> Folk Music > Records > The McPeake Family: Irish Traditional Folk Songs and Music

The McPeake Family: Irish Traditional Folk Songs and Music

The McPeake Family: Irish Traditional Folk Songs and Music (Topic 12T87)

Irish Traditional Folk Songs and Music
The McPeake Family

Topic Records 12T87 (LP, UK, 1963)

The McPeake Family: The McPeake Family (Topic 12T87)
The McPeake Family: The McPeake Family (Topic 12T87)

Recorded by Bill Leader in 1962

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Francis McPeake (father): vocals, uilleann pipes;
Francis McPeake (son): vocals, uilleann pipes;
Francis McPeake (grandson): vocals, uilleann pipes;
James McPeake: vocals, harp;
Kathleen McPeake: vocals, harp;
Tommy McCrudden: vocals


Side 1

  1. McLeod’s Reel (1.22)
  2. A Bucket of the Mountain Dew (Roud 938) (2.00)
  3. Eileen Aroon (Roud V21056) (2.30)
  4. An Durd Fainne (2.13)
  5. My Singing Bird (Roud V43884) (3.25)
  6. The Lament of Aughrim (4.18)
  7. Carraig Dun (The Dark Rock) (3.09)

Side 2

  1. The Derry Hornpipe (1.49)
  2. The Old Piper (Roud 3091) (1.53)
  3. Slieve Gallon Brae (Roud 1420) (2.01)
  4. Ireland, Boys, Hurrah (Roud 24108) (2.37)
  5. Cock Robin (Roud 494) (3.21)
  6. An Coolin (3.31)
  7. The Verdant Braes of Skreen (Roud 419; Henry H593) (3.37)

All tracks trad. except
Track 4 words Patrick Pearse, music trad.;
Track 5 words Edith Wheeler, music trad. Munster folk tune


This review is from Gramophone, September 1963:

Another record devoted to the music-making of a single family is to be found on Topic 12T87—The McPeake Family. Francis McPeake proved himself, right at the beginning of this century, to be one of the great Irish pipers and the talent seems to have been passed on to both his son and grandchild, both of whom, incidentally, are also named Francis. The LP contains three purely instrumental tracks (the pipe or pipes being accompanied by harp): McLeod’s Reel, The Derry Hornpipe and Lament of Aughrim, the last-named a remarkably moving performance. Among the other tracks is Kathleen McPeake’s version of a fine Gaelic song, Eileen Aroon, an ironic number–The Old Piper–about a piper who could only play one tune, and Carraig Dun, a song which belongs to the same family as The Mountains of Mourne.


Thanks to Alistair Banfield for the 2nd issue’s cover picture.

> Folk Music > Records > The McPeake Family: Wild Mountain Thyme

The McPeake Family: Wild Mountain Thyme

The McPeake Family: Wild Mountain Thyme (Topic TOP92)

Wild Mountain Thyme
The McPeake Family

Topic Records TOP92 (7" EP, UK, 1963)

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Recorded by Bill Leader in 1962


Francis McPeake (father): vocals [2-3], uilleann pipes [1];
Francis McPeake (son): vocals [2-3], uilleann pipes [1-3];
Francis McPeake (grandson): vocals [2-3], uilleann pipes [1];
James McPeake: vocals [2-4], harp [1-4];
Kathleen McPeake: vocals [2-3], harp [1];
Tommy McCrudden: vocals [2-3]


Side 1

  1. Juanita (3.07)
  2. Jug of Punch (Roud 1808; Henry H490) (2.45)

Side 2

  1. Will Ye Go Lassie, Go (Roud 541; G/D 4:862) (3.21)
  2. I Know My Love (Roud 60; Laws P25; G/D 6:1170; Henry H683) (3.12)


This review is from Gramophone, September 1963:

The McPeake family is also to be found on a Topic EP T0P92—Wild Mountain Thyme. This includes a version of Juanita (a song my grandmother used to sing, incidentally) performed by three pipes and harp, and sounding delicately baroque, as well as a memorable performance of Will Ye Go Lassie, Go.

> Folk Music > Records > The McPeake Family: Wild Mountain Thyme

The McPeake Family: Wild Mountain Thyme

The McPeake Family: Wild Mountain Thyme (Topic TSCD583)

Wild Mountain Thyme
The McPeake Family

Topic Records TSCD583 (CD, UK, 26 October 2009)

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This is a compilation of the two above records from 1963, the LP Irish Traditional Songs and the EP Wild Mountain Thyme.

Recorded by Bill Leader in 1962;
Production for CD release by Tony Engle;
Front cover photograph by Brian Shuel / Collections;
CD package designed by David Suff


Francis McPeake (father): vocals, uilleann pipes;
Francis McPeake (son): vocals, uilleann pipes;
Francis McPeake (grandson): vocals, uilleann pipes;
James McPeake: vocals, harp;
Kathleen McPeake: vocals, harp;
Tommy McCrudden: vocals


  1. Will Ye Go Lassie, Go (Roud 541; G/D 4:862) (3.21)
  2. I Know My Love (Roud 60; Laws P25; G/D 6:1170; Henry H683) (3.12)
  3. McLeod’s Reel (1.22)
  4. A Bucket of the Mountain Dew (Roud 938) (2.00)
  5. Eileen Aroon (Roud V21056) (2.30)
  6. An Durd Fainne (2.13)
  7. My Singing Bird (Roud V43884) (3.25)
  8. The Lament of Aughrim (4.18)
  9. Carraig Dun (The Dark Rock) (3.09)
  10. The Derry Hornpipe (1.49)
  11. The Old Piper (Roud 3091) (1.53)
  12. Slieve Gallon Brae (Roud 1420) (2.01)
  13. Ireland, Boys, Hurrah (Roud 24108) (2.37)
  14. Cock Robin (Roud 494) (3.21)
  15. An Coolin (3.31)
  16. The Verdant Braes of Skreen (Roud 419; Henry H593) (3.37)
  17. Juanita (3.07)
  18. Jug of Punch (Roud 1808; Henry H490) (2.45)

All tracks trad. except
Track 6 words Patrick Pearse, music trad.;
Track 7 words Edith Wheeler, music trad. Munster folk tune

> Folk Music > Records > The McPeake Family

Other records with the McPeake Family

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A Jug of Punch (HMV CLP 1327) Various Artists: A Jug of Punch: Broadside Ballads Old and New, LP, HMV CLP 1327, 1960

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Topic Sampler No 3 (Topic TPS166) Topic Sampler No 3 (Topic TPS166) Various Artists: Men at Work (Topic Sampler No. 3), LP, Topic TPS166, 1966

Topic Sampler No 4 (TPS 168) Topic Sampler No 4 (TPS 168) Various Artists: From Erin's Green Shore: Songs, Pipes & Fiddle Tunes in the Irish Tradition (Topic Sampler No. 4), LP, Topic TPS168, 1966

Songs of Courtship (Caedmon TC1142) Songs of Courtship (Topic 12T157) Various Artists: Songs of Courtship (The Folk Songs of Britain Vol. 1), LP, Caedmon TC1142, 1961; Topic 12T157, 1968

Jack of All Trades (Caedmon TC114) Jack of All Trades (Topic 12T159) Jack of All Trades (Topic 12T159) Various Artists: Jack of All Trades (The Folk Songs of Britain Vol. 3), LP, Caedmon TC1144, 1961; Topic 12T159, 1968

Folk in Focus (Fontana FJL 505) Various Artists: Folk in Focus, LP, Fontana FJL 505, 1968

Traditional Songs of Ireland (Saydisc CD-SDL 411) Various Artists: Traditional Songs of Ireland, CD, Saydisc CD-SDL 411, 1995

Song of a Road (Topic TSCD802) Ewan MacColl, Charles Parker, Peggy Seeger: Song of a Road (The Radio Ballads Vol. 2), CD, Topic TSCD802, 1999

Bards & Ballads (Topic TSCD701) Celtic Voices (Topic TSCD701) Various Artists: Celtic Voices / Bards & Ballads, CD, Topic TSCD701, 1995

Irish Voices (Topic TSCD702) Various Artists: Irish Voices, CD, Topic TSCD702, 1996

The Folk Collection (Topic TSCD707/8) Various Artists: The Folk Collection, 2 CD, Topic TSCD707/8, 1999

Sing Christmas and the Turn of the Year (Rounder 11661-1850-2) Alan Lomax: Sing Christmas and the Turn of the Year (The Live Christmas Day 1957 Broadcast on BBC Radio), CD, Rounder 11661-1850-2, 2000

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