> Folk Music > Records > Up in the North and Down in the South

Up in the North and Down in the South

Up in the North and Down in the South (Musical Traditions MTCD311/2)

Up in the North and Down in the South
Songs and Music From the Mike Yates Collection: 1964-2000
Various Artists

Musical Traditions Records MTCD311/2 (2 CD, UK, 2001)

Recorded by Mike Yates in 1964-2000;
Notes by Mike Yates


Willie Beattie, Bob Blake, Harry Cockerill, Bill Dore, Johnny Doughty, Jacquey Gabriel, Jack Goodban, Frank Hinchliffe, Jimmy McBeath, George ‘Tom’ Newman, Freda Palmer, Walter Pardon, George Spicer, Harry Upton, Vicky Whelan, Bill Whiting


CD 1

  1. Harry Upton: A Single Life (Roud 952) (3.42)
  2.  — : The Wreck of the ‘Northfleet’ (Roud 1174) (6.55)
  3.  — : The Feckless Young Girl (Roud 1734) (3.29)
  4.  — : Canadee-I-O (Roud 309; Laws C17; Henry H162) (5.47)
  5. Jacquey Gabriel: Giles Collins * (Roud 147; Child 85) (3.49)
  6. Bob Blake: The Basket of Eggs (Roud 377; G/D 2:307) (4.15)
  7.  — : The Grey Hawk (Roud 293) (2.07)
  8.  — : Our Sheepshearing’s Done (Roud 1379) (2.50)
  9.  — : Dorsetshire George * (Roud 3196) (2.21)
  10. Harry Cockerill: Buttered Peas * (1.59)
  11.  — : Two Unnamed Jigs * (1.49)
  12.  — : Lady of the Lake * (2.02)
  13. George ‘Tom’ Newman: Sing Ovy, Sing Ivy (Roud 21093; TYG 23) (2.37)
  14.  — : The Tree in the Wood (Roud 129; G/D 8:1668) (3.27)
  15. Vickie Whelan: There Was a Lady Dressed in Green * (Roud 9; Child 20; G/D 2:193; TYG 73) (1.12)
  16. Johnny Doughty: The Sailor’s Alphabet (Roud 21100) (2.53)
  17.  — : Dick Turpin (Roud 8094) / Let Her Go Back (Roud 653) (2.10)
  18.  — : My Boy Billy (Roud 326; Child 12 App.) (1.27)
  19. Willie Beattie: Johnny Armstrong * (Roud 76; Child 169) (4.49)
  20.  — : The Dowie Dens o’ Yarrow * (Roud 13; Child 214; G/D 2:215) (2.59)
  21.  — : Kinmont Willie * (Roud 4013; Child 186) (4.58)
  22.  — : The Brundenlaws * (Roud 9257) (3.09)
  23. Bill Dore: Jolly Jorge (Roud 1738) (2.16)

CD 2

  1. George Spicer: Cut Away Mike (Roud 1711) (1.32)
  2.  — : The Blackberry Fold (Roud 559; Laws O10) (3.51)
  3.  — : Henry, My Son (Roud 10; Child 12; G/D 2:209; Henry H814) (2.21)
  4.  — : Searching for Young Lambs (Roud 1437; Laws O9; G/D 5:966) (2.05)
  5.  — : The Lily-White Hand (Roud 564; Laws P18; G/D 6:1188) (3.05)
  6.  — : My Old Man * (Roud 3550) (2.14)
  7. Freda Palmer: The Fox and the Grey Goose (Roud 131; G/D 3:499; Henry H38) (1.51)
  8.  — : Oxford City (Roud 218; Laws P30; G/D 2:210) (2.22)
  9.  — : Up in the North (Roud 582; Laws P3; G/D 4:895) (3.00)
  10.  — : William and Mary (Roud 348; Laws N28; G/D 5:1035; Henry H118) (1.34)
  11.  — : As I Was a-Walking (Roud 965) (1.30)
  12. Bill Whiting: The Broken-Down Gentleman (Roud 383) (1.30)
  13.  — : I’m Going to the Woods (Roud 236) (1.42)
  14.  — : The Knife in the Window * (Roud 32572) (2.48)
  15. Harry Cockerill: Huntsman’s Chorus * (2.11)
  16.  — : Varsovienne * (2.06)
  17.  — : Barndance Medley * (4.46)
  18. Frank Hinchliffe: The Spotted Cow (Roud 956) (1.41)
  19.  — : Sheffield Park (Roud 860) (3.47)
  20.  — : It Hails, It Rains (Roud 608; G/D 5:983; TYG 36) (1.31)
  21.  — : The Golden Glove (Roud 141; Laws N20; G/D 1:166; Henry H524) (4.52)
  22.  — : The Green Mossy Banks of the Lea (Roud 987; Laws O15) (3.04)
  23.  — : The Nobleman and the Thresherman (Roud 19; G/D 3:437; Henry H622) (3.21)
  24.  — : Nothing Else to Do (Roud 1265) (1.58)
  25. Walter Pardon: Poor Roger is Dead * (Roud 797; TYG 88) (1.17)
  26. Jack Goodban: The Aylesbury Girl (Roud 364) (2.25)
  27.  — : The Shannon Frigate (Roud 963; Laws J22) (3.24)
  28. Jimmy McBeath: The Farmer in Cheshire * (Roud 2638; Laws L2) (2.03)
  29.  — : Down on the Magdalen Green * (Roud 2893) (2.26)
  30.  — : A Comic Song * (Roud 16884) (1.17)

* previously unreleased