> Folk Music > Records > Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees: EP
Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees: EP
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Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees: EP G&T Records (DL, UK, 2013) |
Photos and artwork by Somhairle MacDonald
Gráinne Brady: fiddle;
Tina Jordan Rees: piano, flute
- Cooking 6/4 / November 9 (4.47)
- Old Sweet / The Velvet Jacket (5.07)
- Where’s the Kitty? / The Dowserford (4.19)
- Winter Sun / Off to Islay (5.13)
Tracks 1ab Tina Jordan Rees
> Folk Music > Records > Top Floor Taivers: EP
Top Floor Taivers: EP
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Top Floor Taivers EP TFT Records (EP, UK, 2014) |
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Barry Reid;
Photography and design by Michael Mairns
Heather Downie: clarsach;
Claire Hastings: vocals, ukulele;
Gráinne Brady: fiddle;
Tina Jordan Rees: piano, flute
- The House at Rosehill (3.42)
- Captain Ward (Roud 224; Child 287; G/D 1:39) / Portherhead Reel (3.15)
- The Rocks o’ Gibraltar (Roud 2174; G/D 6:1118) (4.28)
- The Star o’ the Bar / Toireasa and Uisce’s Waltz (3.35)
Track 1 Claire Hastings;
Tracks 2a, 3 trad.;
Tracks 2b, 4b Gráinne Brady;
Track 4a Davie Robertson
> Folk Music > Records > Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees: High Spirits
Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees: High Spirits
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High Spirits G&T Records GTR001 (DL, UK, 24 August 2015) |
Recorded and mixed by Barry Reid at Carrier Waves, Glasgow;
Mastered by Gordon Gunn;
Photos and artwork by Somhairle MacDonald
Gráinne Brady: fiddle;
Tina Jordan Rees: piano, flute, whistle
Luc McNally: guitar;
Andrew Waite: accordion;
Cameron Maxwell: double bass;
Paul McClure: bodhrán
- Bank Set: Bank of the Erne / Tripod’s Frolics (5.19)
- Islay Jigs: Highland Coos / The Botanist / Drive to Dublin Airport (3.53)
- Tinstring: Tinstring / Pipe Down / The Lismore Session (6.35)
- Polkas: Postman Pa / The Potter’s Wheel / The Cat’s Mother (5.10)
- Superknit: Superknit / The Quartz Jig (4.03)
- Millie’s: Millie’s / The Magician (3.17)
- 5/8s: The Walking Bass / D’Almaine (6.14)
- Two Mad Cats: Two Mad Cats / Sugar Blues (4.47)
- Week 15 (3.07)
- Shetlag: Bob’s Birthday Bash / A New Abode / Shetlag (4.57)
Tracks 1a, 2ac, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7a, 8a,10b Gráinne Brady;
Tracks 1b, 2b, 3bc, 4ac, 5a, 6a, 7b, 8b, 9, 10ac Tina Jordan Rees
> Folk Music > Records > Claire Hastings: Between River and Railway
Claire Hastings: Between River and Railway
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Between River and Railway Luckenbooth Records LUCKEN001CD (CD, UK, 29 April 2016) |
Produced by Ali Hutton;
Recorded by Keir Long and mixed by Andrea Gobbi at Carrier Waves Studio, Glasgow;
Mastered by Stuart Hamilton at Castlesound Studios;
Photography by David Moses at various locations near Rosehill Farm;
Design by Michael Mearns
Claire Hastings: vocals, ukulele;
Jenn Butterworth: guitar, backing vocals;
Laura Wilkie: fiddle;
Andrew Waite: accordion;
Duncan Lyall: bass;
Martin O’Neill: percussion;
Ali Hutton: electric guitar, synthesisers;
Keir Long: keyboards, synthesisers
- The House at Rosehill (3.13)
- The Bothy Lads (Roud 5138) (3.51)
- Son of No One (4.05)
- I Missed the Boat (3.20)
- The Posie (Roud V17116) (4.02)
- Let Ramensky Go (3.57)
- When a Knight Won His Spurs (3.29)
- Annie Laurie (Roud 8179) (2.57)
- The Gretna Girls (2.52)
- Come Spend a While Wi’ Me (5.52)
Tracks 1, 3-4, 9 Claire Hastings;
Track 2 trad.;
Track 5 Robert Burns, music Claire Hastings;
Track 6 Roddy McMillan;
Track 7 Jan Struther;
Track 8 words William Douglas, Lady John Scott, music Lady John Scott;
Track 10 Lionel McClelland
> Folk Music > Records > Top Floor Taivers: A Delicate Game
Top Floor Taivers: A Delicate Game
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A Delicate Game TFT Records TFTR001 (CD, UK, 28 January 2017) |
Produced by Innes Watson and Keir Long;
Recorded and mixed by Keir Long at Carrier Waves Studios, Glasgow;
Mastered by Barry Reid;
Photography by Imagine Images;
Design by Michael Mairns
Claire Hastings: lead vocals, ukulele;
Gráinne Brady: fiddle, vocals;
Heather Downie: clarsach, vocals;
Tina Jordan Rees: piano, vocals;
Tia Files: percussion
- Johnny o’ Braidieslee (Roud 69; Child 114; G/D 2:250) (4.45)
- Princess Roseanna (4.22)
- The False Bride (Roud 154; G/D 6:1198) (5.00)
- Everybody Knows (3.59)
- 1952 Vincent Black Lightning (3.56)
- Jeannie and the Spider (3.31)
- Campfires (4.26)
- The Ramblin’ Rover (3.33)
- Ten Little Men (4.20)
Tracks 1, 3 trad.;
Track 2 Findlay Napier;
Track 4 Leonard Cohen;
Track 5 Richard Thompson;
Track 6 Heather & Alasdair Downie;
Track 7 Aaron Fyfe;
Track 8 Andy M. Stewart;
Track 9 Claire Hastings
> Folk Music > Records > Heather Downie: Nae Sweets for Shy Bairns
Heather Downie: Nae Sweets for Shy Bairns
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Nae Sweets for Shy Bairns HBoss Records HBRCD01 (CD, UK, 29 January 2018) |
Produced by Corrina Hewat;
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Stuart Hamilton at Castlesound Studios;
Photography by Imagine Images:
Design and layout by Van Gill Media
Heather Downie: harp, vocals;
Tia Files: percussion, guitar;
Corrina Hewat: vocals [5]
- For the Love of Levers: Lady Muck MacKay / Stalky Nightmare (5.05)
- Niel Gow’s Lament for the Death of His Second Wife (3.42)
- The Best of Us (3.54)
- William and Wizards: William the Conqueror / Wizard’s Walk (4.53)
- Stronger Than You Know (5.03)
- Midnight: A Tune for Emily Ball / Midnight Tramp (3.39)
- The Field of Gold: Piobaireachd (7.08)
- Messed Up Marches: Fingal’s Cave / Midtown March (4.10)
- Under the Stars (4.53)
Tracks 1a, 6b Tia Files;
Tracks 1b, 4a, 8b, 9 Heather Downie;
Track 2 Niel Gow;
Track 3 Heather Downie, Alasdair Downie;
Track 4b Jay Ungar;
Track 5 Corrina Hewat;
Track 6a Aidan O’Rourke;
Track 7 Donald MacLeod;
Track 8a trad.
> Folk Music > Records > Claire Hastings: Those Who Roam
Claire Hastings: Those Who Roam
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Those Who Roam Luckenbooth Records LUCKEN002CD (CD, UK, 18 January 2019) |
Produced by Inge Thomson;
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Stuart Hamilton at Castlesound Studios;
Photography by David Moses and Holly Burns;
Artwork by Michael Mearns
Claire Hastings: vocals, ukulele;
Jenn Butterworth: guitar;
Laura Wilkie: fiddle;
Thomas Gibbs: piano;
Andrew Waite: accordion
- The Lothian Hairst (Roud 2165; G/D 3:404) (4.44)
- Jack the Sailor (Roud 268; Laws N7; G/D 1:171, 1:172) (3.50)
- Seven Gypsies (Roud 1; Child 200; G/D 2:278; Henry H124) (3.33)
- Sailin’s a Weary Life (Roud 273; Laws K12; G/D 6:1245) (4.16)
- Fair Weather Beggar (4.28)
- Logie o’ Buchan (Roud 1994; G/D 4:828) (4.16)
- Noble Helen of Cluden (4.17)
- Jamie Raeburn (Roud 600; G/D 8:1535; Henry H151) (4.15)
- King of California (4.00)
- Ten Thousand Miles (Roud 422) (2.53)
All tracks trad. except
Track 2 verses 11 and 13 Claire Hastings;
Tracks 5, 7 Claire Hastings;
Track 6 George Halket (1736-1756);
Track 9 Dave Alvin
Clair Hastings sings her song Fair Weather Beggar:
> Folk Music > Records > Gráinne Brady: The Road Across the Hills
Gráinne Brady: The Road Across the Hills
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The Road Across the Hills Cailín Records CFM01CD (CD, UK, 22 February 2019) The Road Across the Hills (Original Soundtrack) Cailín Records (DL, UK, 3 July 2020) |
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Produced by Gráinne Brady and Mike Vass;
Recorded and mixed by Mike Vass at GloWorm Recording and Rusty Squash Horn Studios;
Mastered by Iain Hutchison at GloWorm Recording;
Artwork by Somhairle MacDonald
Gráinne Brady: fiddle;
Andrew Waite: piano accordion;
Innes White: guitar, mandolin, tenor guitar;
Steve Forman: percussion;
Megan Henderson: violin;
Feargus Hetherington: viola;
Su-a Lee: cello;
Jack Houston: spoken word
- The Glen (5.17)
- The Road Across the Hills (3.27)
- Fields of Renfrewshire (4.27)
- Norah Ryan (4.56)
- Moleskin Joe (3.25)
- The Navvy of Kinlochleven (3.57)
- Winter (4.35)
- The Search (4.48)
- The Flower of Danaveen (3.35)
- The Woe of It (3.36)
All tunes written by Gráinne Brady
With A Navvy’s Philosophy and The Woe of It by Patrick MacGill
> Folk Music > Records > Claire Hastings: Bonnie Gallowa’
Claire Hastings: Bonnie Gallowa’
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Bonnie Gallowa’ Luckenbooth Records (DL single, UK, 5 March 2020) |
> Folk Music > Records > Gráinne Brady: The Little Thatched Cabin
Gráinne Brady: The Little Thatched Cabin
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The Little Thatched Cabin Cailín Records (DL single, UK, 6 November 2020) |
Recorded and mixed by Gráinne Brady
Gráinne Brady: voclas, strings, tenor guitar;
Michael Biggins, piano;
Claire Hastings, backing vocals
- The Little Thatched Cabin (Roud 8121; Henry H91) (4.05)
All tracks trad.
> Folk Music > Records > Gráinne Brady: Newcomer
Gráinne Brady: Newcomer
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Newcomer Cailín Records CFM02CD (CD, UK, 26 March 2021) |
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In the Lane Cailín Records (DL single, UK, 20 April 2020) Newcomer Cailín Records (DL single, UK, 5 June 2020) |
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The music for this album was inspired by Irish writer Patrick MacGill’s second novel The Rat-Pit. Set at the turn of the 20th century, it tells the story of Norah Ryan who emigrated from Donegal to Scotland in search of a better life. A devout and intelligent young woman, Norah was nevertheless vulnerable to poverty, sexual exploitation, and great emotional loss.
Produced by Gráinne Brady and Mike Vass;
Recorded and mixed by Mike Vass
at GloWorm Recording, Cailín Studios and Rusty Squash Horn Studios;
Mastered by Peter Beckmann at TechnologyWorks;
Artwork by Somhairle MacDonald
Folk Radio UK review by Johnny Whalley
Gráinne Brady: fiddle, vocals;
Michael Biggins: piano;
Seonaid Aitken: violin;
Sarah Leonard: viola;
Su-a Lee: cello;
Christine McGinley: French horn;
Steve Forman: percussion, sound effects;
Innes White: guitar
Andrew Waite: piano accordion [2, 4-5, 10];
Tina Jordan Rees: flute [7, 8];
Claire Hastings: vocals [6];
Jack Houston: spoken word [1, 2, 7, 10],
fiddle [10]
- Turn of the Tide (5.09)
- The Bansho (3.49)
- By and By (4.07)
- Onwards (3.44)
- In the Lane (3.55)
- Unfulfilled (3.49)
- Newcomer (5.21)
- Abyss (4.36)
- The Bootless Bairn (3.57)
- Atone (4.55)
All music composed and arranged by Gráinne Brady
except Buttermilk Mary trad. on track 10;
All words written by Patrick MacGill
except track 3 written by Gráinne Brady
> Folk Music > Records > Tina Jordan Rees: Beatha
Tina Jordan Rees: Beatha
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Beatha Tina Jordan Rees TJR005CD (CD, UK, 24 June 2021) |
Recorded and mixed by Euan Burton at GloWorm Recording;
Mastered by Barry Reid at Rose Croft Studio;
Artwork and photography by Elly Lucas
Tina Jordan Rees: flute, whistles, piano;
Lea Larsen: bodhrán;
Seán Gray: guitar, electric guitar;
James Lindsay: double bass
- The Squirrel Returns / KPC (4.36)
- Ducks at Luss / House 108 (4.39)
- G’s Reel / Tripod’s Frolics / Nan Lian Garden (4.04)
- Copenhagen Cycles / Visits from Stanley (4.35)
- Seán and Paul’s Welcome Back to The Weeg / Beach Party / Fuinneamh (4.28)
- The Cable Cars / Ngong Ping Brolly / Rainbow Flats (5.40)
- Phuket Tuk Tuk / Superknit (4.07)
- Beatha / Sunset Skies (4.05)
- Ugly Sea / The New Inn / Ubiquitous Tunes (4.40)
- Erik’s / Cooking 6/4 (4.16)
All music composed by Tina Jordan Rees
> Folk Music > Records > Claire Hastings: Lullabies From Scotland
Claire Hastings: Lullabies From Scotland
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Lullabies From Scotland Luckenbooth Records LUCKEN003CD (CD, UK, 30 June 2023) Dream Angus Luckenbooth Records (DL single, UK, 31 May 2023) |
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Produced by Innes White;
Recorded by Carla Feuerstein at GloWorm Recording, Glasgow;
Mastered by Andrea Gobbi at Carrier Waves Mastering;
Photography by Elly Lucas;
Illustration by Fiona Black;
Design by Michael Mearns
Tradfolk review by Billy Rough
Claire Hastings: vocals;
Tina Jordan Rees: piano, flute;
Charlie Stewart: fiddle, double bass;
Signy Jacobsdottir: percussion;
Alice Allen: cello;
Tob Gibbs: piano;
Innes White: guitar
- Dream Angus (4.39)
- My Little One (3.45)
- Gille Beag Ò (Little Boy O) (4.01)
- Ca’ the Yowes (Roud 857; G/D 5:1014; Henry H175) (4.45)
- Coorie Doon (4.24)
- The Bressay Lullaby (Roud 25914) (3.31)
- Matthew’s Lullabye (4.04)
- Minnie o’ Shirva’s Cradle Song (Roud 30665) (3.41)
- Cradle Lullaby (3.20)
Track 1 George Churchill;
Track 2 Claire Hastings;
Track 4 Robert Burns;
Track 5 Matt McGinn
Claire Hastings sings Dream Angus:
> Folk Music > Records > Claire Hastings
Other records with Claire Hastings
RSAMD students:
The Future of Our Past: Scottish Music at the RSAMD 2010,
CD, Greentrax CDTRAX357, 2010
Various Artists:
TMSA Young Trad Tour 2015,
CD, TMSA TMSA15, 2016
Various Artists:
The Complete Songs of Robert Tannahill Volume IV,
CD, Brechin All CDBAR029, 2017
Various Artists:
TMSA Young Trad Tour 2016,
CD, TMSA TMSA16, 2017
CD, Talisk TALISK02CD, 2018
Various Artists:
Sense of the Place,
CD, Stonehaven Folk Club SFC001, 2021
Various Artists:
Robert Tannahill Songs Volume CCL,
CD, Duende CDBAR025, 2024
> Folk Music > Records > Heather Downie
Other records with Heather Downie
Margaret Bennett:
Take the Road to Aberfeldy,
CD, Grace Note GNPCD0001, 2007
Various Artists:
TMSA Young Trad Tour 2015,
CD, TMSA TMSA15, 2016
Corrina Hewat:
Song of Oak and Ivy,
CD, Big Bash BBRCD020, 21 January 2025
> Folk Music > Records > Gráinne Brady and Tina Jordan Rees
Other records with Gráinne Brady and Tina Jordan Rees
The Islay Sessioners:
Mac Ìle: The Music of Fraser Shaw,
CD, Fraser Shaw Trust FSTCD001, 2017