laws N21; Henry H35)
- The Sovereign Prince [Maddy Prior]
- So Was I [Arthur Lennard] (Roud 18910)
- The Sower’s Song [Thomas Carlisle] (Roud 1264)
- The Space Girl’s Song [Peggy Seeger, Ewan MacColl]
- The Spanish Armada [John O’Keefe, Arthur M. Goodhart]
- The Spanish Ladies (Roud 687)
- The Spanish Lady (Roud 542, 3086; G/D 4:746; Henry H532, H641)
- The Spanish Lady’s Love (Roud 8375)
- Spectre Review [Joseph Christian von Zedlitz]
- Speed the Plough [trad. tune]
- Spencer the Rover (Roud 1115; TYG 3)
- The Spermwhale Fishery (Roud 484)
- The Spinner’s Wedding [Mary Brooksbank] (Roud 12503)
- The Spirit of Christmas [Steve Ashley]
- Sportsmen Arouse! (Roud 1216)
- The Spotted Cow (Roud 956)
- Spout Cottage [Frank Thorpe] (Roud 17704)
- Spread the Green Branches (Roud 948; Henry H30a)
- The Sprig of Thyme (Roud 3; G/D 6:1180)
- Springfield Mountain (Roud 431; Laws G16)
- Spring Glee (Roud 439)
- Springhill Disaster [Maurice Ruddick / Peggy Seeger, Ewan MacColl]
- Springtime It Brings On the Shearing [E.J. Overbury]
- The Spring Will Bring Us Together
- The Squaddie in London (Roud 10189)
- The Squire of Tamworth (Roud 141; Laws N20; G/D 1:166; Henry H524)
- The Squire’s Daughter [trad. / Fay Hield]
- The Staffordshire Maid (Roud 289; Laws L3; G/D 2:268)
- Stagger Lee (Roud 4183; Laws I15)
- Stagolee (Roud 4183; Laws I15)
- Staines Morris (Roud V18894)
- Stamps for the Dog [trad. tune]
- Stand By Your Guns (Roud V396)
- Standing on the Promises of God [Russell Kelso Carter]
- Standing on the Shore [trad.]
- Stannington [Miny Dyson] (Roud 17707)
- The Star of Donegal (Roud 2996; Henry H555)
- Stars in My Crown [Eliza E. Hewitt, John R. Sweney] (Roud 22423)
- The Stately Southerner (Roud 625; Laws A3)
- Stay Awhile With Me [Dave Cousins]
- St Celia’s Rocks (Roud 388; Laws K8)
- Stephen (Roud 3963; Child 22)
- Stephen’s Leaving
- Step It Out Mary [Sean McCarthy]
- Stewbald (Roud 456; Laws Q22)
- St Helena (A St Helena Lullaby) [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Still and Silent Ocean [Peter Bellamy]
- Still I Love Him (Roud 654; TYG 33)
- Still Waters Run Deep [Sandy Denny]
- A Stitch in Time [Mike Waterson]
- St. James’s Hospital (Roud 2; Laws Q26/B1; G/D 7:1404; Henry H680)
- St. Louis Blues [W.C. Handy] (Roud 13982)
- The Stonecutter Boy (Roud 971)
- Stones in My Passway [Robert Johnson]
- Stone Steps [trad. tune]
- Stookie [Maddy Prior, Rick Kemp]
- Stormalong (Roud 216)
- Stormy Weather Boys (Roud 1851)
- Stormy Winds (Roud 284)
- The Storyteller [trad. tune]
- The Storyteller [Nancy Kerr]
- The Stoutest Man in the Forty-Twa (Roud 1877; G/D 1:70)
- The Stowawy (Roud 6341)
- Stow Brow (Roud 185; Laws K18; G/D 1:20; TYG 7)
- The Strands of Magilligan (Roud 688; Henry H520)
- Strange Affair [Richard Thompson]
- Strange Meeting [Wilfred Owen]
- Stranger to Himself [Sandy Denny]
- Strathmartine Braes [Mary Brooksbank] (Roud 6258)
- Strathmartine Mains [Mary Brooksbank] (Roud 6258)
- Strawberry Fair (Roud 173)
- The Streams of Lovely Nancy (Roud 688; Henry H520)
- The Streets of Derry (Roud 896; Laws L11; Henry H705)
- Streets of Forbes (Roud 20764)
- Strike the Bell (Roud 4190)
- Strip Polka [Johnny Mercer]
- A Stór Mo Chroí [Brian O’Higgins] (Roud 3076)
- ‘S Trusaidh mi na Coilleagan [Marion Macleod]
- St Swithin’s Day [Billy Bragg]
- Studying Economy (Roud 5377, V20228)
- Stumbling On [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- Such a War Has Never Been [Les Barker, Martin Carthy]
- The Suffolk Miracle (Roud 246; Child 272; Henry H217)
- Suffolk Song [Ian Woods]
- The Suffolk Tragedy (Roud 18814)
- Sugar in the Hold [trad.]
- Sugar Wassail (Roud 209)
- Sullivan’s John [Paddy Dunne] (Roud 16718)
- Summer Lighting [Oliver Knight]
- Summer’s In [Anne Briggs]
- Sum Waves [trad. tunes]
- The Sun Never Shines on the Poor [Richard Thompson]
- The Sun Rises Bright in France [Allan Cunningham] (Roud 21757)
- The Sun Shines High (Roud 201; Child 218; G/D 5:974)
- Susan’s Adventures in a Man-of-War (Roud 1533; G/D 1:179; Henry H556)
- The Sussex Carol (Roud 597)
- Sussex Drinking Song [Hilaire Belloc]
- The Sussex Pig (Roud 1615)
- Suzanne [Leonard Cohen]
- Swaggering Boney [trad. tune]
- The Swallow (Roud 23618)
- Swallowtail [trad. tune]
- Swansea Barracks (Roud 1416)
- Swansea Town (Roud 1416)
- The Swapping Song (Roud 469; G/D 8:1696; Henry H732; TYG 58)
- Swarthfell Rocks (Roud 1578)
- Swedish Wedding March [trad. tune]
- Sweep, Chimney Sweep (Roud 1217)
- Sweet Belinda (Roud 1404)
- Sweet Blooming Lavender (Roud 854)
- Sweet Chiming Bells [Nahum Tate] (Roud 936, 16898)
- Sweet Daffodil Mulligan [Harry O’Donovan]
- Sweet England (Roud 272; G/D 4:831)
- Sweet Hope of Glory (Roud 23864)
- Sweet if You Like [Francis Davidson, Jools Holland]
- Sweet Inniscarra [John Fitzgerald] (Roud 12492)
- Sweet Jenny of the Moor (Roud 581; Laws N34; G/D 5:1050; Henry H107)
- The Sweet Kumadee (Roud 122; Child 286; G/D 1:37)
- Sweet Lemeney (Roud 193, 2445)
- Sweet Lemminy (Roud 193, 2445)
- Sweet Lisbweemore (Roud 5303)
- Sweet Little Rock ’n’ Roller [Chuck Berry]
- Sweet Loving Friendship [Peter Bellamy]
- Sweet Nightingale (Roud 371)
- The Sweet Primeroses (Roud 586; G/D 8:1841)
- Sweet Rosemary [Sandy Denny]
- The Sweet Rosy Morning (Roud 21097)
- The Sweet Streams of Nancy (Roud 688; Henry H520)
- Sweet Swansea (Roud 1612)
- Sweet Thames Flow Softly [Ewan MacColl]
- Sweet William (Roud 273; Laws K12; G/D 6:1245)
- Sweet William’s Ghost (Roud 50; Child 77)
- The Swimming Song [Loudon Wainwright III]
- Swing and Turn (Roud 7403)
- Swinton May Song (Roud 305)
- The Sword Dancer’s Song (Roud 610; TYG 99)
- Sylvia (Roud 7; Laws N21; Henry H35)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > T
- The Tailor and the Louse (Roud 16577)
- The Tailor and the Mouse (Roud 16577)
- Tailor in the Tea Chest (Roud 570; Laws Q8; G/D 7:1432; Henry H604)
- The Tailor’s Breeches (Roud 1610; TYG 49)
- Tail Toddle (Roud 11275; G/D 8:1716)
- Tak a Dram (Afor Ye Go) [Ian Sinclair]
- Take Away the Load [Sandy Denny]
- Take Me Away [Sandy Denny]
- Take My Heart [Maddy Prior, Rick Kemp]
- Take This Hammer (Roud 4299)
- Tak’ It, Man, Tak’ It (Roud 5591; G/D 3:579)
- Tak’ the Buckles Frae Your Sheen (Roud 4845; G/D 7:1486)
- Talcahuano Girls (Roud 32688)
- Tale in Hard Time [Richard Thompson]
- Tally Ho (Roud 217; G/D 4:727)
- Tally-ho! Hark away! (Roud 2349)
- Tally Ho! Hark Away! (Roud 1182)
- Tally Ho the Hounds (Roud 1861; Henry H222)
- Tam Lin (Roud 35; Child 39; G/D 2:330)
- Tam o’ Shanter [Robert Burns] (Roud 24056)
- Tansey’s Fancy [trad. tune]
- The Tan Yard Side (Roud 1021; Laws M28; Henry H52b)
- Taoist Tale [Tucker Zimmerman]
- The Tarbolton Lasses [Robert Burns]
- Tarporley Hunt—1833 [R.E. Egerton-Warburton]
- Tarry Trousers (Roud 427)
- Tarves Parish (Roud 5592; G/D 3:389)
- Tattie Jock (Roud 5915; G/D 3:377)
- Tatties an Herrin (Roud 16927)
- Tavistock Goosey Fair [C. John Trythall] (Roud 10683)
- Teach Me, My God and King [trad.]
- Tears [Trevor Lucas]
- Tell Me What You See In Me [Dave Cousins]
- Tell Me Why [trad. arr. Steeleye Span]
- Tell Old Bill (Roud 7876)
- The Ten Dollar Bill (Roud 167; G/D 7:1466)
- Ten Long Years [Steeleye Span]
- Ten Thousand Miles (Roud 422)
- Ten Thousand Miles Away [Joseph Bryan Geoghegan] (Roud 1778; G/D 6:1102)
- The Tentpoles Are Rotting [Henry Lawson]
- The Term Time (Roud 2181; G/D 3:391)
- The Terror Time [Ewan MacColl]
- Testimonial [Peter Bellamy]
- Texas Girl at the Funeral of her Father [Randy Newman]
- Tha’ Lowks a Proper Swell Lass [Lal Wood, Richard Scollins]
- Thanksgiving [Rick Lee]
- The Thatchers o’ Glenrae (Roud 13358; Henry H186)
- That Day [Rudyard Kipling, trad. arr. Peter Bellamy]
- That’ll Be the Day [Jerry Alison, Buddy Holly, Norman Petty]
- Theme From Catlow [Roy Budd]
- There Ain’t No Sweet Man That’s Worth the Salt of My Tears [Fred Fisher]
- There Are No Lights on Our Christmas Tree [Cyril Tawney]
- There Is a Fountain of Christ’s Blood (Roud 663)
- There Is a Tavern in This Town (Roud 18834; G/D 6:1171)
- There’s a Long, Long Trail [Stoddard King, Alonzo ‘Zo’ Elliott] (Roud 23525)
- There’s Better Things to Do [Peggy Seeger]
- There’s Nothing to Be Had Without Money (Roud V4463)
- There Was a Lady All Skin and Bone (Roud 501)
- There Was a Lady Lived in the West (Roud 64; Child 100; G/D 5:999; Henry H221)
- There Was a Lord in Edinburgh (Roud 93; Child 221; G/D 5:1024)
- There Was an Old Woman Tossed Up in a Basket (Roud 1297)
- There Was a Wealthy Merchant (Roud 268; Laws N7; G/D 1:171, 1:172)
- They Called Her Babylon [Steeleye Span]
- They Don’t Seem To Know You [Sandy Denny]
- They Won’t Let Us Go to Sea Anymore [Barry Dransfield]
- Things You Gave Me [Glen D. Hardin]
- The Thirty-Foot Trailer [Ewan MacColl]
- Thirty Shillings a Month [Martin McKenna]
- Thirty-Ton Line [Don Henderson]
- This Is No My Ain House (Roud 3790; G/D 1:119)
- This Is No’ My Plaid (Roud 6720; G/D 5:1063)
- This Morning Is the First of May (Roud 305)
- This Train (Roud 6702)
- Thomas and Nancy (Roud 3232; Laws K15)
- Thomas of Yonderdale (Roud 3890; Child 253)
- Thomas the Rhymer (Roud 219; Child 37)
- Thorkild’s Song [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Thornaby Woods (Roud 222)
- Thorneymoor Woods (Roud 222)
- Thou Cauld Gloomy Feberwar [Robert Tannahill, Patrick Buchan] (Roud V45234)
- Thou Gloomy December [Robert Burns] (Roud V4373)
- Thou Hast Left Me Ever, Jamie [Robert Burns] (Roud V456)
- A Thousand Miles Away (Roud 8393)
- Thousands or More (Roud 1220)
- The Three Bells [Jean Villard, Bert Reisfeld] (Roud 19877)
- The Three Butchers (Roud 17; Laws L4; G/D 2:186; Henry H185)
- The Three Cripples (Roud 2422)
- The Three Danish Galleys [probably Ruth Tongue]
- Three Day Millionaire [Mike Waterson]
- The Three Drovers [John Wheeler, music William G. James]
- Three Drunken Huntsmen (Roud 283; G/D 2:283)
- Three Drunken Maidens (Roud 252)
- The Three Healths [trad.]
- Three Jolly Boys (Roud 1710)
- Three Jolly Butchers (Roud 17; Laws L4; G/D 2:186; Henry H185)
- Three Jolly Huntsmen (Roud 796)
- Three Jolly Rogues of Lynn (Roud 130; G/D 3:704)
- Three Jolly Sheepskins [trad. tune]
- Three Jolly Sneaksmen (Roud 1652)
- Three Jolly Sportsmen (Roud 796)
- Three Jolly Sportsmen (Roud 17; Laws L4; G/D 2:186; Henry H185)
- The Three Knights (Roud 26; Child 11)
- Three Maids A-Milking (Roud 290)
- Three Maids A-Rushing (Roud 899; G/D 7:1493)
- Three Men Went A-Hunting (Roud 283; G/D 2:283)
- A Three-Part Song [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Three Pretty Maidens (Roud 290)
- The Three Ravens (Roud 5; Child 26)
- Three Score and Ten [William Delf] (Roud 16873; TYG 5)
- Three Ships [Mike Waterson]
- The Three Sisters (Roud 161; Child 1)
- Three Sons of Rogues (Roud 130; G/D 3:704)
- 3:10 to Yuma [George Dunning, Ned Washington]
- 3/2 Hornpipes [trad.]
- Three Waltzes [trad. tune]
- Thre Fireman’s Growl [anon.]
- The Threshing Machine (Roud 1491)
- The Threshing Song (Roud 874)
- Through Lonesome Woods (Roud 3461)
- Through Moorfields (Roud 605; G/D 6:1079)
- Through the Groves (Roud 1046; TYG 55)
- Through the Woods (Roud 1478)
- Throwaway Street Puzzle [Ashley Hutchings, Richard Thompson]
- Tibbie Dunbar [Robert Burns, Jim McLean] (Roud V29162)
- Tibbie Fowler o’ the Glen (Roud 5504; G/D 8:1691)
- Tidewave [Anne Briggs]
- Tigery Orum (Roud 183; Laws Q2; G/D 2:318; Henry H174; TYG 6)
- The Time Has Come [Anne Briggs]
- Time in the Son [Eliza Carthy]
- Time to Remember the Poor (Roud 1121)
- Time to Ring Some Changes [Richard Thompson]
- Time Wears Awa (Roud 21760)
- Timothy Winters [Charles Causley]
- Tinker’s Song (Roud 863)
- Tinwood (Roud 17725)
- Tip-Top Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- To Althea From Prison [Richard Lovelace, Dave Swarbrick]
- Today in Bethlehem [trad.]
- Todlen Hame (Roud 6493)
- Together [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- To Have and to Hold [Maddy Prior]
- To Hear the Nightingale Sing (Roud 140; Laws P14; TYG 34)
- A Token (Roud 3530)
- To Know Him Is to Love Him [Phil Spector]
- To Make You Stay [Lal Waterson]
- Tom Bawcock’s Eve [Robert Morton Nance, Ralph Dunstan]
- Tom Bowling [Charles Dibdin] (Roud 1984; TYG 84)
- Tom Brown (Roud 884; G/D 3:571)
- Tommy [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Tom of Bedlam (Roud V53999, V50075)
- Tomorrow Is a Long Time [Bob Dylan]
- Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day (Roud 21931)
- Tom Padget (Roud 3080)
- Tom Paine’s Bones [Graham Moore]
- Tom Pearce (Roud 137)
- Tom’s Gone to Hilo (Roud 481; Henry H53d)
- Tom the Barber (Roud 64; Child 100; G/D 5:999; Henry H221)
- Tom Thumb’s Alphabet (Roud 20563)
- Tonight’s the Night [Steeleye Span]
- Too Much of Nothing [Bob Dylan]
- The Topman and the Afterguard (Roud 350; G/D 3:685)
- To Reap and Mow the Hay (Roud 12937)
- Torn Screen Door [David Francey]
- Tortoise From Hell [Les Barker]
- To the Weaver’s Gin Ye Go [Robert Burns] (Roud V22409)
- The Tour of the Dales [William Foster] (Roud 3183)
- T’owd Yowe Wi’ One Horn (Roud 1762)
- The Town I Loved So Well [Phil Coulter]
- Trademan’s Toast [John Warner]
- Traiveller’s Joy [Helen Fullerton] (Roud 22011)
- Tramps and Hawkers (Roud 1874; G/D 3:487)
- Tranent Wedding (Roud 5982)
- The Trashing Mashine (Roud 1491)
- Travellin’ Down the Castlereagh [A.B. Paterson] (Roud 8399)
- Treadmill Song (Roud 1077)
- The Tree in the Valley (Roud 129; G/D 8:1668)
- The Tree in the Wood (Roud 129; G/D 8:1668)
- The Trees Are All Bare (Roud 1170)
- A Tree Song [Rudyard Kipling]
- The Trees They Do Grow High (Roud 31; Laws O35; G/D 6:1222)
- The Trees They Grow So High (Roud 31; Laws O35; G/D 6:1222)
- The Tricks of London [trad.]
- Tried So Hard [Gene Clark]
- The Trimdon Grange Explosion [Tommy Armstrong] (Roud 3189)
- The Trim-Rigged Doxy (Roud 1901; Laws K41)
- Trip to Cartmel [trad. tune]
- Trip to Fowey [trad. tune]
- The Trip We Took Over the Mountain [Martin Carthy, Dave Swarbrick, Savourna Stevenson]
- Trivial Hymn [Rick Kemp, Maddy Prior]
- The Trooper and the Maid (Roud 162; Child 299; G/D 7:1470)
- The Trooper and the Tailor (Roud 311; G/D 7:1463)
- Troopin’ [Rudyard Kipling, trad. arr. Peter Bellamy]
- Trowie Burn [trad. tune]
- True Lover John (Roud 179; Child 248; Henry H699)
- The True Lovers (Roud 1445)
- True Thomas (Roud 219; Child 37)
- The Trumpeter [J. Airley-Dix] (RoudBS B115645)
- Truro Agricultural Show (Roud 21219)
- The Truth Sent From Above (Roud 2109)
- T Stands for Thomas (Roud 419; Henry H593)
- Tuesday Morning (Roud 579)
- Tugman’s Farewell [Gerald ‘Gezz’ Overington]
- Tumble and Cut Me Bum (Roud 1212)
- Tumbling Through the Hay (Roud 153; Henry H697)
- Tune [John Aaron]
- The Tunnel Tigers [Ewan MacColl]
- The Turfman From Ardee (Roud 5187)
- Turkey Rhubarb [Robert Coombs] (Roud 1073)
- The Turkish Lady (Roud 8124; Laws O26)
- The Turn of the Road [Les Barker / trad.]
- Turpin Hero (Roud 621; Laws L10)
- The Turtle Dove (Roud 422)
- Twa Corbies (Roud 5; Child 26)
- The Twa Gadgies [trad.]
- Twanky-Dillo (Roud 2409)
- Twa Recruiting Sergeants (Roud 3356; G/D 1:77)
- The Twa Sisters (Roud 8; Child 10; G/D 2:213)
- ’Twas on an April Morning (Roud 1546)
- ’Twas on One April Morning (Roud 1546)
- Twa Years Ower Young (Roud 380; G/D 6:1187)
- The Twelve Apostles (Roud 133)
- The Twelve Days of Christmas (Roud 68; G/D 3:637)
- The Twelve Witches [trad.]
- Twenty, Eighteen, … (Roud 542; G/D 8:1588)
- Twenty Flight Rock [Eddie Cochran, Ned Fairchild]
- The Twenty-Fourth of February (Roud 951; G/D 1:40)
- Twenty-One Years on Dartmoor [Bob Miller] (Roud 2248; Laws E16)
- The Twenty-Third of March (Roud 3291)
- Twine Weel the Plaiden (Roud 8522)
- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Roud 7666)
- Twisted [Richard Thompson]
- The Two Brothers (Roud 202)
- The Two Brothers (Roud 38; Child 49)
- The Two Brothers (Roud 6360)
- Two Butchers (Roud 17; Laws L4; G/D 2:186; Henry H185)
- Two by Two [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Two Champions (Roud 2411)
- Two Little Girls in Blue [Charles Graham] (Roud 2793)
- Two Lovely Black Eyes [Charles Coborn] (Roud 13631)
- The Two Magicians (Roud 1350; Child 44; G/D 2:334)
- Two Pretty Boys (Roud 38; Child 49)
- Two Ravens (Roud 5; Child 26)
- The Two Sisters (Roud 8; Child 10; G/D 2:213)
- Two Weeks Last Summer [Dave Cousins]
- Two Young Brethren (Roud 202)
- Tyne of Harrow (Roud 1553)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > U
- Ultrasound [Roger Wilson]
- Uncle George’s [trad. tune]
- Unconquered Sun [Ken Nicol]
- Undaunted Female (Roud 289; Laws L3; G/D 2:268)
- Underneath Her Apron (Roud 899; G/D 7:1493)
- The Unfortunate Lass (Roud 2; Laws Q26)
- The Unfortunate Rake (Roud 2; Laws Q26/B1; G/D 7:1404; Henry H680)
- The Unfortunate Tailor (Roud 1614)
- Union Boy [trad.]
- Unmooring (Roud 8227)
- The Unquiet Grave (Roud 51; Child 78)
- Unst Boat Song [trad.]
- Until the Real Thing Comes Along [Cahn, Chaplin, Freeman, Holiner, Nichols]
- Up Among the Heather (Roud 1506)
- Up and Awa’ wi’ the Laverock [Andy Hunter] (Roud 5133)
- Up in the Morning Early (Roud V12718)
- Up in the North (Roud 582; Laws P3; G/D 4:895)
- Up Jumped the Herring (Roud 472)
- Upon the Bough [A.P.H., Heather Wood]
- Upon the Mountains High (Roud 397; Laws P15; G/D 2:333)
- The Ups and Downs (Roud 364)
- Up the Noran Water [Helen Cruickshank] (Roud 23398)
- Up the Raw (Roud 3155)
- Upton Stick Dance
- Up to the Rigs (Roud 868; G/D 2:299)
- Us Poor Fellows [Peter Bellamy]
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > V
- Valentine O’Hara (Roud 1553)
- Valentine’s Day Hunt (Roud 6475)
- The Valiant Sailor (Roud 811)
- Van Diemen’s Land (Roud 519; Laws L18; G/D 2:252)
- Van Diemen’s Land (Roud 221)
- Vandy Vandy [Manly Wade Wellman]
- Vanity [Cyril Tawney]
- Veni Emmanuel (Roud 26895)
- The Verdant Braes of Skreen (Roud 419; Henry H593)
- The Very Thought of You [Ray Noble]
- The Veteran (Roud 24926)
- The Victory (Roud 2278)
- A Virgin Most Pure (Roud 1378)
- Virginny (Roud 1488)
- Virginny (Roud 3396)
- The Volunteer Organist [W.B. Gray] (Roud 5378)
- The Voyager [Gary Shearston]
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > W
- Wae’s Me for Prince Charlie [William Glen] (Roud 16902)
- A Wager, a Wager (Roud 34; Child 43; G/D 2:322; Henry H135)
- The Wagoner’s Lad (Roud 414)
- Waiting for Angels [Martin Carthy]
- Wake Up England [Maddy Prior]
- Waking Dreams (Roud 22620, 22621; Laws M4; Henry H722)
- Walk Away [Ben Harper]
- Walker Pits (Roud 3488)
- Walking All Alane [Ann Neilson]
- Walking on a Wire [Richard Thompson]
- Walking the Floor Over You [Ernest Tubb]
- Wallaby Stew [Cecil Poole] (Roud 8242)
- The Wallaby Track (Roud 24821)
- The Walloping Window Blind [Charles Edward Carryl] (Roud 19559)
- Walter Bulwer’s No. 2 & No. 1 [trad. tune]
- Walter Bulwer’s Polka [trad. tune]
- Waltz Clog [trad. tune]
- Waltzing Matilda [A.B. Paterson] (Roud 9536; Henry H566)
- Waltzing’s for Dreamers [Richard Thompson]
- Waly Waly (Roud 87; Child 204)
- The Wanton Brown (Roud 85; Child 192; G/D 2:270)
- Wanton Lasses Pity Her (Roud 37666)
- Wantonness [Robert Burns] (Roud V31025)
- The Wanton Seed (Roud 17230)
- The Wanton Wife of Castlegate (Roud V14112)
- Ward the Pirate (Roud 224; Child 287; G/D 1:39)
- ’Ware Out, Mother [trad. / Charley Yarwood] (Roud 2551)
- The Wark o’ the Weavers (Roud 374)
- The Warlike Lads of Russia (Roud V17408)
- Warlike Seamen (Roud 690; G/D 1:41; Henry H560)
- The Wars of Germany [William Motherwell] (Roud 5608)
- The Wars of Germany (Roud 268; Laws N7; G/D 1:171, 1:172)
- The Warson Hunt (Roud 23095)
- A Was an Archer (Roud 20563)
- Washing Day (Roud 3747)
- The Washing Song [trad.]
- Wassail Song (Roud 209)
- The Watchet Sailor (Roud 917; Laws P4)
- Watch the Stars (Roud 18281)
- Watercresses (Roud 1653)
- The Watercress Girl (Roud 1541)
- Watercress-O [Roger Watson]
- The Water Is Wide (Roud 87; Child 204)
- Waterloo Fair (The Henryco) [trad. tune]
- Waterman’s Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- The Waters of Tyne (Roud 1364)
- The Waterwitch [trad.]
- Watts’s Cradle Hymn [Isaac Watts] (Roud 8885)
- Way Down Town (Roud 7691)
- Wayfaring Stranger (Roud 3339; Sacred Harp 457)
- The Way I Feel [Gordon Lightfoot]
- The Way Through the Woods [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Wealthy Squire (Roud 262; Laws P1; G/D 5:1059; Henry H188)
- Weary Cutters (Roud 8772)
- The Weary Farmers (Roud 2181; G/D 3:391)
- The Weary Pund o’ Tow [Robert Burns] (Roud 435; G/D 8:1867)
- The Weary Traveller (Roud 17725)
- The Weary Whaling Grounds (Roud 2011)
- The Weaver (Roud 2311)
- The Weaver and the Factory Maid (Roud 17771, 3085)
- The Weaver’s Daughter (Roud 1277; TYG 48)
- Weaving Song [trad.]
- Wedding Dress [trad.]
- The Wedding Song (Roud 381; G/D 5:980)
- The Wee Cooper o’ Fife (Roud 117; Child 277; G/D 7:1282)
- Wee Dark Engine Room [Harry Robertson]
- A Wee Drappie O’t [Robert Tannahill] (Roud 5610; G/D 3:560)
- The Week Before Easter (Roud 154; G/D 6:1198)
- A Week’s Work Well Done (Roud 433; Laws Q6)
- A Wee One (Roud 357)
- Wee Pot Stove [Harry Robertson]
- The Wee Toun Clerk (Roud 120; Child 281; G/D 2:317; Henry H201)
- Weevils in the Flour [Dorothy Hewett, Mike Leyden]
- Weevily Wheat (Roud 729; G/D 1:135)
- Wee Weaver (Roud 3378)
- The Wee, Wee German Lairdie (Roud 2573)
- The Wee Wee Man (Roud 2865; Child 38)
- Wee Willie Gray [Robert Burns] (Roud V5050)
- We Gets Up in the Morn (Roud 2471)
- We Have an Anchor [Priscilla Jayne Owens, William James Kirkpatrick]
- We Have Fed Our Sea [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Welcome, Royal Charlie (Roud 5817; G/D 1:136)
- The Welcome Sailor (Roud 604; Laws N29; Henry H581)
- We’ll All Go A-Hunting Today [W. Wilson] (Roud 1172)
- The Well Below the Valley (Roud 2335; Child 21)
- Well Done Liar! (Roud 473; G/D 8:1703)
- The Wellerman [anon.]
- Wellington Hornpipe [trad. tune]
- Well Sold the Cow (Roud 2637; Laws L1; G/D 2:266; Henry H51; TYG 78)
- The Wensleydale Lad (Roud 21176; TYG 8)
- We Poor Labouring Men (Roud 1394)
- The Werewolf [Michael Hurley]
- We Shepherds Are the Best of Men (Roud 284)
- The West-Country Couple (Roud 582; Laws P3; G/D 4:895)
- Western Movies [Rick Kemp]
- Westron Wynde (Roud V18833)
- West Yorkshire Lullaby [Cyril Tawney]
- The Wet Litany [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- We Wish You a Merry Christmas (Roud 230, 9681)
- Wexford Carol (Roud 22086)
- Wexford Lullaby [John Renbourn]
- Wexford Town (Roud 263; Laws P35; G/D 2:200)
- The Wexport Girl (Roud 263; Laws P35; G/D 2:200)
- Weyhill Fair (Roud 1086)
- The Whale Catchers (Roud 3291)
- The Whaleman’s Lament (Roud 2000)
- Wha’s Fu’ (Roud 473; G/D 8:1703)
- What a Beau Your Granny Is [trad. tune]
- What a Voice (Roud 495)
- What Can a Young Lassie? (Roud 1295)
- What Does the Deep Sea Say? (Roud 17950)
- What Had You for Supper (Roud 10; Child 12; G/D 2:209; Henry H814)
- What if a Day, Or a Month, Or a Yeare? [Thomas Campion]
- What Is True? [Sandy Denny]
- What Put the Blood? (Roud 200; Child 13; TYG 35)
- What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailor? (Roud 322; G/D 1:4)
- What’s the Life of a Man? (Roud 848)
- What Will Become of England? (Roud 1779)
- What Will We Do? (Roud 16879)
- What Would You Do? (Roud 3051)
- Wheel of Fortune (Roud 1075; G/D 6:1173; Henry H790)
- When Adam Was First Created (Roud 728; G/D 7:1269)
- When a Man’s in Love (Roud 990; Laws O20; Henry H211)
- When Autumn Skies Were Blue
- When First I Came to Caledonia [trad. Cape Breton]
- When First Into This Country (Roud 1081; G/D 7:1469)
- When Fortune Turns the Wheel (Roud 3798; G/D 3:667)
- When I Die (Roud 7697)
- When I First Came to This Land (Roud 16813)
- When I Was a Little Boy (Roud 1706; G/D 8:1701)
- When I Was Noo But Sweet Sixteen (Roud 5138)
- When I Was on Horseback (Roud 2; Laws Q26)
- When I Was Young (Roud 2593)
- When Joan’s Ale Was New (Roud 139; G/D 3:561)
- When Johnsons’s Ale Was New (Roud 139; G/D 3:561)
- When Jones’s Ale Was New (Roud 139; G/D 3:561)
- When Rosy May Comes in Wi’ Flowers (Roud 2387, V11651)
- When Spring Comes In (Roud 439)
- When Spring Comes On (Roud 439)
- When the Green Man Walks the Forest [Graeme Miles]
- When the King Comes O’er the Water (Roud V42891)
- When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder [James Milton Black] (Roud 10985)
- When This Old Hat Was New (Roud 1693; G/D 3:540, 3:541)
- When Two Lovers Meet (Roud 6857)
- When Will I Be Loved? [Phil and Don Everly]
- When Will Ye Gang Awa’? (Roud 345; Laws O23; G/D 5:1052)
- Where Are They Now [Rick Kemp]
- Where Are You Tonight, I Wonder? [Andy M. Stewart]
- Where Did My Life Go? [Bert Jansch]
- Where’er You Walk [G.F. Händel]
- Where Have You Been All the Day? (Roud 2330)
- Where Ravens Feed [Graeme Miles]
- Where the Brumbies Come to Water [Will H. Ogilvie]
- While Gamekeepers Lie Sleeping (Roud 363)
- While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks [Nahum Tate] (Roud 936, 16898)
- Whip Jamboree (Roud 488)
- The Whirly Whorl (Roud 12573)
- Whiskey in the Jar (Roud 533; Laws L13A; Henry H792)
- Whiskey Is the Life of Man (Roud 651)
- Whiskey Johnny (Roud 651)
- Whiskey You’re the Devil (Roud 21715)
- Whispering Grass [Fred & Doris Fisher]
- Whistle Daughter, Whistle (Roud 1570; G/D 7:1334)
- Whistle O’er the Lave O’t (Roud 506; G/D 7:1414)
- The Whitby Lad (Roud 261; Laws L16; G/D 2:260; Henry H691, H202)
- The Whitby Maid [John Leonard]
- White [Elder Edmund Dumas] (Roud 5732; Sacred Harp 288)
- The White Cliffs of Dover [Burton, Kent]
- The White Cockade (Roud 191; TYG 2)
- White Copper Alley (Roud 1554)
- White Dress [Dave Swarbrick]
- The White Hare (Roud 1110; TYG 79)
- White Man [Peter Knight]
- White Wings (Roud 1753)
- Whitsun Dance [Austin John Marshall]
- The Whitsuntide Carol (Roud 3186)
- Whittingham Fair (Roud 12; Child 2; G/D 2:329)
- Who Killed Cock Robin? (Roud 494)
- Who Knows Where the Time Goes? [Sandy Denny]
- Wholly and Fairly (Roud 5654; G/D 3:584)
- Who Owns the Game? (Roud 3209)
- The Whore’s Lament (Roud 8153)
- Who Shall Judge the Lord (A Carol) [Rudyard Kipling, trad.]
- Who’s Sorry Now? [Bert Kalmar, Harry Ruby, Ted Snyder]
- Who’s the Fool Now? (Roud 473; G/D 8:1703)
- Who Told the Butcher? [Peter Knight]
- Whummil Bore (Roud 3722; Child 27)
- Whup Jamboree (Roud 488)
- Why Should I? (RoudBS B250204)
- The Wicked Serpent (Roud 431; Laws G16)
- Widdecombe Fair (Roud 137)
- Widdicombe Fair (Roud 137)
- Widdliecombe Fair (Roud 666)
- Widgegoera Joe [trad.]
- The Widow at Windsor [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- The Widow of Westmorland’s Daughter (Roud 228; G/D 7:1439)
- Widow’s Curse (Roud V41142)
- The Widow’s Party [Rudyard Kipling, trad.arr. Peter Bellamy]
- The Widow’s Promise [Mick Ryan]
- The Wife of the Soldier [Bertolt Brecht]
- The Wife of Usher’s Well (Roud 196; Child 79)
- The Wife Wrapt in Wether’s Skin (Roud 117; Child 277; G/D 7:1282)
- Wild and Wicked Youth (Roud 221)
- The Wild Colonial Boy (Roud 677; Laws L20; Henry H750)
- The Wild Geese [Violet Jacob, Jim Reid]
- Wild Goose Shanty (Roud 328)
- Wild Hog in the Woods (Roud 29; Child 18)
- The Wild Lass [Marion Angus]
- Wild Mountain Thyme [Robert Tannahill] (Roud 541; G/D 4:862)
- The Wild Rover (Roud 1173; G/D 7:1480)
- Wild Strawberries [Dave Cousins, Tony Hooper]
- The Wild, Wild Berry (Roud 24845)
- William and Lady Marjorie (Roud 198; Child 70)
- William and Nancy [trad. tune]
- William and Nancy’s Parting (Roud 551; Laws N8; G/D 1:63; Henry H561)
- William Coombe (Roud 3318)
- William Glenn (Roud 478; Laws K22; G/D 2:191)
- William Taylor (Roud 158; Laws N11; G/D 1:169; Henry H213, H757)
- William Taylor the Poacher (Roud 851)
- Willie and Earl Richard’s Daughter (Roud 3910; Child 102)
- Willie and Lady Maisry (Roud 198; Child 70)
- Willie and the Hand Jive [Johnny Otis]
- Willie Angler (Roud 3473; Henry H614)
- Willie Archer (Roud 3473; Henry H614)
- Willie Brew’d a Peck o’ Maut [Robert Burns] (Roud 16787)
- Willie Clancy’s Fancy [trad. tune]
- Willie Lennox (Roud 189; Laws Q33; G/D 2:228; Henry H176)
- Willie Macintosh (Roud 4010; Child 183)
- Willie-O (Roud 22567)
- Willie o’ Winsbury (Roud 64; Child 100; G/D 5:999; Henry H221)
- Willie’s Fatal Visit (Roud 244; Child 255)
- Willie’s Lady (Roud 220; Child 6; G/D 2:346)
- Willie’s Lyke-Wake (Roud 30; Child 25; G/D 4:843)
- Willie Taylor (Roud 158; Laws N11; G/D 1:169; Henry H213, H757)
- Willie the Bold Sailor Boy (Roud 273; Laws K12; G/D 6:1245)
- Willie the Waterboy (Roud 22567)
- A Willing Maid, a Day Too Young (Roud 1003; G/D 7:1311)
- Willow Glen (Roud V1634)
- The Willow Tree (Roud 18831)
- Willow Tree (Roud 21006)
- Will the Weaver (Roud 432; Laws Q9; G/D 7:1461; Henry H682)
- Will Watch (Roud 1617)
- Will Ye Gang, Love (Roud 60; Laws P25; G/D 6:1169, 6:1170; Henry H683)
- Will Ye Go to Flanders? (Roud 8544)
- Will Ye Go to Sheriffmuir? (Roud V44081)
- Willy McBride [Eric Bogle]
- Willy O’Reilly (Roud 714; Laws N38; G/D 5:1033; Henry H76)
- Will You Go Lassie, Go? [Robert Tannahill] (Roud 541; G/D 4:862)
- Will Your Anchor Hold? [Priscilla Jayne Owens, William James Kirkpatrick]
- Willy Went to Westerdale (Roud 2792; TYG 1)
- Wilson’s Arms [Lal Waterson, Oliver Knight]
- The Wiltshire Wedding (Roud 13910, 20075)
- Wimoweh [Paul Campbell, Solomon Linda]
- Wi’ My Dog and Gun (Roud 2124; Henry H32)
- Wi’ My Rovin’ Eye (Roud 866)
- Wind Across the Moor (Roud 155; Laws P21; G/D 6:1175)
- The Wind and Rain (Roud 8; Child 10; G/D 2:213)
- Windham (Roud 15045)
- The Wind That Shakes the Barley [Robert Dwyer Joyce] (Roud 2994)
- Windy Old Weather (Roud 472)
- Wings [Ashley Hutchings, Ken Nicol]
- The Wings of a Goney (Roud 2011)
- Winifer Odd [Lal Waterson]
- Winter [Peter Knight]
- Winter Early (Roud V12718)
- Wintergrace [Jean Ritchie]
- The Winter It Is Past (Roud 583; G/D 6:1104)
- The Winter of Life (Roud 1308)
- Winter o Life [Robert Burns] (Roud V21570)
- Winter Winds [Sandy Denny]
- Wish I Could Write a Lovesong [Chas Hodges, Dave Peacock]
- The Witch of the Westmorlands [Archie Fisher]
- With Kitty I’ll Go (Roud 3052)
- With Me Pit Boots On (Roud 516; G/D 4:787)
- With Napoleon in Russia [Maddy Prior]
- With Wellington We’ll Go (Roud 5824; G/D 1:153)
- Wobbly Cat
- Wolfe [Ashley Hutchings]
- Woman in the Wings [Maddy Prior]
- The Wonderful Sucking Pig (Roud 1615)
- Wondrous Love (Roud 5089; Sacred Harp 159)
- Won’t You Go My Way? (Roud 8289)
- Woo’d and Married and A’ [Alexander Ross] (Roud 7159; G/D 7:1370)
- Wop She ’ad It-io (Roud 1212)
- Worcester City (Roud 218; Laws P30; G/D 2:210)
- The Worcestershire Wedding (Roud 1694)
- The Workers’ Song [Ed Pickford]
- The Workhouse Boy (Roud 29495)
- The Working Chap (Roud 5591; G/D 3:656)
- Working Chap (What a Crime) [Mike Waterson]
- Working Men of England (Roud V29649)
- Work Life Out to Keep Life In (Roud 5591; G/D 3:656)
- The Wounded Hussar [Thomas Campbell] (Roud 2699)
- The Wounded Hussar [trad. tune]
- The Wounded Whale (Roud 2004)
- The Wreck of the Dandenong (Roud 22670)
- The Wreck of the ‘Northfleet’ (Roud 1174)
- The Wren (Roud 32955)
- Wretched Wilbur [Sandy Denny]
- The Wrong Favour [Eliza Carthy]
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > Y
- Yaller Girls (Roud 3221)
- Yangtze River Shanty [Hamish McLaren]
- The Yarmouth Fishermen’s Song (Roud 2434)
- Yarmouth Town [trad.]
- The Yarmouth Tragedy (Roud 187; Laws M38; G/D 2:222)
- Year—The Season’s Cycle [Maddy Prior]
- Ye Banks and Braes [Robert Burns] (Roud 13889)
- Ye Jacobites by Name (Roud 5517)
- The Yellow Bittern [Cathal Buí Mac Giolla Ghunna] (Roud 5332, 9734; Henry H830)
- The Yellow Handkerchief (Roud 954)
- Yellow Meal (Roud 15778; Henry H827)
- The Yellow on the Broom [Adam McNaughtan] (Roud 22006)
- The Yellow, Yellow Yorlin’ (Roud 12516)
- Ye Lovers All [trad.]
- Ye Mariners All (Roud 1191)
- Ye Noble Spectators (Roud 610; TYG 83)
- Ye Sons of Australia (Roud 5475)
- Yonder Comes the Devil [trad.]
- The Yorkshire Bite (Roud 2637; Laws L1; G/D 2:266; Henry H51; TYG 78)
- Yorkshire Couple [Jim Mackie]
- Yorkshire Tea [Anna Esslemont]
- The Yorkshire Tup (Roud 126; G/D 3:645; TYG 59)
- You Can’t Change Me Now [Barry Dransfield]
- You Gentlemen of Boston (Roud 18526)
- You Gentlemen of England (Roud 18526)
- Youghal Harbour (Roud 2734; Henry H503)
- You Gotta Pay Me If You Lay Me [trad.]
- You Lads of Learning (Roud 3027; Henry H586)
- You Must Unload [John B. Vaughan]
- You Never Know [Peter Gabriel]
- You Never Wanted Me [Jackson C. Frank]
- Young Allan (Roud 242; Child 245; G/D 2:326)
- The Young and Single Sailor (Roud 264; Laws N42; G/D 5:1038, 6:1201; Henry H471, H818)
- Young Banker (Roud 3321)
- Young Beichan (Roud 40; Child 53L; G/D 5:1023; Henry H470)
- Young Benjie (Roud 3911; Child 86)
- Young Billy Brown (Roud 945; G/D 1:52)
- Young Bob Ridley (Roud 753)
- The Young British Soldier [Rudyard Kipling, Peter Bellamy]
- Young Charlotte (Roud 260; Laws G17)
- Young Collins [trad. Morris tune]
- Young Donald (Roud 3379)
- Young Edwin in the Lowlands Low (Roud 182; Laws M34; G/D 2:189; Henry H113)
- Young Emma (Roud 182; Laws M34; G/D 2:189; Henry H113)
- Young Girl Cut Down in Her Prime (Roud 2; Laws Q26)
- Young Hastings (Roud 33; Child 41; G/D 2:331)
- Young Henry the Poacher (Roud 221)
- Young Hunting (Roud 47; Child 68)
- Young John (Roud 201; Child 218; G/D 5:974)
- Young Johnnie (Roud 1437; Laws O9; G/D 5:966)
- Young Johnson (Roud 518; G/D 7:1477)
- Young Johnson (Roud 1901; Laws K41)
- Young Johnstone (Roud 56; Child 88; G/D 8:1929)
- Young Logie (Roud 81; Child 182; G/D 2:247)
- A Young Man Lived in Belfast Town (Roud 1490)
- Young Maria (Roud 218; Laws P30; G/D 2:210)
- Young Men Are False (Roud 1546)
- Young Morgan (Roud 5369)
- Young Orphy (Roud 136; Child 19)
- Young Peggy (Roud 3875; Child 298)
- Young Ramble-Away (Roud 171; G/D 7:1485)
- Young Roger Esquire (Roud 680; Laws P8; G/D 4:761; Henry H90)
- Young Sailor Cut Down in His Prime (Roud 2; Laws Q26/B1; G/D 7:1404; Henry H680)
- Young Simon John [Tom Daniel] (TYG 77)
- Young Susan on Board of a Man-of-War (Roud 1533; G/D 1:179; Henry H556)
- Young Waters (Roud 2860; Child 94)
- You Noble Diggers All [Gerrard Winstanley] (Roud 1521)
- You Noble Spectator (Roud 610; TYG 83)
- You Rambling Boys of Pleasure (Roud 386)
- Your Baby ’as Gorn Dahn the Plug’ole [Jack Spade] (Roud 19810)
- You’re Gonna Need My Help [McKinley Morganfield]
- You Will Burn [Peter Knight]
- The Yowie Wi the Crookit Horn [John Skinner] (Roud 2140)
- Ythanside (Roud 3783; G/D 5:951)
> Folk Music > Songs and Tunes > Z
- The Zealous Puritan [anon.]