> Les Barker & The Mrs Ackroyd Band > Index of Songs and Poems

Index of Les Barker’s Songs and Poems

Initial letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y

> A

Across the Plains of Africa
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses;
Ken Bruce on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Tessa Peake-Jones on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Administerium and the Science of Unclear Physics
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle;
Heinz Wolff on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
All One Nation
Les Barker: Some Love;
Alison Younger and choir on Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies
All the Souls on Earth
Fiona Simpson on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
Nicholas Parsons on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker;
Les Barker: The War on Terrier
An Admission
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle;
Joss Ackland on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Les Barker: Arovertherapy;
Ian MacMillan on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Angels of the North
Phil Beer & Jackie Oates on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
An Infinite Number of Occasional Tables
Les Barker: An Infinite Number of Occasional Tables;
Roy Hudd on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
An Odd Kind of Ultimatum
Les Barker: The War on Terrier
Another Life
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog
Another Pint
Rod Paterson on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
Another Train
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!
Les Barker: Arovertherapy
Ashes of Time, The
Hilary Spencer on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
Auntie Beryl’s New PC
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!
Author’s Story, The
Les Barker: A Cardi and Bloke;
Tim Brooke-Taylor on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3

> B

Les Barker: Some Love
Belle’s Bonnie Bogey
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses
Ben Kenobi
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!
Beware of Young Ladies Who Have Three Breasts
Les Barker: Dogmatic
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog
Blessed Are the Meek
Les Barker: Arovertherapy;
Ryan Kelly on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses
Blood Donor, The
Les Barker: A Cardi and Bloke
Les Barker: Some Love
Bones and Booze and Sex
Les Barker: The Mrs Ackroyd Rock’n’Roll Show
Book of Kevin (Chapter One), The
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle
Born Under a Road Sign
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses
Boy Who Was Raised By Lemmings, The
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
Breaking Winds Suddenly
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle
Bungee Jumping for Lemmings
Jenny Agutter on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Les Barker: Dogologues

> C

Candlelight and Wine
Les Barker & the Mrs Ackroyd Band: Mrs Ackroyd Superstar!
Can’t Can’t, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Captain Indecisive
Trevor Peacock on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Cariad ar Goll
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Pete Morton on Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies
Charge of the Late Brigade, The
Clare Balding and Jimmy McGrath on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Chicken Biriani Conga
Les Barker: The Mrs Ackroyd Rock’n’Roll Show
Child, The
June Tabor on Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies
Les Barker: Arovertherapy;
Christopher Cazenove on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Church of the Wholly Undecided, The
Les Barker: The War on Terrier;
Les Barker: Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Civilised World, The
Les Barker: The War on Terrier
Cohen the Barbarian
Les Barker: Earwigo
Fiona Simpson on Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies
Cosmo, Prince of Denmark
Les Barker: A Cardi and Bloke
Cosmo Revisited
Les Barker: Probably the Best Album Ever Made By Anybody in Our Street
Cosmo, the Fairly Accurate Knife Thrower
Les Barker: A Cardi and Bloke;
Les Barker on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Crawl of the Light Brigade
Sally Boazman on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Crossword Compiler, The
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
Crucified on Your Old Broken Cross
Rod Paterson on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
Cruel Motherboard, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Crufts Conversation, A
Prunella Scales on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Curse of the House of the Baskervilles, The
Les Barker & the Mrs Ackroyd Band: Mrs Ackroyd Superstar!;
Mike Harding on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Custard Creams
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs;
Bill Caddick on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker

> D

Dachshunds With Erections Can’t Climb Stairs
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses;
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle;
Les Barker: Probably the Best Album Ever Made By Anybody in Our Street;
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
Dan Dare
Les Barker: Dogologues
David Beckham’s Groin
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!;
Les Barker: The War on Terrier
Dawning of the Day, The
Roy Bailey & Martin Simpson on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
Death by Daffodils
Frank Hennessy on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
Les Barker: Arovertherapy;
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!;
Dave Cash on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Diphtong, The
Les Barker: The War on Terrier
Dipstick and Seals
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!;
Steve Tilston on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Disaster at Sea
Les Barker: The War on Terrier;
Edward de Souza on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Distant Hills
Nonny James on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
Déjà Vu
Les Barker: A Cardi and Bloke;
Les Barker: Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Dog Formerly Known as Prince, The
Brian Matthew on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Don’t Say Goodbye
Lesley Davies on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
Do the Hunch
Les Barker: The Mrs Ackroyd Rock’n’Roll Show
Down from the Hills
Rod Paterson, Fiona Simpson, Cathy-Ann MacPhee on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
Down With the Sausage Roll
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses
Les Barker: Dogmatic
Dwarf, The
Les Barker: An Infinite Number of Occasional Tables

> E

Norma Waterson on Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies;
Norma Waterson on Mr Straw’s Hallway;
Norma Waterson on The Watersons: Mighty River of Song
Les Barker: Earwigo;
Les Barker: Probably the Best Album Ever Made By Anybody in Our Street
Les Barker: Some Love;
June Tabor: Angel Tiger
Eval Schmeval
Les Barker: Dogmatic
Eval Shmeaval
Les Barker: Dogologues
Everything Glows
Eliza Carthy on Les Barker: Some Love;
Eliza Carthy on Les Barker: Probably the Best Album Ever Made By Anybody in Our Street;
Eliza Carthy on Mr Straw’s Hallway;
Genevieve Tudor on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker

> F

Farting Lass, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Fastest Accountant in the West, The
Les Barker & the Mrs Ackroyd Band: Mrs Ackroyd Superstar!
First Love
Fiona Simpson on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
Flat Earth
Les Barker: Dogmatic
Flowers of the Field, The
Chris Harvey on Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies;
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog
Foolish Dreams
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog
Franco-Prussian War of the Spanish Succession, The
Dave Cash on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3

> G

Garden Waste
Jenny Agutter on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3;
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
Get a Long Little Dogie
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs;
June Tabor on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Les Barker: The War on Terrier
Going Down to Metal Bridge
Nick Dow, Bernard Wrigley on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
Go, Stay and Fetch
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle;
Judi Spiers on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Grey Tunnel Line
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs
Guide Cats for the Blind
Les Barker: Arovertherapy;
Les Barker: Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Guillemot, The
Les Barker: A Cardi and Bloke

> H

Les Barker: Arovertherapy
Hard Cheese of Old England, The
Martin Carthy on The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings;
Martin Carthy on Les Barker: Probably the Best Album Ever Made By Anybody in Our Street;
Martin Carthy on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Harvey Andrews Chorus
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs
Have You Got Any News of the Iceberg?
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle;
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs;
Terry Wogan on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker;
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
Heart of the Heartland
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog
Heavy Plant Crossing
Les Barker: A Cardi and Bloke
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog
Heckmondwike Rapist, The
Les Barker: Dogmatic
Hell’s Alsatians
Les Barker: The Mrs Ackroyd Rock’n’Roll Show
Hip Hop Hamlet
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Holland’s Meat Pies
Les Barker & the Mrs Ackroyd Band: Mrs Ackroyd Superstar!;
Les Barker: Earwigo
Home Fit for Heroes
Les Barker: Some Love
Home Improvement
Michael Cochrane on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Les Barker: Some Love
House of the Rising What ?, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Hunting the Cutty Wren
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings;
Martin Carthy: The Carthy Chronicles;
June Tabor: Always
Hypochondria Kid, The
Les Barker: An Infinite Number of Occasional Tables

> I

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Beef Dripping
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
I Can’t Find My Camouflage Net
Les Barker: An Infinite Number of Occasional Tables;
Peter White on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
I Don’t Like My Boomerang
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle;
Emma Chambers on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
I Drive a Mitsubishi Brick Shogun
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Joss Ackland on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
If Rivers Turned and Flowed Upstream
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog
I Have Blown It All Away
Les Barker: Some Love;
Lesley Davies on Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies
I Live Not Near the Louvre
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs
Ilkley D’Amour
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses
I’ll Bring You My Song
Les Barker: Some Love
Les Barker: Arovertherapy;
Trevor Peacock on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Inflatable Boy, The
Les Barker: The War on Terrier
In the Dark Around the Table
Les Barker: Earwigo
In the Dark of Night
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog
In the Snow of Deep Midwinter
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings
Irish Tune, The
Les Barker: Dogmatic
Irrational Neutscene
Les Barker: A Cardi and Bloke
I Stand Here Alone on the Beach
Lesley Davies on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
It Eppinged Long Ago
Les Barker: Earwigo
It’s Always in the Last Place You Look
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
It Was the Surprise More Than Anything
Billy Butler on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker;
Les Barker: The War on Terrier
I Used to Be a Singer in a Rock Band
Tony Hawks on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
I’ve Got a Hunch You Don’t Love Me, Esmeralda
Les Barker: The Mrs Ackroyd Rock’n’Roll Show
I Will Love You in the Setting of the Sun
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog

> J

January June, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses
Jason and the Arguments
Les Barker: An Infinite Number of Occasional Tables;
Les Barker: Probably the Best Album Ever Made By Anybody in Our Street;
Mark and Lard on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Jean Gordon
Savourna Stevenson, June Tabor, Danny Thompson: Singing the Storm
Jehovah’s Witness at the Door
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings;
Allan Beswick on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Johnny, You’re So Peculiar
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses

> K

King Harold Was a Ventriloquist
Les Barker: Dogologues;
Les Barker: Probably the Best Album Ever Made By Anybody in Our Street;
Gerard McDermott on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
King of Rome, The
Sic Transit on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Kippers for Tea
Les Barker & the Mrs Ackroyd Band: Mrs Ackroyd Superstar!
Roger Lloyd Pack on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs

> L

Lassie Free and Easy
Cyril Tawney on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Last But One of the Mohicans, The
Les Barker: Arovertherapy;
Paul Gambaccini on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Last Inch of Freedom, The
Pete Morton on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
Latha dhomh ’s mi gabhail a’ mhonaidh
Cathy-Ann MacPhee on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
Leader of the Treens
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses
Lead Kindly Light
Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies
Lemmings’ Reunion, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!;
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Leonardo Da Thingy
Andrew Sachs on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings
Lonely Little Lemming, The
Les Barker on The Children in Need Album;
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle
Lord Franklin
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!
Lorna the Library Book Burglar
Les Barker: Dogologues;
Nonny James on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Lost Elephants of Denbigh, The
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
Lots of Oil
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!

> M

MacPherson’s Lament
Ken Bruce on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Maid of Melrose Town, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Mange Tout
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
Man Next Door’s a Burglar, The
Johnnie Walker on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Man Who Was Eaten By His Own Bum, The
Bernard Wrigley on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!
Marie Depreste, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Mask of Mono, The
Robert Lindsay on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Maybe Then I’ll Be a Rose
Savourna Stevenson, June Tabor, Danny Thompson: Singing the Storm;
June Tabor: Rosa Mundi;
June Tabor: The Definitive Collection;
June Tabor: Always
Minding the Store
Les Barker: Some Love
Missing Persians File
Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Moby Nigel
Les Barker: Dogmatic
Les Barker: Arovertherapy
Monologue ’87
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle
Morecambe Bay-o Bayou Gumbo
Les Barker: The Mrs Ackroyd Rock’n’Roll Show
Morning Road, The
Alison Younger & Hilary Spencer on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
Les Barker: An Infinite Number of Occasional Tables
Mrs Ackroyd
Les Barker & the Mrs Ackroyd Band: Mrs Ackroyd Superstar!
Mrs Ackroyd Rock’n’Roll Show, The
Les Barker: The Mrs Ackroyd Rock’n’Roll Show
Mrs Groves
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Murder Ballad, A
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!
Mute Swan
Tim Brooke-Taylor on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
My Bag for Life Has Just Died
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
My Blessings on Barra
Alison Younger on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
My Granny’s a Wild Flying Dove
Les Barker & the Mrs Ackroyd Band: Mrs Ackroyd Superstar!
My Husband’s Got No Porridge in Him
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses
My Phone’s Out of Order
Peter Donaldson on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
My Snails Have Not Yet Arrived
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings;
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle;
Timothy West & Prunella Scales on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
My Stock of Ovaltine
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel

> N

Nancy and Willie
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings
Napoleon at Your Service
Les Barker: Dogmatic
Napoleon’s Circular Retreat from Reading
Jeremy Vine on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Nashnul Front Song
Les Barker: Dogmatic
Nathan and Garrett and Cody
Nonny James on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
Les Barker: Dogologues
Nigel’s Blues
Les Barker: Dogmatic;
Les Barker: The Mrs Ackroyd Rock’n’Roll Show
Nobody Hugs a Hedgehog
Les Barker: An Infinite Number of Occasional Tables;
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses;
Nonny James on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Nobody’s As Old As Derek Brimstone
Les Barker: The War on Terrier
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs
No May
Prunella Scales on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Non-dairy Creamer
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Non Sequitors
Roger Lloyd Pack on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Nose of Allan Dale, The
Les Barker: Earwigo

> O

Odd Socks
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle
Ode to Joy
Les Barker: The War on Terrier
Ode to Joy Beverley
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!
Oh Lord When I Die
Joss Ackland on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
On and On
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
One-legged Horse, The
Les Barker: A Cardi and Bloke;
Roger Lloyd Pack on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
One-Way Cul-de-Sac
Rodney Bewes on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
On Me Way to Dover
Nick Dow on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
On Performing Poetry
Andrew Sachs on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Orifice Was an Italian Composer
Les Barker: A Cardi and Bloke
O sole mio
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs

> P

Peking Swallow, The
Les Barker: Dogmatic
Phoenix, The
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle;
Nicky Campbell on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Place of the Wolf, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog
Pony and Crap
Les Barker: Earwigo
Pulling a Hat Out of a Rabbit
Les Barker: Dogmatic

> Q

Quasi B Goode
Les Barker: Dogmatic;
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings
Les Barker: Dogologues
Queen Cruelty
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog;
June Tabor: Always

> R

Railways of New York, The
Jack Hudson on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
Rod Paterson, Lesley Davies on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
Reg the Vegetable Gardener
Sir Jimmy Young on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Reg Was a Lonely Glow Worm
Les Barker: An Infinite Number of Occasional Tables;
Norma Dixit on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Reinstalling Windows
Les Barker: Arovertherapy
Remember, All Those Years Ago
Les Barker: Some Love
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Rise and Fall of Ghenghis Ackroyd, The
Les Barker & the Mrs Ackroyd Band: Mrs Ackroyd Superstar!
Roseville Fair
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!;
June Tabor: Always
Roy of the Rovers Is Gay
Les Barker: Dogologues

> S

Safe Haven
Dave Burland on Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies
Saigon 1989, Hong Kong 1997
Les Barker: Some Love
Sam Lithgow’s Fleas
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Sammy’s Bar Revisited
Cyril Tawney on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Saudi Sidney
Les Barker: The Mrs Ackroyd Rock’n’Roll Show
Schwarzenegging Song, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses
Scott of East Acton
Les Barker: Dogologues
Secret, The
Edward de Souza on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Self Knowledge
Ryan Kelly on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Send in the Cones
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel
Seven Years’ Franco-Prussian War of the Spanish Succession, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses
Sex Is Better than Poetry
Les Barker: The War on Terrier
She Moves Through the Fair
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings
Shipping Forecast, The
Les Barker: A Cardi and Bloke;
Brian Perkins on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Shi Tzu
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
Sic Transit on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Sleep on, My Darling
Lesley Davies on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
Sloop John A
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs
Coope Boyes and Simpson on Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies
Sparky’s Magic Contraceptive
Les Barker & the Mrs Ackroyd Band: Mrs Ackroyd Superstar!;
Les Barker: Dogologues
Special Light of Lonely Islands, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog
Spencer’s Dog Rover
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!
Spheres of Influence
Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies
Spot of the Antarctic
Les Barker: A Cardi and Bloke;
Nonny James on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Spot, the Eternal Dalmatian
Les Barker: An Infinite Number of Occasional Tables
Spot the Zebra
Les Barker: Arovertherapy
Spot Was Not Like the Rest
Ed Stewart on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Sarah Kennedy on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Stamped Addressed Antelope
Les Barker: Arovertherapy;
Ned Sherrin on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Stay, Go and Fetch
Les Barker: Probably the Best Album Ever Made By Anybody in Our Street
Stealth Comma, The
Les Barker: The War on Terrier;
John Humphrys on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Steven and Stella
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings
Stones on the Hill, The
June Tabor on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
Such a War Has Never Been
Martin Carthy, Dave Swarbrick: Skin and Bone;
Martin Carthy, Dave Swarbrick: 100 Not Out;
Martin Carthy: Rigs of the Time: The Best of Martin Carthy;
Martin Carthy: The Carthy Chronicles
Sudden Waves
June Tabor: Angel Tiger;
June Tabor: Anthology

> T

Take me Back to Lewis
Lesley Davies on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
Tam Lin
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Gnus and Roses
Tasdan a’righ ’s feileadh an t-saighdeir
Cathy-Ann MacPhee on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
Techno Notice
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs
Ted Crum
Les Barker: The Mrs Ackroyd Rock’n’Roll Show
There’s a Hole in My Bodhrán
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!
They Make the Laws
Hilary Spencer on Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies
This Love
Les Barker: Some Love
Top Cat, White Tie and Tails
Nonny James on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
Top of the World, The
Steve Tilston on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
Tortoise from Hell
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings
Towers of London
Fiona Simpson on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
Tracey and Trevor
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
Trains of Waterloo, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings
Travel Iron
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle;
Genevieve Tudor on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
Tu Haiku
Dave Cash on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Turn Me Round
Michael Kennedy on Les Barker: Twilight of the Dogs
Turn of the Road, The
June Tabor: Against the Streams;
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog
Two Per Cent
Phil Beer on Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies

> U

Undead Parrot, The
Desmond Carrington on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau, The
Les Barker: Dogmatic
Unigate Milkman, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Yelp!;
Galliard on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Unnecessary People
Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies

> V

Verb To Be, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel;
Les Barker: Daydream Retriever
Very English Thing, A
Les Barker: The War on Terrier;
Trevor Peacock on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Les Barker & the Mrs Ackroyd Band: Mrs Ackroyd Superstar!
Les Barker: Arovertherapy;
Charlotte Green on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker;
Les Barker on Nowt So Funny As Folk

> W

Wall of Death
Les Barker: Some Love
Waltz for Nobody
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Airs of the Dog
War Horse Town
Steve Tilston on Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies
Waste Not, Want Not
Les Barker: An Infinite Number of Occasional Tables;
Gerard McDermott on Guide Cats for the Blind: Songs & Poems of Les Barker
Weakest Link, The
Les Barker: Arovertherapy
Weddell Waddle Penguins-O
Les Barker: The Mrs Ackroyd Rock’n’Roll Show;
Les Barker: Probably the Best Album Ever Made By Anybody in Our Street
When Dracula Went to the Blood Bank
Les Barker on Where Would You Rather Be Tonight?
When Joneses Ale Caught Fire
Les Barker: Dogmatic
Where Do You Go To, My Doris?
Les Barker & the Mrs Ackroyd Band: Mrs Ackroyd Superstar!
Why Do Cafés Close at Teatime?
Les Barker: Up the Creek Without a Poodle
Wide Ocean
Janet Russel on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
William Patel Ouverture, The
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Oranges and Lemmings
Will the Turtle Be Unbroken?
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Tubular Dogs;
Tom Paxton on Missing Persians File: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 2
Witch of Fauldshope, The
Savourna Stevenson, June Tabor, Danny Thompson: Singing the Storm

> Y

Y Files, The
Les Barker: Arovertherapy;
Gerard McDermott on Top Cat, White Tie & Tails: Guide Cats for the Blind Vol. 3
You Ebb and Flow
Rod Paterson on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish;
Janet Russel on Les Barker: The Stones of Callanaish
You Won’t Like Tom Jones
The Mrs Ackroyd Band: Dark Side of the Mongrel