> Folk Music > Records > Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees: EP

Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees: EP

Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees: EP (G&T)

Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees: EP
Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees

G&T Records (DL, UK, 2013)

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Photos and artwork by Somhairle MacDonald


Gráinne Brady: fiddle;
Tina Jordan Rees: piano, flute


  1. Cooking 6/4 / November 9 (4.47)
  2. Old Sweet / The Velvet Jacket (5.07)
  3. Where’s the Kitty? / The Dowserford (4.19)
  4. Winter Sun / Off to Islay (5.13)

Tracks 1ab Tina Jordan Rees

> Folk Music > Records > Top Floor Taivers: EP

Top Floor Taivers: EP

Top Floor Taivers EP (TFT)

Top Floor Taivers EP
Top Floor Taivers

TFT Records (EP, UK, 2014)

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Recorded, mixed and mastered by Barry Reid;
Photography and design by Michael Mairns


Heather Downie: clarsach;
Claire Hastings: vocals, ukulele;
Gráinne Brady: fiddle;
Tina Jordan Rees: piano, flute


  1. The House at Rosehill (3.42)
  2. Captain Ward (Roud 224; Child 287; G/D 1:39) / Portherhead Reel (3.15)
  3. The Rocks o’ Gibraltar (Roud 2174; G/D 6:1118) (4.28)
  4. The Star o’ the Bar / Toireasa and Uisce’s Waltz (3.35)

Track 1 Claire Hastings;
Tracks 2a, 3 trad.;
Tracks 2b, 4b Gráinne Brady;
Track 4a Davie Robertson

> Folk Music > Records > Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees: High Spirits

Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees: High Spirits

Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees: High Spirits (G&T GTR001)

High Spirits
Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees

G&T Records GTR001 (DL, UK, 24 August 2015)

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Recorded and mixed by Barry Reid at Carrier Waves, Glasgow;
Mastered by Gordon Gunn;
Photos and artwork by Somhairle MacDonald


Gráinne Brady: fiddle;
Tina Jordan Rees: piano, flute, whistle

Luc McNally: guitar;
Andrew Waite: accordion;
Cameron Maxwell: double bass;
Paul McClure: bodhrán


  1. Bank Set: Bank of the Erne / Tripod’s Frolics (5.19)
  2. Islay Jigs: Highland Coos / The Botanist / Drive to Dublin Airport (3.53)
  3. Tinstring: Tinstring / Pipe Down / The Lismore Session (6.35)
  4. Polkas: Postman Pa / The Potter’s Wheel / The Cat’s Mother (5.10)
  5. Superknit: Superknit / The Quartz Jig (4.03)
  6. Millie’s: Millie’s / The Magician (3.17)
  7. 5/8s: The Walking Bass / D’Almaine (6.14)
  8. Two Mad Cats: Two Mad Cats / Sugar Blues (4.47)
  9. Week 15 (3.07)
  10. Shetlag: Bob’s Birthday Bash / A New Abode / Shetlag (4.57)

Tracks 1a, 2ac, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7a, 8a,10b Gráinne Brady;
Tracks 1b, 2b, 3bc, 4ac, 5a, 6a, 7b, 8b, 9, 10ac Tina Jordan Rees

> Folk Music > Records > Claire Hastings: Between River and Railway

Claire Hastings: Between River and Railway

Claire Hastings: Between River and Railway (Luckenbooth LUCKEN001CD)

Between River and Railway
Claire Hastings

Luckenbooth Records LUCKEN001CD (CD, UK, 29 April 2016)

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Produced by Ali Hutton;
Recorded by Keir Long and mixed by Andrea Gobbi at Carrier Waves Studio, Glasgow;
Mastered by Stuart Hamilton at Castlesound Studios;
Photography by David Moses at various locations near Rosehill Farm;
Design by Michael Mearns


Claire Hastings: vocals, ukulele;
Jenn Butterworth: guitar, backing vocals;
Laura Wilkie: fiddle;
Andrew Waite: accordion;
Duncan Lyall: bass;
Martin O’Neill: percussion;
Ali Hutton: electric guitar, synthesisers;
Keir Long: keyboards, synthesisers


  1. The House at Rosehill (3.13)
  2. The Bothy Lads (Roud 5138) (3.51)
  3. Son of No One (4.05)
  4. I Missed the Boat (3.20)
  5. The Posie (Roud V17116) (4.02)
  6. Let Ramensky Go (3.57)
  7. When a Knight Won His Spurs (3.29)
  8. Annie Laurie (Roud 8179) (2.57)
  9. The Gretna Girls (2.52)
  10. Come Spend a While Wi’ Me (5.52)

Tracks 1, 3-4, 9 Claire Hastings;
Track 2 trad.;
Track 5 Robert Burns, music Claire Hastings;
Track 6 Roddy McMillan;
Track 7 Jan Struther;
Track 8 words William Douglas, Lady John Scott, music Lady John Scott;
Track 10 Lionel McClelland


> Folk Music > Records > Top Floor Taivers: A Delicate Game

Top Floor Taivers: A Delicate Game

Top Floor Taivers A Delicate Game (TFT Records TFTR001)

A Delicate Game
Top Floor Taivers

TFT Records TFTR001 (CD, UK, 28 January 2017)

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Produced by Innes Watson and Keir Long;
Recorded and mixed by Keir Long at Carrier Waves Studios, Glasgow;
Mastered by Barry Reid;
Photography by Imagine Images;
Design by Michael Mairns


Claire Hastings: lead vocals, ukulele;
Gráinne Brady: fiddle, vocals;
Heather Downie: clarsach, vocals;
Tina Jordan Rees: piano, vocals;
Tia Files: percussion


  1. Johnny o’ Braidieslee (Roud 69; Child 114; G/D 2:250) (4.45)
  2. Princess Roseanna (4.22)
  3. The False Bride (Roud 154; G/D 6:1198) (5.00)
  4. Everybody Knows (3.59)
  5. 1952 Vincent Black Lightning (3.56)
  6. Jeannie and the Spider (3.31)
  7. Campfires (4.26)
  8. The Ramblin’ Rover (3.33)
  9. Ten Little Men (4.20)

Tracks 1, 3 trad.;
Track 2 Findlay Napier;
Track 4 Leonard Cohen;
Track 5 Richard Thompson;
Track 6 Heather & Alasdair Downie;
Track 7 Aaron Fyfe;
Track 8 Andy M. Stewart;
Track 9 Claire Hastings

> Folk Music > Records > Heather Downie: Nae Sweets for Shy Bairns

Heather Downie: Nae Sweets for Shy Bairns

Heather Downie: Nae Sweets for Shy Bairns (HBoss HBRCD01)

Nae Sweets for Shy Bairns
Heather Downie

HBoss Records HBRCD01 (CD, UK, 29 January 2018)

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Produced by Corrina Hewat;
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Stuart Hamilton at Castlesound Studios;
Photography by Imagine Images:
Design and layout by Van Gill Media


Heather Downie: harp, vocals;
Tia Files: percussion, guitar;
Corrina Hewat: vocals [5]


  1. For the Love of Levers: Lady Muck MacKay / Stalky Nightmare (5.05)
  2. Niel Gow’s Lament for the Death of His Second Wife (3.42)
  3. The Best of Us (3.54)
  4. William and Wizards: William the Conqueror / Wizard’s Walk (4.53)
  5. Stronger Than You Know (5.03)
  6. Midnight: A Tune for Emily Ball / Midnight Tramp (3.39)
  7. The Field of Gold: Piobaireachd (7.08)
  8. Messed Up Marches: Fingal’s Cave / Midtown March (4.10)
  9. Under the Stars (4.53)

Tracks 1a, 6b Tia Files;
Tracks 1b, 4a, 8b, 9 Heather Downie;
Track 2 Niel Gow;
Track 3 Heather Downie, Alasdair Downie;
Track 4b Jay Ungar;
Track 5 Corrina Hewat;
Track 6a Aidan O’Rourke;
Track 7 Donald MacLeod;
Track 8a trad.

> Folk Music > Records > Claire Hastings: Those Who Roam

Claire Hastings: Those Who Roam

Claire Hastings: Those Who Roam (Luckenbooth LUCKEN002CD)

Those Who Roam
Claire Hastings

Luckenbooth Records LUCKEN002CD (CD, UK, 18 January 2019)

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Produced by Inge Thomson;
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Stuart Hamilton at Castlesound Studios;
Photography by David Moses and Holly Burns;
Artwork by Michael Mearns


Claire Hastings: vocals, ukulele;
Jenn Butterworth: guitar;
Laura Wilkie: fiddle;
Thomas Gibbs: piano;
Andrew Waite: accordion


  1. The Lothian Hairst (Roud 2165; G/D 3:404) (4.44)
  2. Jack the Sailor (Roud 268; Laws N7; G/D 1:171, 1:172) (3.50)
  3. Seven Gypsies (Roud 1; Child 200; G/D 2:278; Henry H124) (3.33)
  4. Sailin’s a Weary Life (Roud 273; Laws K12; G/D 6:1245) (4.16)
  5. Fair Weather Beggar (4.28)
  6. Logie o’ Buchan (Roud 1994; G/D 4:828) (4.16)
  7. Noble Helen of Cluden (4.17)
  8. Jamie Raeburn (Roud 600; G/D 8:1535; Henry H151) (4.15)
  9. King of California (4.00)
  10. Ten Thousand Miles (Roud 422) (2.53)

All tracks trad. except
Track 2 verses 11 and 13 Claire Hastings;
Tracks 5, 7 Claire Hastings;
Track 6 George Halket (1736-1756);
Track 9 Dave Alvin


Clair Hastings sings her song Fair Weather Beggar:

> Folk Music > Records > Gráinne Brady: The Road Across the Hills

Gráinne Brady: The Road Across the Hills

Gráinne Brady: The Road Across the Hills (Cailín CFM01CD)

The Road Across the Hills
Gráinne Brady

Cailín Records CFM01CD (CD, UK, 22 February 2019)

The Road Across the Hills (Original Soundtrack)
Gráinne Brady

Cailín Records (DL, UK, 3 July 2020)

Gráinne Brady: The Road Across the Hills, Original Soundtrack (Cailín)
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Produced by Gráinne Brady and Mike Vass;
Recorded and mixed by Mike Vass at GloWorm Recording and Rusty Squash Horn Studios;
Mastered by Iain Hutchison at GloWorm Recording;
Artwork by Somhairle MacDonald


Gráinne Brady: fiddle;
Andrew Waite: piano accordion;
Innes White: guitar, mandolin, tenor guitar;
Steve Forman: percussion;
Megan Henderson: violin;
Feargus Hetherington: viola;
Su-a Lee: cello;
Jack Houston: spoken word


  1. The Glen (5.17)
  2. The Road Across the Hills (3.27)
  3. Fields of Renfrewshire (4.27)
  4. Norah Ryan (4.56)
  5. Moleskin Joe (3.25)
  6. The Navvy of Kinlochleven (3.57)
  7. Winter (4.35)
  8. The Search (4.48)
  9. The Flower of Danaveen (3.35)
  10. The Woe of It (3.36)

All tunes written by Gráinne Brady
With A Navvy’s Philosophy and The Woe of It by Patrick MacGill

> Folk Music > Records > Claire Hastings: Bonnie Gallowa’

Claire Hastings: Bonnie Gallowa’

Claire Hastings: Bonnie Gallowa’ (Luckenbooth)

Bonnie Gallowa’
Claire Hastings

Luckenbooth Records (DL single, UK, 5 March 2020)

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Claire Hastings: vocals, guitar


  1. Bonnie Gallowa’ (RoudBS B2934) (2.26)

> Folk Music > Records > Gráinne Brady: The Little Thatched Cabin

Gráinne Brady: The Little Thatched Cabin

Gráinne Brady: The Little Thatched Cabin (Cailín)

The Little Thatched Cabin
Gráinne Brady

Cailín Records (DL single, UK, 6 November 2020)

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Recorded and mixed by Gráinne Brady


Gráinne Brady: voclas, strings, tenor guitar;
Michael Biggins, piano;
Claire Hastings, backing vocals


  1. The Little Thatched Cabin (Roud 8121; Henry H91) (4.05)

All tracks trad.

> Folk Music > Records > Gráinne Brady: Newcomer

Gráinne Brady: Newcomer

Gráinne Brady: Newcomer (Cailín CFM02CD)

Gráinne Brady

Cailín Records CFM02CD (CD, UK, 26 March 2021)

Gráinne Brady: In the Lane (Cailín)

In the Lane
Gráinne Brady

Cailín Records (DL single, UK, 20 April 2020)

Gráinne Brady

Cailín Records (DL single, UK, 5 June 2020)

Gráinne Brady: Newcomer (Cailín)
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The music for this album was inspired by Irish writer Patrick MacGill’s second novel The Rat-Pit. Set at the turn of the 20th century, it tells the story of Norah Ryan who emigrated from Donegal to Scotland in search of a better life. A devout and intelligent young woman, Norah was nevertheless vulnerable to poverty, sexual exploitation, and great emotional loss.

Produced by Gráinne Brady and Mike Vass;
Recorded and mixed by Mike Vass at GloWorm Recording, Cailín Studios and Rusty Squash Horn Studios;
Mastered by Peter Beckmann at TechnologyWorks;
Artwork by Somhairle MacDonald

Folk Radio UK review by Johnny Whalley


Gráinne Brady: fiddle, vocals;
Michael Biggins: piano;
Seonaid Aitken: violin;
Sarah Leonard: viola;
Su-a Lee: cello;
Christine McGinley: French horn;
Steve Forman: percussion, sound effects;
Innes White: guitar

Andrew Waite: piano accordion [2, 4-5, 10];
Tina Jordan Rees: flute [7, 8];
Claire Hastings: vocals [6];
Jack Houston: spoken word [1, 2, 7, 10], fiddle [10]


  1. Turn of the Tide (5.09)
  2. The Bansho (3.49)
  3. By and By (4.07)
  4. Onwards (3.44)
  5. In the Lane (3.55)
  6. Unfulfilled (3.49)
  7. Newcomer (5.21)
  8. Abyss (4.36)
  9. The Bootless Bairn (3.57)
  10. Atone (4.55)

All music composed and arranged by Gráinne Brady except Buttermilk Mary trad. on track 10;
All words written by Patrick MacGill except track 3 written by Gráinne Brady

> Folk Music > Records > Tina Jordan Rees: Beatha

Tina Jordan Rees: Beatha

Tina Jordan Rees: Beatha (Tina Jordan Rees TJR005CD)

Tina Jordan Rees

Tina Jordan Rees TJR005CD (CD, UK, 24 June 2021)

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Recorded and mixed by Euan Burton at GloWorm Recording;
Mastered by Barry Reid at Rose Croft Studio;
Artwork and photography by Elly Lucas


Tina Jordan Rees: flute, whistles, piano;
Lea Larsen: bodhrán;
Seán Gray: guitar, electric guitar;
James Lindsay: double bass


  1. The Squirrel Returns / KPC (4.36)
  2. Ducks at Luss / House 108 (4.39)
  3. G’s Reel / Tripod’s Frolics / Nan Lian Garden (4.04)
  4. Copenhagen Cycles / Visits from Stanley (4.35)
  5. Seán and Paul’s Welcome Back to The Weeg / Beach Party / Fuinneamh (4.28)
  6. The Cable Cars / Ngong Ping Brolly / Rainbow Flats (5.40)
  7. Phuket Tuk Tuk / Superknit (4.07)
  8. Beatha / Sunset Skies (4.05)
  9. Ugly Sea / The New Inn / Ubiquitous Tunes (4.40)
  10. Erik’s / Cooking 6/4 (4.16)

All music composed by Tina Jordan Rees

> Folk Music > Records > Claire Hastings: Lullabies From Scotland

Claire Hastings: Lullabies From Scotland

Claire Hastings: Lullabies From Scotland (Luckenbooth LUCKEN003CD)

Lullabies From Scotland
Claire Hastings

Luckenbooth Records LUCKEN003CD (CD, UK, 30 June 2023)

Dream Angus
Claire Hastings

Luckenbooth Records (DL single, UK, 31 May 2023)

Claire Hastings: Dream Angus (Luckenbooth)
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Produced by Innes White;
Recorded by Carla Feuerstein at GloWorm Recording, Glasgow;
Mastered by Andrea Gobbi at Carrier Waves Mastering;
Photography by Elly Lucas;
Illustration by Fiona Black;
Design by Michael Mearns

Tradfolk review by Billy Rough


Claire Hastings: vocals;
Tina Jordan Rees: piano, flute;
Charlie Stewart: fiddle, double bass;
Signy Jacobsdottir: percussion;
Alice Allen: cello;
Tob Gibbs: piano;
Innes White: guitar


  1. Dream Angus (4.39)
  2. My Little One (3.45)
  3. Gille Beag Ò (Little Boy O) (4.01)
  4. Ca’ the Yowes (Roud 857; G/D 5:1014; Henry H175) (4.45)
  5. Coorie Doon (4.24)
  6. The Bressay Lullaby (Roud 25914) (3.31)
  7. Matthew’s Lullabye (4.04)
  8. Minnie o’ Shirva’s Cradle Song (Roud 30665) (3.41)
  9. Cradle Lullaby (3.20)

Track 1 George Churchill;
Track 2 Claire Hastings;
Track 4 Robert Burns;
Track 5 Matt McGinn


Claire Hastings sings Dream Angus:

> Folk Music > Records > Claire Hastings

Other records with Claire Hastings

The Future of Our Past (Greentrax CDTRAX357) RSAMD students: The Future of Our Past: Scottish Music at the RSAMD 2010, CD, Greentrax CDTRAX357, 2010

TMSA Young Trad Tour 2015 (TMSA TMSA15) Various Artists: TMSA Young Trad Tour 2015, CD, TMSA TMSA15, 2016

The Complete Songs of Robert Tannahill Volume IV (Brechin All CDBAR029) Various Artists: The Complete Songs of Robert Tannahill Volume IV, CD, Brechin All CDBAR029, 2017

TMSA Young Trad Tour 2016 (TMSA TMSA16) Various Artists: TMSA Young Trad Tour 2016, CD, TMSA TMSA16, 2017

Talisk: Beyond (Talisk TALISK02CD) Talisk: Beyond, CD, Talisk TALISK02CD, 2018

Sense of the Place (Stonehaven Folk Club SFC001) Various Artists: Sense of the Place, CD, Stonehaven Folk Club SFC001, 2021

Robert Tannahill Songs Volume CCL (Duende CDBAR025) Various Artists: Robert Tannahill Songs Volume CCL, CD, Duende CDBAR025, 2024

> Folk Music > Records > Heather Downie

Other records with Heather Downie

Margaret Bennett: Take the Road to Aberfeldy (Grace Note GNPCD0001) Margaret Bennett: Take the Road to Aberfeldy, CD, Grace Note GNPCD0001, 2007

TMSA Young Trad Tour 2015 (TMSA TMSA15) Various Artists: TMSA Young Trad Tour 2015, CD, TMSA TMSA15, 2016

Corrina Hewat: Song of Oak and Ivy (Big Bash BBRCD020) Corrina Hewat: Song of Oak and Ivy, CD, Big Bash BBRCD020, 21 January 2025

> Folk Music > Records > Gráinne Brady and Tina Jordan Rees

Other records with Gráinne Brady and Tina Jordan Rees

Mac Ìle: The Music of Fraser Shaw (Fraser Shaw Trust FSTCD001) The Islay Sessioners: Mac Ìle: The Music of Fraser Shaw, CD, Fraser Shaw Trust FSTCD001, 2017