> A.L. Lloyd > The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs

The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs

The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs (Penguin 1861)

The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs
Selected and edited by Ralph Vaughan Williams and A.L. Lloyd
Penguin Books, 1959

The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs (Penguin 1980)
Classic English Folk Songs (EFDSS 2003)

Classic English Folk Songs
Selected and edited by Ralph Vaughan Williams and A.L. Lloyd
Revised by Malcolm Douglas
English Folk Dance & Song Society, London, 2003
ISBN 0 85418 188 1

Musical Tradition review by Rod Stradling

The Songs

The songs are referenced by page numbers of the original book.

  1. All Things Are Quite Silent (Roud 2532)
  2. As Sylvie Was Walking (Roud 170)
  3. The Banks of Green Willow (Roud 172; Child 24)
  4. The Banks of Newfoundland (Roud 1812; Laws K25)
  5. The Banks of Sweet Primroses (Roud 586)
  6. The Basket of Eggs (Roud 377)
  7. Benjamin Bowmaneer (Roud 1514)
  8. The Blacksmith (Roud 816)
  9. The Bold Benjamin (Roud 2632)
  10. The Bramble Briar (Roud 18; Laws M32)
  11. The Broomfield Hill (Roud 34; Child 43; G/D 2:322; Henry H135)
  12. The Cock-Fight (Roud 211; TYG 81)
  13. The Cruel Mother (Roud 9; Child 20)
  14. The Daughter of Peggy, O (Roud 117; Child 277; G/D 7:1282)
  15. Death and the Lady (Roud 1031)
  16. The Death of Queen Jane (Roud 77; Child 170)
  17. The Deserter From Kent (Roud 2510)
  18. The Devil and the Ploughman (Roud 160; Child 278)
  19. Droylsden Wakes (Roud 3290)
  20. The False Bride (Roud 154; G/D 6:1198)
  21. Fare Thee Well, My Dearest Dear (Roud 1035)
  22. Gaol Song (Roud 1077)
  23. The Gentleman Soldier (Roud 178)
  24. Geordie (Roud 90; Child 209)
  25. George Collins (Roud 147; Child 85)
  26. The Golden Vanity (Roud 122; Child 286)
  27. The Green Bed (Roud 276; Laws K36)
  28. The Greenland Whale Fishery (Roud 347; Laws K21)
  29. The Grey Cock / The Lover’s Ghost (Roud 179; Child 248)
  30. I Wish, I Wish (Roud 495)
  31. Jack the Jolly Tar (Roud 511; Laws K40)
  32. John Barleycorn (Roud 164)
  33. Lisbon (Roud 551; Laws N8)
  34. Long Lankin (Roud 6; Child 93)
  35. Lord Thomas and Fair Eleanor (Roud 4; Child 73)
  36. Lovely Joan (Roud 592)
  37. Lucy Wan (Roud 234; Child 51)
  38. The Manchester “Angel” (Roud 2741)
  39. The Man of Burningham Town (Roud 665)
  40. The Mermaid (Roud 124; Child 289)
  41. Mother, Mother, Make My Bed (Roud 32444)
  42. The New York Trader (Roud 478; Laws K22)
  43. O Shepherd, O Shepherd (Roud 1055)
  44. The Old Man from Lee (Roud 362; G/D 4:815)
  45. On Monday Morning (Roud 433; Laws Q6)
  46. One Night As I Lay on My Bed (Roud 672)
  47. The Outlandish Knight (Roud 21; Child 4)
  48. T’Owd Yowe Wi’ One Horn (Roud 1762)
  49. Oxford City (Roud 218; Laws P30)
  50. The Ploughman (Roud 2538)
  51. Ratcliffe Highway (Roud 598)
  52. The Red Herring (Roud 128; TYG 31)
  53. Robin Hood and the Pedlar (Roud 333; Child 132)
  54. Rounding the Horn (Roud 4706; Henry H539)
  55. The Royal Oak (Roud 951)
  56. The Sailor From Dover (Roud 180; Laws P9)
  57. A Sailor in the North Country (Roud 1504)
  58. A Sailor’s Life (Roud 273; Laws K12)
  59. Salisbury Plain (Roud 1487)
  60. The Ship in Distress (Roud 807)
  61. Six Dukes Went A-Fishing (Roud 78)
  62. The Streams of Lovely Nancy (Roud 688; Henry H520)
  63. The Trees They Grow So High (Roud 31; Laws O35)
  64. The Whale-Catchers (Roud 3291)
  65. When I Was a Little Boy (Roud 1706)
  66. When I Was Young (Roud 2583)
  67. Ye Mar’ners All (Roud 1191)
  68. The Young and Single Sailor (Roud 264; Laws N42)
  69. Young Edwin in the Lowlands Low / Young Emma (Roud 182; Laws M34)
  70. Young Girl Cut Down in Her Prime (Roud 2; Laws Q26)