> Folk Music > Books > Ralph Dunstan: Cornish Song Book

Cornish Song Book

Ralph Dunstan: Cornish Song Book

Ralph Dunstan,
Cornish Song Book.
Lyver Canow Kernewek.
London: Reid Bros Ltd., 1929

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The Songs

The songs are referenced by page numbers.

Part I. and Appendix

Songs With Cornish Words

  1. Dew Saw'n Myghtern (God Save the Queen)
  2. Bro Goth Agan Tasow (Land of My Fathers)
  3. Arta Ef a-Dhe (He Shall Come Again)
  4. Can Kerth Tus Kernow Goth
  5. Dynergh dhe Dus a Vretan Vyghan (A Welcome to the Bretons)
  6. Kernow agan Mamvro (Cornwall Our Motherland)
  7. Yeghes da dhe'n Myghtern (Here’s Health to the King}
  8. Trelawny (I)
  9. Can an Pescajor Kernewek (Cornish Fisherman’s Hymn)
  10. Sol-a-Brys (Auld Lang Syne) (Roud 13892)
  11. Grassyans Kens es Debry Bus (A Cornish “Grace”)

Songs, etc. With English Words

  1. Morvah Fair
  2. God Bless the Prince of Wales (Roud V1003)
  3. Trelawny (II) (Roud 3315)
  4. Trelawny (III) (Roud 3315)
  5. One and All (Solo)
  6. One and All (Unison)
  7. John Dory (Roud 249; Child 284)
  8. John Dory (Roud 249; Child 284) (unison)
  9. Padstow Hobby-Horse Songs: The Morning Song (Roud 305)
  10. Padstow Hobby-Horse Songs: The Day Song (Roud 305)
  11. John Sturtridge and the Piskies
  12. The Hal-an-Tow (Roud 1520)
  13. The Helston Furry, Flurry, Flora or Paddy Dance (Roud 9524)
  14. The Well of St. Keyne (Roud V41740)
  15. Cornish Bonfire Song
  16. The Story of Saint Just (Sequentia in honorem Sancti Justi Filii Regis Gerontii)
  17. Featherstone’s Doom
  18. A Composition by Glies Farnaby (Psalm 124)
  19. Am I Born to Die? (Roud 6678, Sacred Harp 47b)
  20. Cornish Funeral Music
  21. The Morning Flow'rs (Hymn)
  22. Shrinking From (Hymn)
  23. Thee we Adore (Hymn)
  24. The Pool of Pilate
  25. Merlin the Diviner
  26. The Old Waits Carol (Roud 702)
  27. The Old May-Day Carol (Roud 305)
  28. The Farmer’s Boy (Roud 408; Laws Q30; G/D 5:960)
  29. Sweet Nightingale (Roud 371)
  30. The Barley Mow (Roud 944)
  31. Lovely Nancy (Roud 37311)
  32. Seaners' (or Seiners’) Song (St. Ives)
  33. As Tom Was A-Walking (Old Cornish Song) (Roud 4587)
  34. The Three Knights (Roud 26; Child 11)
  35. Richard of Taunton Dean (Roud 382)
  36. Ann Tremellan (Roud 54; Child 84; G/D 6:1193; Henry H236)
  37. Sir John Barleycorn (Roud 164; G/D 3:559)
  38. Cold Blows the Wind Today Sweet-Heart (Roud 51; Child 78)
  39. Adam’s Fall (A Cornish Tale)
  40. Byngo (or Bingo) (Roud 589)
  41. The Jolly Waggoner (Roud 1088)
  42. The Jovial Begger (Roud 286; G/D 3:488)
  43. A Cornish Smuggler’s Song
  44. The Boats of Sennen (Cornish Fisher-Girl’s Song)
  45. A Grey Day
  46. The Mermaid (Roud 124; Child 289; G/D 1:27)
  47. Golden Vanitee (Roud 122; Child 286; G/D 1:37)
  48. Lowlands Low (Roud 8286)
  49. Spanish Ladies (Roud 687)
  50. Girls of Dub-i-lin Town (Roud 7989)
  51. Rio Grande (Roud 317)
  52. Boney (Roud 485)
  53. Haul Away, Joe (Roud 809)
  54. Reuben Ranzo (Roud 3282)
  55. Cornish Sailor’s Hornpipe (Miner’s Fancy)
  56. The Plains of Waterloo
  57. Soldiers' Shanty
  58. Stormalong (Roud 216)
  59. Blow the Man Down (Roud 2624)
  60. A Cornish Ox-Driver’s Song (Roud 686)
  61. Hurraw for Pinkie
  62. Off She Goes (Regatta Music)
  63. St. Just Cock Dance
  64. The Cornish Squire
  65. Falmouth Polka
  66. Zeak Waltz
  67. There Is a Tavern in This Town (Roud 18834; G/D 6:1171)
  68. The Plough-Boy (Roud 686)
  69. Widdecombe Fair (Roud 137)
  70. Ye Maids of Helston
  71. Come and I Will Sing You (Roud 133)
  72. The Irish Lady (Roud 180; Laws P9; G/D 6:1219; Henry H72)
  73. Frogpool March
  74. Point March
  75. School-Treat Marches
  76. Sunny Corner March
  77. Flight March
  78. No. 1 Quickstep
  79. Trevince March
  80. St. Aubyn Election Song
  81. A famous Cornish Tenor
  82. Charles Incledon
  83. Black-Eyed Susan (Roud 560; Laws O28)
  84. (Roud 12675)
  85. Crying the Neck
  86. The Pleasant Month of May (W. Beale)

Part II. Carols

  1. As I Sat on a Sunny Bank (Roud 700)
  2. The Seven Good Joys (Roud 278)
  3. The Cherry-Tree Carol (Roud 453; Child 54; G/D 2:327)
  4. God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen (I) (Roud 394)
  5. God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen (II) (Roud 394)
  6. As Joseph Was A-Walking (Roud 453; Child 54; G/D 2:327)
  7. A Virgin Most Pure (Roud 1378)
  8. The Holly and the Ivy (Roud 514)
  9. When God at First Created Man (Roud 8336)
  10. Choirs of Angels (Roud 46831)
  11. Hark, Hark, What News the Angels Bring! (Roud 389)
  12. Glad Tidings (Roud 389) (I)
  13. Glad Tidings (Roud 389) (II)
  14. High Let Us Swell Our Tuneful Notes (Roud 22023)
  15. While Shepherds (Old) (Roud 936)
  16. Whilst Shepherds (Roud 936)
  17. While Shepherds (New) (Roud 936)
  18. O Little Town of Bethlehem (Roud 24752)
  19. God's Dear Son (Roud 8324)
  20. Shepherds, Rejoice (Roud 7105)
  21. Angels From the Realms of Glory (Roud 8358)
  22. The Splendour (Roud 17139)
  23. New Park (Roud 8358)
  24. The Prince of Life (Roud 24715)
  25. Arise and Hail the Glorious Star (Roud 24394)
  26. Angels Proclaim (Roud 15685)
  27. Christians Rejoice (Roud V27241)
  28. Star of Bethlehem (Roud 8360)
  29. Heavenly Sound (Roud V5586)
  30. Holy Voices (Roud 24719)
  31. The Christmas Chanters
  32. Flaming Seraphs (Roud 8367)
  33. Awake! Ye Nations (I) (Roud V153)
  34. Awake! Ye NationsEarth (II) (Roud V153)
  35. Hark, What Music Fills Creation! (Roud 23685)
  36. Praise
  37. Awake With Joy, Salute the Morn! (Roud V498)
  38. Behold What Grace Appears! (Roud 3225)
  39. To Us a Child of Hope is Born (Roud 23719)
  40. Righteous Joseph (I) (Roud 1551)
  41. Righteous Joseph (II) (Roud 1551)
  42. The St. Day Carol (Now the Holly Bears a Berry) (Roud 514)
  43. Carol, Carol Christians (Roud 23735)
  44. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Roud 8337)
  45. O Well! O Well! (The First Nowell) (Roud 682)
  46. Oh, Christmas is Merry
  47. The Dilly Carol (Roud 133)
  48. Rouse, Rouse From Your Slumbers (Roud 3307)
  49. The Wassail Song (Roud 209)
  50. While Shepherds (New Tregoney) (Roud 936)

> Folk Music > Books > Ralph Dunstan: Cornish Dialect & Folk Songs

Cornish Dialect & Folk Songs

Ralph Dunstan: Cornish Dialect & Folk Songs

Ralph Dunstan,
Cornish Dialect & Folk Songs.
A sequel to the Cornish Song Book.
London: Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew, 1932
Padstow: Lodenek Press, 1972

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The Songs

The songs are referenced by page numbers.

  1. My Father Had a Horse (Roud 850)
  2. Old Grey Duck (Roud 3302)
  3. The Mallard (Roud 1517)
  4. The St. Keverne Fast Song
  5. Tom Bawcock’s Eve
  6. The Old “One and All”
  7. Jan Knuckey
  8. Whiskers on a Baby’s Face (Roud 114; Child 274; G/D 7:1460; Henry H21ab)
  9. Nawthen, 'cept You!
  10. Wheal Rodney (Roud 3316)
  11. Come All Ye Jolly Tinner Boy
  12. St. Gennys Fox-Hunting Song (Roud 3306)
  13. Alphabet Song (Roud 3303)
  14. Old Smuggler’s Song (Roud 3305)
  15. The New-Mown Hay
  16. Truro Agricultural Show (Roud 21219)
  17. The Crimean War 1853-6
  18. The Highwayman (Roud 490; Laws L12; G/D 2:260)
  19. The Soldier on the Battlefield (Roud 3304)
  20. “We Be” (Roud 3472)
  21. Zacky Treener and the Turnip Lantern
  22. Fray, Whither So Trippingly?
  23. The Flight of ‘Old Artful’
  24. Ould Mally Pidgey
  25. Fathom the Bowl (Roud 880)
  26. The Bold Privateer (Roud 1000; Laws O32; Henry H514)
  27. Truro Whitsun Fair
  28. Jonathan, James, and John
  29. What a Fine Hunting Day (Roud 1172)
  30. The Press Gang
  31. The Wild Rover (Roud 1173; G/D 7:1480)
  32. The Jolly Shilling (Roud 1116)
  33. Betsy Walton (Roud 1493; G/D 6:1160; TYG 74)
  34. Maggie May (Roud 5383)
  35. The Ringers of Egloshayle (Roud 1163)
  36. Old Daddy Fox (Roud 131; G/D 3:499; Henry H38)
  37. The Parson Outwitted

> Folk Music > Books > Ralph Dunstan: Cornish Song Book Part 1

Cornish Song Book Part 1

Ralph Dunstan: Cornish Song Book Part 1

Ralph Dunstan,
Cornish Song Book Part 1.
Lyver Canow Kernewek.
Padstow: Lodenek Press, 1974

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The Songs

The songs are referenced by page numbers.

  1. Bro Goth Agan Tasow (Land of My Fathers)
  2. Can Kerth Tus Kernow Goth (Old Cornwall March)
  3. Arta Ef a-Dhe
  4. Dynergh dhe Dus a Vreten Vyghan (Welcome to the Bretons)
  5. Kernow agan Mam-vro (A Cornish National Anthem)
  6. Yeghers da dhe'n Myghtern! (Here’s Good Health to the King!)
  7. Trelawny I (Roud 3315)
  8. Trelawny: Can Tus an Houlsedhas (Roud 3315)
  9. Trelawny II (Roud 3315)
  10. Trelawny III (Roud 3315)
  11. One and All (I)
  12. One and All (II)
  13. John Dory (Roud 249; Child 284)
  14. An arrangement for Union Singing

Padstow Hobby-Horse Songs

  1. Hobby-Horse Songs: The Morning Song (Roud 305)
  2. Hobby-Horse Songs: The Day Song
  3. A Four-Part Setting of an Older Form of the Day Song (Roud 305)
  1. John Sturtridge and the Piskies
  2. The Hal-an-Tow (Roud 1520)
  3. The Helston Furry, Flurry, Flora or Paddy Dance (Roud 9524)
  4. The Well of St. Keyne
  5. Crying the Neck
  6. A Cornish “Grace” (Grassyans Kens es Debry Bus)
  7. The Story of Saint Just (Sequentia in honorem Sancti Justi Filii Regis Gerontii)
  8. Featherstone’s Doom
  9. A Composition by Glies Farnaby (Psalm 124)
  10. Merlin the Diviner
  11. The Pool of Pilate
  12. The Old Waits Carol (Roud 702)
  13. The Old May-Day Carol (Roud 305)
  14. Adam’s Fall (A Cornish Tale)
  15. The Farmer’s Boy (Roud 408; Laws Q30; G/D 5:960)
  16. Sweet Nightingale (Roud 371)
  17. The Barley Mow (Roud 944)
  18. Lovely Nancy (Roud 37311)
  19. Seaners’ (or Seiners’) Song
  20. As Tom Was A-Walking (Old Cornish Song) (Roud 4587)
  21. The Three Knights (Roud 26; Child 11)
  22. Morvah Fair
  23. Ann Tremellan (Roud 54; Child 84; G/D 6:1193; Henry H236)
  24. Cold Blows the Wind ToDay Sweet-Heart (Roud 51; Child 78)
  25. Byngo (or Bingo) (Roud 589)
  26. The Jovial Begger (Roud 286; G/D 3:488)
  27. A Cornish Smuggler’s Song
  28. A Grey Day
  29. The Boats of Sennen (Cornish Fisher-Girl’s Song)

Sea-Songs and Shanties

  1. The Mermaid (Roud 124; Child 289; G/D 1:27)
  2. Boney (Roud 485)
  3. Haul Away, Joe (Roud 809)
  4. Reuben Ranzo (Roud 3282)
  5. Cornish Sailor’s Hornpipe (Miner’s Fancy)
  6. Blow the Man Down (Roud 2624)
  1. A Cornish Ox-Driver’s Song (Roud 686)

Cornish Regatta Music

  1. Starting Tune: Off She Gues
  2. Welcome Tune: Hurraw! for Pinke!
  1. The Old St. Just Cock Dance
  2. The Cornish Squire
  3. Falmouth Polka
  4. Zeak Waltz
  5. The Plough-Boy (Roud 686)
  6. Ye Maids of Helston
  7. The “Irish Lady”

Music at Sunday School Treats

  1. Sunny Corner March
  2. Frogpool March
  3. Point March
  4. No 1 Quick Step
  5. Flight March
  6. Trevince March
  1. The St. Auvyn Election Song
  2. This Pleasant Month of May