> A.L. Lloyd > The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs
The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs
The Songs
The songs are referenced by page numbers of the original book.
- All Things Are Quite Silent (Roud 2532)
- As Sylvie Was Walking (Roud 170)
- The Banks of Green Willow (Roud 172; Child 24)
- The Banks of Newfoundland (Roud 1812; Laws K25)
- The Banks of Sweet Primroses (Roud 586)
- The Basket of Eggs (Roud 377)
- Benjamin Bowmaneer (Roud 1514)
- The Blacksmith (Roud 816)
- The Bold Benjamin (Roud 2632)
- The Bramble Briar (Roud 18; Laws M32)
- The Broomfield Hill (Roud 34; Child 43; G/D 2:322; Henry H135)
- The Cock-Fight (Roud 211; TYG 81)
- The Cruel Mother (Roud 9; Child 20)
- The Daughter of Peggy, O (Roud 117; Child 277; G/D 7:1282)
- Death and the Lady (Roud 1031)
- The Death of Queen Jane (Roud 77; Child 170)
- The Deserter From Kent (Roud 2510)
- The Devil and the Ploughman (Roud 160; Child 278)
- Droylsden Wakes (Roud 3290)
- The False Bride (Roud 154; G/D 6:1198)
- Fare Thee Well, My Dearest Dear (Roud 1035)
- Gaol Song (Roud 1077)
- The Gentleman Soldier (Roud 178)
- Geordie (Roud 90; Child 209)
- George Collins (Roud 147; Child 85)
- The Golden Vanity (Roud 122; Child 286)
- The Green Bed (Roud 276; Laws K36)
- The Greenland Whale Fishery (Roud 347; Laws K21)
- The Grey Cock / The Lover’s Ghost (Roud 179; Child 248)
- I Wish, I Wish (Roud 495)
- Jack the Jolly Tar (Roud 511; Laws K40)
- John Barleycorn (Roud 164)
- Lisbon (Roud 551; Laws N8)
- Long Lankin (Roud 6; Child 93)
- Lord Thomas and Fair Eleanor (Roud 4; Child 73)
- Lovely Joan (Roud 592)
- Lucy Wan (Roud 234; Child 51)
- The Manchester “Angel” (Roud 2741)
- The Man of Burningham Town (Roud 665)
- The Mermaid (Roud 124; Child 289)
- Mother, Mother, Make My Bed (Roud 32444)
- The New York Trader (Roud 478; Laws K22)
- O Shepherd, O Shepherd (Roud 1055)
- The Old Man from Lee (Roud 362; G/D 4:815)
- On Monday Morning (Roud 433; Laws Q6)
- One Night As I Lay on My Bed (Roud 672)
- The Outlandish Knight (Roud 21; Child 4)
- T’Owd Yowe Wi’ One Horn (Roud 1762)
- Oxford City (Roud 218; Laws P30)
- The Ploughman (Roud 2538)
- Ratcliffe Highway (Roud 598)
- The Red Herring (Roud 128; TYG 31)
- Robin Hood and the Pedlar (Roud 333; Child 132)
- Rounding the Horn (Roud 4706; Henry H539)
- The Royal Oak (Roud 951)
- The Sailor From Dover (Roud 180; Laws P9)
- A Sailor in the North Country (Roud 1504)
- A Sailor’s Life (Roud 273; Laws K12)
- Salisbury Plain (Roud 1487)
- The Ship in Distress (Roud 807)
- Six Dukes Went A-Fishing (Roud 78)
- The Streams of Lovely Nancy (Roud 688; Henry H520)
- The Trees They Grow So High (Roud 31; Laws O35)
- The Whale-Catchers (Roud 3291)
- When I Was a Little Boy (Roud 1706)
- When I Was Young (Roud 2583)
- Ye Mar’ners All (Roud 1191)
- The Young and Single Sailor (Roud 264; Laws N42)
- Young Edwin in the Lowlands Low / Young Emma (Roud 182; Laws M34)
- Young Girl Cut Down in Her Prime (Roud 2; Laws Q26)