> Folk Music > Records > Stanley Robertson: Rum Scum Scoosh!

Rum Scum Scoosh!

Stanley Robertson: Rum Scum Scoosh! (Elphinstone Institute EICD003)

Rum Scum Scoosh!
Songs and stories of an Aberdeen childhood
Stanley Robertson (08.06.1940-02.08.2009)

The Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen EICD003 (2 CD, UK, 2006)

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Compiled by Stanley Robertson in 2004-5;
Recorded by Ian Russell at the University of Aberdeen;
Photographs of Hanover Street area by permission of Aberdeen City Council;
Song notes by Julia C. Bishop;
Story notes by Thomas A. McKean;
CD cover design and layout by Malcolm Reavell

Musical Traditions Review by Vic Smith


Stanley Robertson: vocals


CD 1 The Songs

Backie Garden Party Songs

  1. Aiberdeen Aiberdeen (Roud 20041) (0.59)
  2. School Days (Roud 20042) (0.40)
  3. The Tod (Roud 131; G/D 3:499; Henry H38) (1.08)
  4. Buffalo Billy (Roud 19998) (0.35)
  5. Three Times Round (Roud 12973) (3.55)

War Songs

  1. Austria Was Hungary (Roud 19999) (0.14)
  2. Julius Caesar (Roud 20001) (0.10)
  3. The Night Was Dark (Roud 18312) (0.58)
  4. Trumpety Trump (Roud 20040) (0.40)
  5. The Quartermaster’s Store (Roud 10508) (1.13)
  6. Wi His Toorie on His Bonnet (Roud 20038) (0.50)
  7. Every Soldier Knows (Roud 20039) (0.40)
  8. I Knocked at the Door (Roud 7992) (0.42)

American Influences

  1. If You Roll a Silver Dollar (Roud 19994) (1.20)
  2. Johnny’s Got a Zero (Roud 19995) (0.47)
  3. I’ve a Sweetheart in America (Roud 18316) (0.49)
  4. Chewing Gum (0.39)
  5. Chickory Chick (Roud 20037) (0.59)
  6. Whistle While You Work (Roud 19993) (0.27)

Silly Songs

  1. A Cannibal King (Roud 20036) (0.34)
  2. A Doo Fella (Roud 20037) (0.15)
  3. Maggie Macadoo (Roud 19996) (1.16)

Ropie Songs

  1. All the Boys in London (Roud 12969) (1.17)
  2. My Mother Said (Roud 9531) (1.43)
  3. I’m Going to the Mountains (Roud 19997) (1.20)

Ball Songs

  1. Hallaballooo Balloo (Roud 5032) (1.22)
  2. Hallo Hallo Hallo Sir (Roud 19189) (0.31)
  3. 1-2-3-4-5 a Sailor Took a Dive (Roud 20035) (0.09)
  4. Number One I Eat a Bun (Roud 19188) (0.15)
  5. 1-2-3 an a Leerie (Roud 18310) (0.29)
  6. Deanna Durbin (Roud 20034) (0.12)
  7. There Once Was an Indian Lady (Roud 19992) (0.15)

Clapping Songs

  1. 3-6-9 the Goose Drank Wine (Roud 18987) (0.48)
  2. Flea Fly Flo (Roud 16804) (0.48)

Mouth Music Songs

  1. She Has Muckle Beets (Roud 20033) (0.19)
  2. Fa Learnt Ye Tae Dance? (0.18)
  3. Lassie, Is the Bed Made? (Roud 20000) (0.26)
  4. Fairmer Broon (Roud 19982) (0.40)
  5. Wha Sa the Forty-Second? (Roud 13073) (1.07)

Boy-Girl Songs

  1. Butter Platies (Roud 818; G/D 7:1381) (2.44)
  2. Before I Was Married (Roud 654; TYG 33) (0.57)
  3. Come Up and See Ma Garret (Roud 7285) (0.57)
  4. Twelve o’Clock Is Ringing (Roud 12986; G/D 8:1623) (1.03)

Warning Songs

  1. Paddy at the Railway (Roud 13611) (0.15)
  2. Doctor Knox (Roud 20031) (0.13)
  3. Pipe Fu the Hashie Gavals (Roud 20032) (0.22)
  4. Fit Did He Fake Ye? (0.21)

Roch Songs

  1. How I Love Ma Mither-in-Law (Roud 20030) (0.36)
  2. Three Wee Tatties (Roud 19269) (0.13)
  3. Nae Last Nicht But the Nicht Before (Roud 19076) (0.13)
  4. Down in Easter Lane (Roud 20029) (0.20)

Murder and Ghostie Songs

  1. She’s Leaned Her Back (Roud 9; Child 20; G/D 2:193; TYG 73) (2.34)
  2. I Chokit on a Tattie (Roud 19989) (1.07)
  3. Ding Dong the Catholic Bells (Roud 12943) (0.36)
  4. Poor Gracie Is Dead (Roud 797; TYG 88) (0.35)
  5. Mrs Whyte Got a Fright (Roud 18998) (0.21)

Song for a Girl

  1. Come All Ye Campers (Roud 16805) (0.24)

Special Occasions

  1. The Morn’s the Timmer Market (Roud 20028) (0.12)
  2. Christmas Time Is Coming (Roud 12817) (0.20)
  3. Rise Up Auld Wife (Roud 5887; G/D 3:639) (0.15)


  1. Jelly on a Plate (Roud 18314) (0.07)
  2. My Mother and Your Mother (Roud 19058) (0.26)
  3. Eetie Ottle Black Bottle (Roud 19991) (0.15)
  4. Ippety Sippety (Roud 20027) (0.10)
  5. I Think I Think (Roud 19226) (0.12)
  6. Eenie Meenie Mackaracka (Roud 19218) (0.10)


  1. God Save My Auntie Jean (Roud 20026) (0.29)
  2. Found a Peanut (Roud 12779) (1.43)

Childen’s Songs

  1. I Ken Far I’m Gan (0.25)
  2. Queen Mary (Roud 6281; G/D 8:1605; H230) (0.41)

Advertising Songs

  1. Okey Pokey (Roud 13519) (0.18)
  2. Keiller’s Jam (Roud 10929) (0.48)
  3. P K Penny Packet (Roud 19073) (0.11)
  4. We’re Awa tae Torry Rocks (Roud 20025) (0.14)

Songs with Dances

  1. There Were Three Dukes (Roud 8251, 730) (1.02)
  2. I Am a Dolly Dutch Girl (Roud 13205) (0.51)
  3. Far Are Ye Gan? (Roud 277; Laws O17; G/D 4:791; Henry H152, H793) (1.27)
  4. I Am a Sailor Home From Sea (Roud 573) (2.03)

CD 2 The Stories

  1. The Wee Bannock (7.28)
  2. Monkey See (5.07)
  3. Rum Scum Scoosh (8.24)
  4. The Old Woman in the Vinegar Bottle (6.21)
  5. Silly Jack (10.17)
  6. Nippit Fit, Clippit Fit (15.35)
  7. The Lass o Benachie (8.13)
  8. The Tailor (10.38)

> Folk Music > Records > Stanley Robertson: The College Boy

The College Boy

Stanley Robertson: The College Boy (Elphinstone Institute EICD004)

The College Boy
Family gems and jewels from the Traveller tradition
Stanley Robertson (08.06.1940-02.08.2009)

The Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen EICD004 (2 CD, UK, 2009)

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Produced by Thomas A. McKean, with help from Jim Hunter at Beechwood Studios, Peterhead;
Recorded on DAT by Ian Russell;
Edited on ProTools by Thomas A. McKean at the Music Department, University of Aberdeen;
Notes and transcriptions by Stanley Robertson, Thomas A. McKean and Sara Reith;
Cover photograps by Sara Reith and Ian Russell (inset), other photos from Stanley Robertson’s family collection;
CD design by Thomas A. McKean


Stanley Robertson: vocals


CD 1

  1. The Yowe Buchts (Roud 92; Child 217; G/D 4:838) (4.23)
  2. Go Away From My Window (Roud 966) (4.02)
  3. Green the Ganger (Roud 30616) (3.48)
  4. Dark Lours the Night (Roud 22556) (3.01)
  5. Jeannie’s Black Ee (Roud 22557) (2.32)
  6. Lord Gregory (Roud 22558) (2.43)
  7. The Lark (Roud 151) (3.16)
  8. The Prickly Bush (Roud 144; Child 95; G/D 2:248) (3.50)
  9. The Young Lass Gatherin Nuts (Roud 5131) (3.25)
  10. My Love She Passed Me By (Roud 5530; G/D 6:1136) (3.32)
  11. Robin Hood and the Pedlar (Roud 333; Child 132) (2.36)
  12. The Lake o Shaleen (Roud 189; Laws Q33; G/D 2:228; Henry H176) (4.05)
  13. The Shepherd Lad o Rhynie (Roud 5152; G/D 6:1194) (3.41)
  14. The Bonnie Hoose o Airlie (Roud 794; Child 199; G/D 2:233) (5.04)
  15. My Auld Sheen (Roud 154; G/D 6:1198) (4.40)
  16. The Star o Banchory’s Land (Roud 5567) (3.36)
  17. Willie o Winsbury (Roud 64; Child 100; G/D 5:999; Henry H221) (4.24)
  18. Johnny Ma Man (Roud 845; G/D 3:587; Henry H807) (3.51)
  19. My Son David (Roud 200; Child 13; TYG 35) (4.59)

CD 2

  1. Bogie’s Bonnie Belle (Roud 2155; G/D 7:1396) (6.10)
  2. Tullochgorum (Roud 5658) (2.53)
  3. The Seasons (Roud 16929) (1.45)
  4. Glenlogie (Roud 101; Child 238; G/D 5:973) (5.30)
  5. Macdonald of Glencoe (Roud 515; Laws N39; G/D 5:1044; Henry H655) (9.16)
  6. The Dowie Dens o Yarrow (Roud 13; Child 214; G/D 2:215) (5.53)
  7. The Fair o Balnafannan (Roud 2894; G/D 4:873) (2.23)
  8. The Merchant’s Son (Roud 2153; G/D 2:303; TYG 65) (2.47)
  9. Sally Wis a Silly Girl (Roud 269; Laws K43; G/D 7:1429; TYG 10) (1.13)
  10. The Lobster (Roud 149) (1.22)
  11. Lord Donald (Roud 10; Child 12; G/D 2:209; Henry H814) (8.50)
  12. Bonnie Udny (Roud 3450; G/D 6:1089) (3.51)
  13. Gin I Were Far Gaudie Rins (Roud 5404; G/D 6:1223) (2.16)
  14. The Fair Flower o Northumberland (Roud 25; Child 9; G/D 6:1149) (3.14)
  15. The Bonnie Banks o Airdrie (Roud 27; Child 14; G/D 2:199) (3.31)
  16. The College Boy (Roud 31; Laws O35; G/D 6:1222) (4.15)

> Folk Music > Records > Stanley Robertson

Other records with Stanley Robertson

Scots Songs and Music (Springthyme SPR 1001) Various Artists: Scots Songs and Music, LP, Springthyme SPR 1001, 1973

O'er His Grave the Grass Grew Green (Topic TSCD653) Various Artists: O'er His Grave the Grass Grew Green (The Voice of the People Vol. 3), CD, Topic TSCD653, 1998

Tonight I'll Make You My Bride (Topic TSCD656) Various Artists: Tonight I'll Make You My Bride (The Voice of the People Vol. 6), CD, Topic TSCD656, 1998

As Me and My Love Sat Courting (Topic TSCD665) Various Artists: As Me and My Love Sat Courting (The Voice of the People Vol. 15), CD, Topic TSCD665, 1998

Scottish Traditional Tales (Greentrax CDTRAX9017D) Various Artists: Scottish Traditional Tales (Scottish Tradition 17), 2 CD, Greentrax CDTRAX 9017D, 2000

Travellers’ Tales Volume 1 (Kyloe 100) Various Artists: Travellers’ Tales Volume 1, CD, Kyloe 100, 2002

Travellers’ Tales Volume 2 (Kyloe 101) Various Artists: Travellers’ Tales Volume 2, CD, Kyloe 101, 2002

Here's a Health to the Company (Autumn Harvest AH 002) Various Artists: Here's a Health to the Company (Old Songs & Bothy Ballads Volume 1), CD, Autumn Harvest AH 002, 2005

For Friendship and for Harmony (Autumn Harvest AH 003) Various Artists: For Friendship and for Harmony (Old Songs & Bothy Ballads Volume 2), CD, Autumn Harvest AH 003, 2006
