> Folk Music > Records > The Ballina Whalers: Lowlands


The Ballina Whalers: Lowlands (Hectoc Eclectic HE02CD)

The Ballina Whalers

Hectic Eclectic Records HE02CD (CD EP, UK, December 2012)

Mixed and mastered by Greg Freeman;
Artwork and design by Peter Beatty


Pete Truin, Jamie Doe, Sam Brookes


  1. Lowlands (Roud 681; Henry H469) (2.51)
  2. The Diamond (Roud 2172; G/D 1:11) (2.40)
  3. The Grey Funnel Line (3.43)
  4. The Humpback Whale (4.43)
  5. South Australia (Roud 325) (2.28)
  6. One More Pull (3.29)

Tracks 1-2, 5-6 trad. except
Track 3 Cyril Tawney;
Track 4 Harry Robertson;
Track 6 Ian Woods