> Ewan MacColl > Index of Songs

Index of Ewan MacColl’s Songs

Initial letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y

> A

Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads
Alan Tyne o’ Harrow
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Ale-Wife, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Cold Snap
All You Maidens Sweet and Kind
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All
Amang the Blue Flowers and the Yellow
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
American Stranger, The
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: Still I Love Him;
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Love Songs
Andrew and His Cutty Gun
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Andrew Lammie
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 5
Andro and His Cutty Gun
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
An Item of News
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News
Any Complaints
Ewan MacColl: Barrack Room Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads
Arden of Faversham
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Paper Stage, Vol. 1
Are Ye Sleeping, Maggie?
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: Still I Love Him;
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Love Songs
As I Came in By Fisherrow
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Cold Snap
As I Went Out One May Morning
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC46;
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album
Asphalter’s Song
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC39;
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album
Auld Matrons
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 3
Ay Waukin, O
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns

> B

Ballad of Accounting
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
Ballad of Bentley and Craig, The
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases
Ballad of New Poland
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC71
Ballad of Stalin, The
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC54
Ballad of the Five Fingers, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger on Songs Against the Bomb
Ballad of the Trades
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Ballad of Wadi Maktilla, The
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All;
Ewan MacColl: Barrack Room Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads
Band of Shearers, The
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
Banks of Sweet Dundee, The
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC102;
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs
Banks of the Nile, The
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads
Banks of the Royal Canal, The
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases
Barbara Allen
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel
Bark Gay Head, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford
Barnyards o’ Delgaty, The
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC39;
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs
Baron of Brackley, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Folk Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection
Baron o’ Leys, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases
Barring of the Door
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip
Bartley Explosion
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip
Battle of Harlaw, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Bawbee Allan
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume II;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads
Beggar Laddie, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Beggar Man, The
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Folk Ballads
Begger Laddie, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads
Bessie Bell and Mary Gray
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume IV;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads
Best Little Door Boy, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Second Shift
Bird in the Bush, The
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Love Songs;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Black and White
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
Black Ball Line, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: The Black Ball Line;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Chants de Marins Anglais No 2;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Singing Sailors;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Haul on the Bowlin’;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: A Sailor’s Garland;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Harry H. Corbett: Blow the Man Down;
Ewan MacColl on Sea Songs and Shanties (Topic Sampler No 7)
Black Velvet Band, The
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Blantyre Explosion, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Shuttle and Cage;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Bleacher Lassie of Kelvinhaugh, The
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: Still I Love Him
Bless ’Em All
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All;
Ewan MacColl: Barrack Room Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads
Blind Beggar’s Daughter of Bethnal Green, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Great British Ballads Not Included in the Child Collection
Blow Away the Morning Dew
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Love Songs
Blow the Candle Out
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album;
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
Blow Ye Winds Hi-Ho
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford
Blythesome Bridal
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads
Bogie’s Bonnie Belle
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
Bold Poachers, The
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Bold Richard, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel
Bonnie Annie
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs
Bonnie Banks of Airdrie, The
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases
Bonnie Bunch of Roses, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs
Bonnie Earl o’ Murray, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume IV;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 4
Bonnie Hoose o’ Airlie, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume I;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Bonnie Lass of’ Fyvie, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs
Bonnie Lass o’ Fyvie, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs
Bonnie Moorhen, The
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions
Bonnie Wee Lassie Who Never Said No, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
Bonny Bunch of Roses, The
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Bonny Hind, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 4
Braes o’ Balquither, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads
Bramble Briar (Strawberry Town), The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Brave Honest Jack Tar
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Cold Snap
Braw Wooer, A
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Brewer Laddie, The
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC49;
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album;
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs;
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
Brewer’s Daughter, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs
Brisk Young Lad, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
Broomfield Hill, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume II;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Broom of Cowdenknowes, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume II;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 3—Child Ballads
Brother Did You Weep
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
Brother Won’t You Join in the Line?
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger on Songs Against the Bomb
Brown Adam
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 5
Browned Off
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC57;
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All;
Ewan MacColl: Barrack Room Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads
Brown Girl (Lord Thomas and Fair Annet), The
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads
Burning o’ Auchendoun, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume IV;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads
Burning of Auchendoun, The
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album

> C

Calton Weaver, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Second Shift;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Cam Ye O’er Frae France
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: Black and White;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Cannily, Cannily
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Shuttle and Cage;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads
Captain Ward and the Rainbow
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume IV;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Captain Wedderburn’s Courtship
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume IV;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 3—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Card Playing Song
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Champions and Sporting Blades;
sEwan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Bold Sportsmen All;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Roy Harris: Bold Sportsmen All: Gamblers and Sporting Blades
Carrion Crow, The
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip
Champion at Keepin’ ’em Rolling
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Shuttle and Cage
Charlie He’s My Darling
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions
Charlie, O Charlie
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs
Cherry Tree, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III
Chevaliers’ Muster Roll, The
Ewan MacColl on The World Library of Folk and Primitive Music: Scotland
Child Maurice
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 2
Child Waters
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 1
Chylde Owlet
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: No Tyme Lyke the Present;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 2
Clerk’s Twa Sons o’ Owsenford, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 4
Clyde’s Water
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume IV;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 1;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Coachman and His Whip, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Coal-Owner and the Pitman’s Wife, The
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC55;
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Shuttle and Cage;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads
Coast of Peru, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford
Cobbler, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Cock o’ the Midden
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs
Collier Laddie
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC48;
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Second Shift;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection
Colour Bar Strike, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Second Shift
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All
Come All Ye Tramps and Hawkers
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs
Cooper o’ Cuddy, The
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Cooper o’ Fife, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume II;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Cosher Bailey’s Engine
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC78;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Shuttle and Cage
Crafty Farmer, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows;
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Crooked Crosses, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger on Songs Against the Bomb
Cruel Mother, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume IV;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Cuckoo’s Nest, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse

> D

Davie Faa
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs
Day We Went to Rothesay, O, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
D-Day Dodgers, The
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All
Death of Bill Brown, The
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases
Deil’s Awa Wi’ th’ Exciseman, The
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Derek Bentley
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford
Devil’s Nine Questions, The
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip
Dirty Old Town
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC56;
Ewan MacColl: Black and White;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Dockyard Gate, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: A Sailor’s Garland
Dolphin, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: A Sailor’s Garland
Donald Blue
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
Donald MacGillavry
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions
Don’t Be Surprised
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News
Douglas Tragedy, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Dowie Dens o’ Yarrow, The
Ewan MacColl on The World Library of Folk and Primitive Music: Scotland;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Dreadnought, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Harry H. Corbett: The Singing Sailor;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Row Bullies Row;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Chants de Marins Anglais No 1;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Singing Sailors;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Off to Sea Once More;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: The Coast of Peru;
Ewan MacColl on Sea Songs and Shanties (Topic Sampler No 7)
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: No Tyme Lyke the Present
Driver’s Song, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: No Tyme Lyke the Present;
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
Droylsden Wakes
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Second Shift;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads;
Ewan MacColl on Folk Songs: A Collection of Ballads & Broadsides (Topic Sampler No 6)
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
Dull Monday
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Cold Snap
Duncan Grey
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Durham Strike, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Second Shift
Dusty Miller, The
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Dying Soldier, The
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads

> E

Earl of Aboyne, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume IV;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Earl of Errol, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads
Edom o Gordon
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: No Tyme Lyke the Present;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 1
Elfin Knight, The
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 3—Child Ballads
Eppie Morrie
Ewan MacColl: HMV B10260;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume I;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 3

> F

Fair Annie
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 1
Fair Ellen
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 3—Child Ballads
Fair Flower of Northumberland
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 2
False Knight on the Road, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 1
False Lover Won Back, The
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads
Farewell to Sicily
Ewan MacColl: Barrack Room Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Fare Ye Well My Auld Wife
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads
First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Folk on 2
Fishes Song, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Matching Songs of the British Isles and America
Fishy Crab, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Cold Snap
Fitba’ Crazy
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC102;
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs
Fitting Out, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford
Flying Cloud, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Harry H. Corbett: The Singing Sailor;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Singing Sailors;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Haul on the Bowlin’
Foggy Dew, The
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Love Songs;
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
Football Crazy
sEwan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Bold Sportsmen All
Fortress Song, The
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads
Forty Miles
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: No Tyme Lyke the Present
Four Loom Weaver
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC40;
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album;
Ewan MacColl on The World Library of Folk and Primitive Music: England;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Shuttle and Cage;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Fourpence a Day
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC39;
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC93;
Ewan MacColl on The World Library of Folk and Primitive Music: England;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Shuttle and Cage;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads;
Ewan MacColl on Folk Songs: An Anthology (Topic Sampler No 2);
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Fowler, The
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Friendless Mary
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs
Frolicksome Duke or The Tinker’s Good Fortune, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Paper Stage, Vol. 1
Furze Field, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse

> G

Gaelic Football (Football Crazy)
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Champions and Sporting Blades;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Roy Harris: Bold Sportsmen All: Gamblers and Sporting Blades
Gairdener Chylde, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Gairdner Child, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III;
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads
Galloway Tam
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Game of ‘All Fours’, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Gauger, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: The Black Ball Line;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Chants de Marins Anglais No 2;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Singing Sailors;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Haul on the Bowlin’;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: The Coast of Peru
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: Still I Love Him;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel
Gernutus, The Jew of Venice
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Paper Stage, Vol. 2
Get Up and Bar the Door
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume I;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Ghost Army of Korea, The
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All;
Ewan MacColl: Barrack Room Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases
Gil Morice
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Girl at Stzalinvaroz
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC75
Glasgow Peggy
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume II;
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 3
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 3—Child Ballads
Go Down Ye Murderers
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Go Down You Murderer
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases
Goodbye Fare You Well
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford
Govan Pool-Room Song
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Champions and Sporting Blades;
sEwan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Bold Sportsmen All;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Roy Harris: Bold Sportsmen All: Gamblers and Sporting Blades
Great Conspiracy, The
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News
Green Grow the Rashes O
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
Greenland Whale Fishery, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford
Gresford Disaster, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Shuttle and Cage;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads;
Ewan MacColl on Folk Songs: A Collection of Ballads & Broadsides (Topic Sampler No 6);
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Grey Cock, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III
Gypsy Laddie, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Matching Songs of the British Isles and America;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads

> H

Hand Me Down Me Petticoat
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads
Hand Me Down My Petticoat
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All
Handsome Cabin Boy, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: The Black Ball Line;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Chants de Marins Anglais No 2;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Shanties & Fo’c’sle Songs;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Off to Sea Once More;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: A Hundred Years Ago;
Ewan MacColl on Sea Songs and Shanties (Topic Sampler No 7)
Harbour of Typee, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford
Hard Case
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases
Haughs o’ Cromdale, The
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Haul Away for Rosie
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: A Sailor’s Garland
Heir o’ Lynne, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III
Henry Martin
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC77;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 3—Child Ballads
Hey Ca’ Thro’
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Hey, How, Johnny Lad
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads
Highland Muster Roll, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs;
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
Hilo John Brown
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: A Sailor’s Garland
Hind Horn
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume I;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
His Old Grey Beard Kept Waggin’
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Matching Songs of the British Isles and America
Holy Well, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Great British Ballads Not Included in the Child Collection
Homeward Bound
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Hughie Graeme
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Hughie the Graeme
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Folk Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Hundred Years on the Eastern Shore, A
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford

> I

If You Want the Bomb
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News
I Hae a Wife o’ My Ain
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
I Loved a Lass
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads
I’m a Freeborn Man
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: No Tyme Lyke the Present
I’m a Rover
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
I Maun Hae a Wife
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
I’m a Working Chap
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
I’m Champion at Keepin’ ’em Rolling
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC39;
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album
Iron Horse, The
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC93;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Second Shift;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads
Iron-Moulder’s Wedding, The
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
It Happened on a Day
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
It’s Only Propaganda
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC75
It Was Under My Love’s Window
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Love Songs
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases
I Wish That You Were Dead, Guidman
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs

> J

Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip
James Herries
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 5
Jamie Foyers
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC55;
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album
Jamie Raeburn’s Farewell
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows
Jenny Nettles
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip
Jimmy Wilson
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Jock Hawk’s Adventure in Glasgow
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
Jock Hawk’s Adventures in Glasgow
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
Jock o’ the Side
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 1
Jock the Leg
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume IV;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Johnnie Cope
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Johnnie o’ Breadisley
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume II;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads
Johnny Breadisley
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC77
Johnny Cope
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl on Folk Songs (Topic Sampler No 1)
Johnny Lad
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC48;
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC49;
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs
Johnny o’ Breadiesley
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Johnny Sangster
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Cold Snap
Johnny Todd
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC78;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Harry H. Corbett: The Singing Sailor;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Row Bullies Row;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Singing Sailors;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Off to Sea Once More;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: A Hundred Years Ago;
Ewan MacColl on Folk Songs: A Collection of Ballads & Broadsides (Topic Sampler No 6)
Join the British Army
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All;
Ewan MacColl: Barrack Room Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads
Jolly Beggar, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume II;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Joy of Living, The
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News;
Ewan MacColl: Black and White;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Folk on 2
Jumpin John
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Just As the Time Was Flowing
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip

> K

Keach in the Creel
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC46;
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume II;
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Kilroy Was Here
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
King Lear and His Three Daughters
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Paper Stage, Vol. 1
Kissin’s No Sin
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs

> L

Lady Diamond
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 2
Lady Maisry
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 4
Lag’s Song, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Cold Snap
Laird o’ Drum, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume I;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 4;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Laird of the Dainty Doon Bye, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
Laird o’ Logie, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 3
Laird o’ Wariston, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 2
Lamachree and Megrum
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
Lament for the Death of a Nobody
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Landlady, Count the Lawin
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Lang A-Growing
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Great British Ballads Not Included in the Child Collection
Lang Johnnie More
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 1;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Lassie Wi’ the Yellow Coatie
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs
Last Chance
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: No Tyme Lyke the Present
Leaving of Liverpool, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: A Sailor’s Garland
Lion’s Den, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs
Little Sally Racket
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: A Sailor’s Garland
Long Lankin
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III
Looking for a Job
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News;
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
Lord Gregory
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume IV;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Lord Randal
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Folk Ballads
Lord Randall
Ewan MacColl: HMV B10259;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume I;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads
Lord Thomas and Fair Annie
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads
Lothian Hairst, The
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland

> M

MacLean’ Welcome
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions
MacPherson’s Lament
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs
Maggie Lauder
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs
Maid Gaed tae the Mill, The
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
Maid Gaed to the Mill, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Maid of Australia, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Maid of Reigate, The
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Manchester Angel, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Manchester Rambler, The
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
Man’s a Man for A’ That, A
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Matty Groves
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC40;
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows
Media, The
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume I;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows;
Ewan MacColl on A Prospect of Scotland (Topic Sampler No 5);
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Miss Brown
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs
Modiewark, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Molecatcher, The
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Monymusk Lads, The
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
Mormond Braes
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads
Morrissey and the Russian Sailor
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Champions and Sporting Blades;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Gamblers and Sporting Blades;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Roy Harris: Bold Sportsmen All: Gamblers and Sporting Blades;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Moses of the Mail
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC51;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Shuttle and Cage;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads
Mother, The
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News
Moving-On Song, The
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
Muckin’ o’ Geordie’s Byre, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs;
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
My Apron Now
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads
My Last Farewell to Stirling
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs
My Old Man
Ewan MacColl: Black and White;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Folk on 2
My Sailor Boy
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Matching Songs of the British Isles and America
My Son David
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume II;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads

> N

Nicky Tams
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs
Nobody Knew She Was There
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
No More
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News
Now We’re Laying in Rio
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford

> O

Off to Sea Once More
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger: Whaler Out of New Bedford
Oh, Dear Me (The Jute Mill Song)
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Second Shift;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Old Lady All Skin and Bones
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip
One Night As I Lay on My Bed
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Only Doing Their Job
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News
On the Move
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All
On the Move Tonight
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads
O Sally My Dear
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Love Songs
O That I Had Ne’er Been Married
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Our Goodman
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume I;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads

> P

Paddy Doyle
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Harry H. Corbett: The Singing Sailor;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Row Bullies Row;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Chants de Marins Anglais No 1;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Singing Sailors;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Off to Sea Once More
Parliamentary Polka
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Cold Snap
Pegging Awl, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Penny Wager, The
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Piper o’ Dundeen, The
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions
Plodder Seam, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Shuttle and Cage
Polonium 210
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News
Poor Paddy Works on the Railway
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC50;
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Shuttle and Cage;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger on Men at Work (Topic Sampler No 3)
Press Gang, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel;
Ewan MacColl: Black and White;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Proud Lady Margaret
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads

> Q

Queen Eleanor’s Confession
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 3

> R

Rantin Dog, the Daddie O’t, The
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Rantin Laddie, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume I;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Rattlin Roarin’ Willie
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Reel o’ Stumpie, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs
Reels of Stumpie, O, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs
Reynard the Fox
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Champions and Sporting Blades;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Gamblers and Sporting Blades;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Roy Harris: Bold Sportsmen All: Gamblers and Sporting Blades
Richie Story
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume I;
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip
Road and the Miles to Dundee, The
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
Rob Roy
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume III
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Round Cape Horn
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel
Roving Hielan’ Man, A
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Row Bullies Row
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Harry H. Corbett: The Singing Sailor;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Row Bullies Row;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Chants de Marins Anglais No 1;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Shanties & Fo’c’sle Songs;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Haul on the Bowlin’
Roy’s Wife of Aldivalloch
Ewan MacColl on The World Library of Folk and Primitive Music: Scotland;
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: No Tyme Lyke the Present

> S

Sailor’s Alphabet, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: A Sailor’s Garland
Scarborough Fair
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Matching Songs of the British Isles and America
Scranky Black Farmer, The
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland
Second Front Song, The
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All;
Ewan MacColl: Barrack Room Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads
Seven Virgins, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Great British Ballads Not Included in the Child Collection
Seven Years in the Sand
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All;
Ewan MacColl: Barrack Room Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads
Sheath and Knife
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 5;
Ewan MacColl: Black and White
Sheep Crook and Black Dog
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Sheep-Stealer (I Am a Brisk Lad), The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection
Sheffield Apprentice
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC56;
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album;
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Matching Songs of the British Isles and America
Shepherd and His Wife, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads
Shepherd Lad, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume I;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
She’s Fair and Fause
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
She Was a Rum One
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Shoals of Herring, The
Ewan MacColl: Black and White;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Folk on 2
Sir Patrick Spens
Ewan MacColl: HMV B10260;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume II;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 4
Sixteen Tons
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC97
Song of the Iron Road, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Second Shift;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Spanish Tragedy, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Paper Stage, Vol. 2
Spence Broughton
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases
Spinning Wheel, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Folk on 2
Sporting Races of Galway, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Champions and Sporting Blades;
sEwan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Bold Sportsmen All;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Roy Harris: Bold Sportsmen All: Gamblers and Sporting Blades
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: The Black Ball Line;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Chants de Marins Anglais No 2;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Singing Sailors;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Off to Sea Once More
Such a Parcel o’ Rogues in a Nation
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Suffolk Miracle, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 1
Superintendent Barratt
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases
Swan-Necked Valve, The
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC79;
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC97;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Second Shift
Sweet Kumadee, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Matching Songs of the British Isles and America;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
“Sweet Kumadie”, The
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Folk Ballads
Sweet William (The Famous Flower of Serving Men)
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 3—Child Ballads

> T

Tail Toddle
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs
Taming of a Shrew, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Paper Stage, Vol. 1
Tam Lin
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Cold Snap
Tattie-Lifting Song, The
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Tell Me Boys Have You Any Complaints
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All
There’s Cauld Kail in Aberdeen
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
There’s Three Brave, Loyal Fellows
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions
There Was a Puggie in a Well
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Matching Songs of the British Isles and America
Thirty-Foot Trailer
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Folk on 2
This Is No My Ain House
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions
Thomas Rhymer
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume I;
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads
Three Ravens, The
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 1—Child Ballads
Threshing Machine, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Through Moorfields
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel
Tibbie Dunbar
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Tibbie Fowler
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads
Titus Andronicus’s Complaint
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Paper Stage, Vol. 2
To Daunton Me
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News
Tom’s Gone to Hilo
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: A Sailor’s Garland
To the Begging I Will Go
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
To the Beggin’ I Will Go
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection
To the Weavers Gin Ye Go
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Love Songs
Trafford Road Ballad
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC71
Treadmill Song
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows
Trooper and the Maid, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume II;
Ewan MacColl: Classic Scots Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Ballads
Trooper Cut Down in His Prime, The
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All;
Ewan MacColl on The Unfortunate Rake
True Love
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip
Tunnel Tigers, The
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Turpin Hero
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Roy Harris: Bold Sportsmen All: Gamblers and Sporting Blades;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Turpin–Sugar Ray Fight, The
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Champions and Sporting Blades;
sEwan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Bold Sportsmen All;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Roy Harris: Bold Sportsmen All: Gamblers and Sporting Blades
Twa Magicians, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 5
Twenty-One Years
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Second Shift
Two Brothers, The
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip

> U

Union of the Fire Brigade, The
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC57
Un-Public Public
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl: Items of News

> V

Van Diemen’s Land
Ewan MacColl: HMV B10259;
Ewan MacColl, Isla Cameron, The Topic Singers: Untitled Album;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd, Harry H. Corbett: The Singing Sailor;
Ewan MacColl: Scots Street Songs;
Ewan MacColl, A.L. Lloyd: Singing Sailors;
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases;
A.L. Lloyd, Ewan MacColl: Off to Sea Once More;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Chorus From the Gallows;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Vintner, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Virginia Lags
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: No Tyme Lyke the Present

> W

Wae’s Me for Prince Charlie
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl
Waly, Waly
Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl: Two-Way Trip
Wanton Seed, The
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Wark of the Weavers, The
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC93;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Shuttle and Cage;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads
Warning Piece to England Against Pride and Wickedness, A
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Paper Stage, Vol. 2
Wars of Germany, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs
Weary Pund o’ Tow, The
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Traditional Songs and Ballads
Wee Cooper o Fife, The
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC102
Wee Drappie O’t, A
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
Wee, Wee German Lairdie, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Folk Songs;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Popular Scottish Songs;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions
We Poor Labouring Men
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: The Manchester Angel
We’re A’ Jolly Fu’
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
We’re Gayly Yet
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
Wesver Lassie of Kelvin Haugh, The
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Love Songs
Wha’ll Mow Me Now?
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
What Can a Young Lassie Do Wi an Auld Man?
Ewan MacColl: Songs of Robert Burns
When She Came Ben She Bobbit
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs
When This Ruddy War is Over
Ewan MacColl: Bless ’Em All;
Ewan MacColl: Barrack Room Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads
Whiskey in the Jar
Ewan MacColl: Bad Lads and Hard Cases
White Wind
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Folk on 2
Will Caird
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Second Shift;
Ewan MacColl with Peggy Seeger: Steam Whistle Ballads
Willie MacIntosh
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 4
Will Ye Gang to the Hielands? (Geordie)
Isla Cameron, Ewan MacColl: English and Scottish Love Songs
Will Ye Go to Sheriffmuir
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions
Will Ye No’ Come Back Again?
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions
Wind Blew the Bonnie Lassie’s Plaidie Awa’, The
Ewan MacColl: Scots Drinking Songs;
Ewan MacColl: Bothy Ballads of Scotland;
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: The Wanton Muse
Wull Cayrd
Ewan MacColl: Topic TRC79

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Ye Hae Lien Wrang Lassie
Ewan MacColl: Solo Flight
Ye Jacobites by Name
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Jacobite Rebellions;
Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl
Young Beichan
Ewan MacColl: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads: Vol. 2—Child Ballads
Young Johnstone
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 3
Young Peggy
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger: Blood & Roses Vol. 3
Young Trooper Cut Down in His Prime, The
Ewan MacColl: Barrack Room Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: Bundook Ballads;
Ewan MacColl: The Definitive Collection;
Ewan MacColl: An Introduction to Ewan MacColl